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About PtownSoxfan

  • Birthday 09/01/1981

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    Peoria, IL

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  1. De Aza scored in the first. Drew a walk, groundout by Kep and Sanchez wild pitch with Dunn AB.
  2. With the word being he only wants to play for a contender im not sure why HE would seriously consider us or the red sox right now. And i agree with pretty much everyone else on this one. No way to Javi. I dont care what he has left, he was one of THE most frustrating pitchers to watch in the last decade. All the talk and flashes of talent dont make up for 5 innings of dominant baseball, followed immediately by a complete breakdown n putting the team in a hole. Thats not an innings eater to me, its an innings waster. Good luck in DC there "big game".
  3. He just signed with Boston last week I believe. And regarding Soriano being rep. by Boras, two things, both of which may not matter but I'll bring it up anyway #1- there's the possibility that he wont get as much as he could have had (at least for this season) had he not opted out of his contract with NY, which can tend to sour a player on their current management #2- are there any known issues between Hahn & Boras that would put a definitive no on this? Would Kenny be okay with Hahn dealing with a Boras client? Or is it simply an organizational philosophy that goes from Jerry on down, no Boras client signings under any circumstances? I know that it HAS been the case the last decade, however with Kenny moving up (in title), im curious to know what if any effect that has on dealings with guys like Boras
  4. Players- Buehrle, Thomas, Paulie, Minnie
  5. Sorry I should have clarified, I meant signing Rafael not trading for Alfonso.
  6. I dont see the money being spent or even considered seriously but.. Soriano? Certainly wouldnt be the worst move in the world.
  7. QUOTE (The Ultimate Champion @ Dec 21, 2012 -> 07:34 PM) I was at that game too. IIRC wasn't that the same game where Jeff Kent bit off a chunk of Hee-Sop Choi's ear? AJ leaving the Sox is a lot like how you feel when a great humanitarian passes away. What do you say? What can you say? There aren't enough words for it. AJ is one of the greatest & most influential players in franchise history and he is also responsible for some of the greatest moments in franchise history. I have faith he'll be back here again, maybe even as a player to retire in our uniform, but until that day, a piece of my heart is going to reside in Texas. AJ, you know how I feel about you. This
  8. I appreciate the fact that the Sox are not paying Youk at all.
  9. Please, no. The last thing I want to see is Uribe's power stroke that causes his to throw his hands in the air like he just crushed the ball 550 feet, only to fly out in short LF 300+ times this year. Maybe a minor league deal and a late inning defensive replacement if injuries plague the team by July and he's still sitting out there, but spending any significant $ on him is silly.
  10. Long time lurker, first time poster. Grew up in St. Louis. Most of my family are/were Cardinal fans. Have current family that works at Busch Stadium. My grandpa is in the amateur wing of the Cards HOF. Never was a big fan of the team though. We got WGN pretty early on and I gravitated towards the Cubs & Sox when I was a kid. I really became a Soxfan around 91.. new park, Frank of course, Hawk & Wimpy, Blackjack, and to a 10 year old kid.. the coolest uniforms in the game. The Cubs just seemed old hat, boring and as I got older, their fans and the whole loveable loser mentality really turned me off and I became a full blown Sox fan and emersed myself in the game as a whole and the team itself. Not sure why ive waited so long to post either, ive been following this board off and on (mostly on) for over 7 years now (didnt actually register until last year). Love it here.
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