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Everything posted by Vote4Pedro

  1. Same here.... but still very frustrating on management not obtaining anyone. I don’t care at this point if they bring the cashier from Jewel Osco in to pitch over Lopez
  2. He’s gonna leave Reylo out there to the wolves tonight with how we’ve used our pen lately
  3. When does this shit show end with this dude, I don’t understand why we continue to trot him out there
  4. And here comes the circus show of Lopez....hunker down guys get your popcorn ready
  5. What makes you think EE and Mazara need to keep playing? Not trying to be an A hole about this just curious?
  6. Ricky is too busy staring at the back of his bubble gum card and won’t want this
  7. He needs to influence Eloy on how to lay off an outside slider.
  8. The parrot is gonna be in Brookfield zoo here soon—-Ozzie 😂
  9. 1/3 of your lineup are automatic outs. When you have 2 of those holes hitting back to back there isn’t much momentum you are gonna put together
  10. Benetti actually brought this rule up the other day too because I was under the assumption you could get pulled whenever as well
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