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Curt Schilling


Red Sox


Nov. 12 - The Boston Herald reports that Schilling has agreed to speak with the Yankees about terms of a trade that would bring the workhorse right-hander to the Bronx to finish his career. Previously Schilling had waffled over his willingness to waive his no-trade clause and accept a possible deal to the Yankees.

The Herald went on to speculate that the Yankees and Diamondbacks could be working on a three-team deal that would include first basemen Nick Johnson and Richie Sexson, with Johnson going to Milwaukee and Sexson to Arizona. Previously, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch mentioned a possible three-way deal that included the Cardinals, not the Brewers. Schilling and Jim Edmonds would go to the Yankees, Jeff Weaver and Alfonso Soriano to the Diamondbacks and Nick Johnson and Danny Bautista to the Cardinals.


Magglio Ordoñez



Nov. 12 - The Chicago Tribune reports the White Sox have begun quietly shopping Ordoñez after talks regarding a contract extension bogged down. Ordoñez will earn $14 million next season, then become a free agent. The White Sox reportedly don't believe they can afford to re-sign him.

One possible suitor the paper mentions is Anaheim, whose new owner is looking to make a splash and, according to the Tribune's sources, might be willing to deal closer Troy Percival or center fielder Darin Erstad.


Odalis Perez


White Sox


Nov. 12 - A report in the L.A. Times says Perez is high on the shopping lists of both the Cardinals and White Sox, with St. Louis reportedly willing to deal outfielder Jim Edmonds for Perez. Chicaco is said to be offering either left fielder Carlos Lee or first baseman Paul Konerko, who began his career with the Dodgers.



Billy Koch



Nov. 12 - The Mets reportedly are pursuing Koch to be their closer, hoping the combination of manager Art Howe and pitching coach Rick Peterson can help Koch recover the form that enabled him to save 44 games for Oakland in 2002. After being traded to Chicago, Koch's number dropped dramatically. He saved only 11 games and had a 5.77 ERA for the White Sox last season.

The Chicago Tribune cites a White Sox source that confirmed the teams are talking, with the Mets reportedly pushing Chicago to take Roger Cedeño and his bad contract in return.



Alex Rodriguez

Red Sox





Nov. 12 - Cold water from all angles doused Tuesday's report in New York Newsday that the Rangers, Red Sox and Angels had discussed a possible three-team trade that would have sent Rodriguez to Boston, Nomar Garciaparra to Anaheim and David Eckstein and a few pitchers to Texas.

Multiple reports out of the GMs meetings in Phoenix quoted representatives of all three teams, plus A-Rod's agent Scott Boras, dismissing the report as pure fiction. However, those same reports acknowledge that A-Rod trade rumors are the hottest topic in the lobby of the Biltmore, despite a firm denial from Rangers GM John Hart.


"We have the player, we like the player, and we're going to retain the player," Hart told a small cluster of reporters, according to the Boston Globe. "I don't want this to be the Alex Rodriguez watch here as we go along, because that's simply not the case."



Richie Sexson




Nov. 12 - Arizona's interest in Sexson apparently is such that they're considering a three-way trade with the Brewers and Yankees that would send Curt Schilling to New York and Sexson to the Diamondbacks. Sexson is scheduled to make $8.6 million next season, and the Brewers suddenly are facing a big-time cash crunch.

Brewers GM Doug Melvin told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel he hasn't been ordered to trade Sexson or outfielder Geoff Jenkins, but the reality is the team likely cannot afford to keep both players and still remain under its projected salary budget for 2004.


Reports of the possible three-way deal with the D-Backs and Yankees indicate New York would be willing to send first baseman Nick Johnson to the Brewers, where he would replace Sexson. Previous reports indicate the D-Backs would be willing to send Milwaukee three or more players from among a group that includes infielder Junior Spivey, first baseman Lyle Overbay, outfielder Danny Bautista, pitchers John Patterson and Oscar Villarreal and catcher Chad Moeller.


