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My complete opinion on the KW-MB crisis


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Ok "old roman", I dont know where you get off ripping on Mark that way. You know nothing. Not a damn thing. Your just one of those lonely people that have nothing better to do, than sit around getting off stirring the s***pot. I was with Mark at the what you call the "Cardinals dinner". It's actually called the St. Louis Chapter BBWAA 45th dinner. Add that to your know it all book. It has nothing to do with the CARDINALS!!!!!!!!!! It's 1 of 3 AWARD SHOWS held in the nation. He recieved an award from the BBWAA. Here let me spell that out for you. BaseBall Writers Association of America. I dont see Cardinals dinner in there anywhere, do you? KirK Rueter of the Giants was there also. I guess he's a bad guy now isn't he? Oh yeah, Isaac Bruce of the Rams was there too. I guess he's gonna quit football because the Cardinals want him to,huh?  Get your facts straight, before running your mouth. OK now about the money. Do you work? Do you want more money? Yes 8 million would be nice to you and I for what we do. What Mark does is his job, and whether you like it or not they get paid alot of money for what they do. They want a guaranteed deal for 4 years, not three. Thats why he didn't sign,i guess you already new that though! How do I know what I'm talking about, because Mark's my brother, those are the facts. Keep writing the funnt s***, so I can keep laughing at you along with everybody else!!!!!!!!!!1

Ok, first off, I thought he was offered seven million over three years and I dont know Mark so I didnt know that he wanted four years instead of three (could you please explain why the years were such a big deal?) and this is why I was mad. I thought why would you turn down such a great offer? Then I learned he was offered 300,000 and even tho Im KWs biggest supporter I gotta say thats just sad. So I apologized in the thread "My apologies" which is at the bottom of the page or on the second page, depending how your boards set up. I really do like having Buehrle on the team but I have a bit of a temper and when I came home I was mad and I saw everyone rippin KW after he made some great moves and I thought that was messed up and I flipped. So Im sorry for what I said about your brother...

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Guest hotsoxchick1
its ok ldf no one reads your stuff anyhow......... :o

ohhhh that hurts, where is roman when i need him. :headbang

up to his chin in the sand waiting on the high tide to roll in???? i dont know......where?????? :headbang

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(could you please explain why the years were such a big deal?)

My guess(meaning it is just that - a guess) is the fact that with a 3-year deal, he would only be here till 2005....where instead, he would be here till 2006 with no contract....and he'd get more money if he just went through arbitration or if they reached an agreement after next year.


That'd be my best guess....because Carlos Lee is a FA next year, though he'll only have spent about 5 years with the Sox(after next year)....FA comes after 6 years. Mark may have declined it because of what I explained above....but Jason may be able to give us a better idea. I don't know.

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Ok "old roman", I dont know where you get off ripping on Mark that way. You know nothing. Not a damn thing. Your just one of those lonely people that have nothing better to do, than sit around getting off stirring the s***pot. I was with Mark at the what you call the "Cardinals dinner". It's actually called the St. Louis Chapter BBWAA 45th dinner. Add that to your know it all book. It has nothing to do with the CARDINALS!!!!!!!!!! It's 1 of 3 AWARD SHOWS held in the nation. He recieved an award from the BBWAA. Here let me spell that out for you. BaseBall Writers Association of America. I dont see Cardinals dinner in there anywhere, do you? KirK Rueter of the Giants was there also. I guess he's a bad guy now isn't he? Oh yeah, Isaac Bruce of the Rams was there too. I guess he's gonna quit football because the Cardinals want him to,huh?  Get your facts straight, before running your mouth. OK now about the money. Do you work? Do you want more money? Yes 8 million would be nice to you and I for what we do. What Mark does is his job, and whether you like it or not they get paid alot of money for what they do. They want a guaranteed deal for 4 years, not three. Thats why he didn't sign,i guess you already new that though! How do I know what I'm talking about, because Mark's my brother, those are the facts. Keep writing the funnt s***, so I can keep laughing at you along with everybody else!!!!!!!!!!1

Hey dude, welcome aboard. Your brother's a helluva pitcher and I'm damn glad he's in silver and black.