Jim Edmonds




Nov. 12 - The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports Edmonds' list of teams to which he'd approve a trade under the terms of his limited no-trade clause include the Dodgers, Angels, Padres, Yankees, Diamondbacks, Braves and Rangers.

Coincidentally (or not), two of the teams said to be pursuing Edmonds in recent trade talks are the Dodgers and Yankees. L.A. reportedly is willing to deal pitchers Odalis Perez or Guillermo Mota, while the Yankees were said to be discussing a three-way deal that would bring Edmonds and Curt Schilling to New York.


With the Cardinals looking for pitching this offseason, the Dodgers reports might have some credence.

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Probably because the Sox are asking for something else if they give up Lee or that the Dodgers countered with Lee..that would be my guess.


It could also be the Sox are willing to sweeten the pot with cash considerations or another player if they take Konerko, who knows.

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ordonez for percival and propects works for me...but i dont want Erstad, wasnt he injured last year...my trade would be

To Sox: Troy Percival, (top 10)RHP prospect, and a position prospect

To Angels: Ordonez

the angels want ordonez and they have no need for percival with weber,K-rod, and those other good bullpn guys....and the sox need a good closer and to get rid of salary, but they have to get a top teir propect with him. :usa

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My first goal would be to try and get Krod and Percy but i doubt thats gonna happen.


So I'd try for Kennedy if the Sox want an upgrade at 2nd or go with Davannon and a pitching prospect.


I should add that I still prefer Soriano for Maggs. If the Sox are gonna take on money in the deal (Which is what they'd do in the angels by taking Percy's contract) then they could just as well take Soriano who won't make too much and then give someone like Foulke or Hawkins and someone else closer money. This way u get two studs for one instead of one for one.

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Perez fell out of love in LA last year. I would love him, but who would play LF is we give them CLee. If we give them Kong, great, no worries. But we already have no CF, what'd happen with no LF. If we could move Koch, I would take Percival too. I personally do not want Darin Erstad.

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Perez fell out of love in LA last year. I would love him, but who would play LF is we give them CLee. If we give them Kong, great, no worries. But we already have no CF, what'd happen with no LF. If we could move Koch, I would take Percival too. I personally do not want Darin Erstad.

Erstad has 24 million over 3 years left on his deal. Unattractive...

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Perez fell out of love in LA last year. I would love him, but who would play LF is we give them CLee. If we give them Kong, great, no worries. But we already have no CF, what'd happen with no LF. If we could move Koch, I would take Percival too. I personally do not want Darin Erstad.

If you move Koch for Cedeno, albeit it not my favorite the Sox do improve in the area of speed and when healthy Cedeno is an asset. THe question is how much can you count on him. The nice part is, Reed can fill in for him and so can Rowand but early in the season you can stick him near the top of the order and let him make some things happen.


I don't want to deal LEe, but at the same time I'd love getting Perez. I don't think the Dodgers would give up any of their worth while prospects so I'd like to see the Sox work something out to give them Konerko and someone else....MAYBE JOSE.


Don't be shocked if Jose gets moved. I get the sneaking suspicion that he's gonna be somewhere else come January 1st. Matsui isn't gonna be on the market or at least not likely and lets just say a shortstop with Jose's power could have a lot of spark and someone like the Dodgers shortstop could fit in nice to Ozzie's style. Not saying he's as good as Jose now, but defensively Itzuris is a wiz and he will become a pretty solid offensive player and he already is against lefties. The fact is you get Perez and a stud shortstop defensively and if your building around pitching your gonna want that, although Jose also had great range. Itsuris is good though, I see him make a lot of great plays when watching the Dodger games on tv.


Some type of Konerko/Jose/Prospect for Perez and Itzuris not bad...imo...not sure if Evans does it, make it Lee/Jose for Perez/Itzuris and a prospect and I think it be interesting. Either way I see a few possibilities in LA and of course Maggs is an option there too.

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Injuries too. The reason we are trying to ship Magglio is money. The reason the Angels are trying to ship Erstad is because of money, and they have someone ready to play OF (Jeff DaVannon).