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Ok "old roman", I dont know where you get off ripping on Mark that way. You know nothing. Not a damn thing. Your just one of those lonely people that have nothing better to do, than sit around getting off stirring the s***pot. I was with Mark at the what you call the "Cardinals dinner". It's actually called the St. Louis Chapter BBWAA 45th dinner. Add that to your know it all book. It has nothing to do with the CARDINALS!!!!!!!!!! It's 1 of 3 AWARD SHOWS held in the nation. He recieved an award from the BBWAA. Here let me spell that out for you. BaseBall Writers Association of America. I dont see Cardinals dinner in there anywhere, do you? KirK Rueter of the Giants was there also. I guess he's a bad guy now isn't he? Oh yeah, Isaac Bruce of the Rams was there too. I guess he's gonna quit football because the Cardinals want him to,huh?  Get your facts straight, before running your mouth. OK now about the money. Do you work? Do you want more money? Yes 8 million would be nice to you and I for what we do. What Mark does is his job, and whether you like it or not they get paid alot of money for what they do. They want a guaranteed deal for 4 years, not three. Thats why he didn't sign,i guess you already new that though! How do I know what I'm talking about, because Mark's my brother, those are the facts. Keep writing the funnt s***, so I can keep laughing at you along with everybody else!!!!!!!!!!1

Everybody at WSI seems to think that Mark turned down a "sweet" offer from KW. You know this whole thing makes me sick to my stomach. I really enjoy watching your bro pitch. That's exactly what he is a "pitcher" a real rarity these days where everybody is so in love with the radar gun. Keep Mark healthy and tell him he has one fan here whereever he pitches. If I owned the team I'd do my level best to get him signed for the long term.

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Thanks for that info. Its nice to hear what the story is from someone who knows.


I always speculate, but its impossible to really know whats going on. I'm also glad you brought up the point it wasn't a Cardinals dinner. He made one comment, that doesn't mean he wants to leave the Sox. I'm sure every player in the majors has a favorite team, but it doesn't mean he's going to be playing there.


Anyway, hopefully the Sox can get a deal done with your bro in another year. He's an amazing pitcher and one I'd like to see on the southside for a long long time.


I hate hearing everyone saying he's going to go to St. Louis, because I've never heard him say it stinks in Chicago or that he wants to go elsewhere.

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I hate hearing everyone saying he's going to go to St. Louis, because I've never heard him say it stinks in Chicago or that he wants to go elsewhere.

MB loves the Sox, in terms of team, fans, things like that. He would stay forever if he gets treated right. And one thing (of many) that I like about mB is that after what happened with the $15,000 last year, he still went out and got 19 wins and never a word in public of b****ing or show boating or griping, and of course, there have no MB quotes his year either - he keeps his mouth shut and plays ball and bides his time. I don;t think any permanent damage has been done yet, nothing that can't be undone vis a vis the Sox and MB, but I sure wish KW would do the right thing now rather than leave it still as it is.

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Ok "old roman", I dont know where you get off ripping on Mark that way. You know nothing. Not a damn thing. Your just one of those lonely people that have nothing better to do, than sit around getting off stirring the s***pot.




Get your facts straight, before running your mouth. OK now about the money. Do you work? Do you want more money? Yes 8 million would be nice to you and I for what we do. What Mark does is his job, and whether you like it or not they get paid alot of money for what they do. They want a guaranteed deal for 4 years, not three. Thats why he didn't sign,i guess you already new that though! How do I know what I'm talking about, because Mark's my brother, those are the facts. Keep writing the funnt s***, so I can keep laughing at you along with everybody else!!!!!!!!!!1

First, welcome!


Second, thanks for the insite into things. It's not often we get to see the "personal and confidential" information regarding players dealings with management...


But.. and I hope this isn't taken the wrong way...


Was that really necessary...? He already apologized and admitted he was wrong. Not to mention the beating he got from the posters here. Seems like "pot stirring" to me that Roman is STILL getting ripped on for things he said 6 days ago...

It's likely there are people who might not have a favorable opinion of Mark (mainly because they don't have the facts) but screw 'em. I hope (doubt) Mark isn't sitting around worried about those people's opinions...

Personally, I wouldn't waste my time giving explinations. His true supporters don't feed into the BS. Just my opinion though. :huh:

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He is like a windsock. He changes his direction as often as the wind.


Shoot me an email before Friday. I will give you the number to my 2-way pager. That is the best way to get in touch with me.

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