From what I've heard, the Angels may not be that high on DaVannon. Anderson and Salmon are kind of stuck and then you have Erstad who is gonna be really tough to move. While Erstad could move to first opening up an outfield slot, their is also talk that Palmerio or a vet like that will wind up at first and also more talk that Spiezo will be back. Moreno seems to want to get a big name outfielder and shortstop and if he moves one of his contracts he has the ability to get both.

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I thought that, but then this is picking up an option so that becomes a little more likely of a possibility. Its not like Sox negotiating with someone out of house and then trading them. In this case they are picking him up at a price they feel will be marketable to other teams, without negotiating.


I heard Gammons say he'd be incredibly shocked if matsui even got 7 mill, and now he's not even planning on entering which means teams have an option at Tejada or no one, which will definately shoot the value up for someone like Jose who has home run power.

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I would not do either of the Erstad or Percival deal. I wouldn't do Erstad because he barely plays and when he does play he isn't all that good. I would rather trade Maggs for Washburn, Shields, and a prospect or two then resign Gordon. If the sox did that deal then we wouldn't need a closer like Percival and the rotation question marks would be answered.

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i really think the sox will end up trading Jose, because alot of teams need a power hitting shortstop/third baseman...but...the sox don't. it doesnt look like the sox will be able to afford a decent competative team with out trading 3 of our high priced hitters...yeah thats right!!!, 3 out of...thomas,ordonez,konerko,koch,lee, and valentin.


Without trading 3 of the 6, the sox will not have a good enough team to compete in the AL central, cuz i know i sound crazy but, all the other teams seem t improve as the sox get worse (Twins,Royals, and next year the indians). this will be a long interesting offseason. Good luck KW! :usa

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With that move, YASNY, where does AaRow fit in? If he ever deserves his shot, its this year. He has been biding his time, and IMO deserves a shot. Maggs being traded could still give him a shot if the Angels did that trade.

I was thinking either Erstad or Rowand in LF, the other in CF and Carlos move to 1B.

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As long as it doesnt entail a trade of CLee somewhere, I have no beefs with that. I just don't see how you can move a 27-28 year old OFer who is just coming into his own.

I don't think moving Carlos would be a problem as he does have infield experience. He can up as a 3B, so he can field a ground ball. Plus, Carlos is probably as good as he is going to get defensively in LF. In 2 to 3 years, he'll start regressing.

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A trade that might be doable is Konerko for Erstad. One for one.  With Fullmer and Spezio gone, the Angels could use a 1B.  Erstad fits our needs pretty well and they make about the same type of money.  Erstad is 2 years older than PK.

Erstad is breaking down really Quick. I agree he's a good talent but he's a Human Hospital. If Kong is traded I want Speizio or try to get Lee from the Fish.


If the sox trade Maggs I want a ML player a ML ready prospect and another Prospect and maybe even a lower level prospect. Remember Anderson, Reed and maybe Nanita are not far away from the south side

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I don't think moving Carlos would be a problem as he does have infield experience.  He can up as a 3B, so he can field a ground ball.  Plus, Carlos is probably as good as he is going to get defensively in LF.  In 2 to 3 years, he'll start regressing.

Er, sorry YASNY, by moving him, I meant we shouldnt move him to another team, not to another position. Sorry, guess my word choice was a bit vague.

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Erstad is breaking down really Quick. I agree he's a good talent but he's a Human Hospital. If Kong is traded I want Speizio or try to get Lee from the Fish.


If the sox trade Maggs I want a ML player a ML ready prospect and another Prospect and maybe even a lower level prospect. Remember Anderson, Reed and maybe Nanita are not far away from the south side

Trading Konerko for Erstad involves risks taken by both teams, which therefore, makes it an equitable deal. Sox risk: Will Erstad be able to stay healthy. Angels risk: Will Konerko rebound to the hitter he has been in the past.


The point of this deal is that Konerko fits the Angels needs and Erstad fits ours. You swap salaries and risks, but if either works out, someones needs get met. If you don't make this deal, neither team's needs are addressed.

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