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In the thread titled Classless Organization:


This is too much to take. I open my paper today and find the following quote "I think the fans just go [to Wrigley Field] to party.....Don't get me wrong, Dusty [baker] is a friend, but they don't go there to watch baseball." And who uttered this tired old bromide? A big White Sox fan? Nope. None other than the Clown Prince of Southside Baseball - Ozzie Guillen. This organization totally lost it's way a few years ago when it tried to portray itself in the "Hey we're not the Cubs" light. It was stupid, bitter, and contains an attitude not unlike that of an angry suburban housewife who's mad that the next door neighbor's husband got a nice bonus at work. It's pathetic on any level - but to have your manager out there chirping it is just plain stupid.


They have got to be kidding me with this! Here we are at SoxFest, and the manager is taking shots at the Cubs, the absolute shill of an announcer is not only in charge of floating the trial balloon about letting Ordonez go - he also talks of how "excited" he is to see Willie Harris and Aaron Rowand in the starting line up, all the while the general manager is acting like some sort of tough guy when it comes to a critical question, and then goes on to defend his choice of hiring our version of Max Patkin by saying, "After a tough loss, when I feel it in my gut, I know there will be one person who feels it as much as I do..."



Aside from disrespecting Hawk, everything else is RIGHT ON the money. Good job, King.


Between Ozzie, Kenny and Reiny....that's a WHOLALOT of claslessness.

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Ozzie is a guy who loves to talk, and sometimes maybe he shouldn't. However, I wouldn't ever expect him to be quiet or reserved. If he has an opinion, believe me, he'll express it to anyone who will listen. That's his personality. He's an open guy who is bubbling with emotion and fire, and that will probably never change.


At least our manager has some expression now, as opposed to our last manager, who always looked and acted like he had been popping Valium between innings.

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I liked that post because it expresses EXACTLY what I thought when I heard Ozzie's Wriggley comment. Almost threw up....and I hate the Cubs!


Sox fans (not nearly as knowledgable or classy as they think they are) + Sox organization (where do I start?) + loudmouth Ozzie = match made in heavens.


PS: Pastime, excellent sig pic AND the Ozzie comment is PRECIOUS.....right up there with Aunuld's "gay marriage is between man and a woman"...... :lolhitting

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In the thread titled Classless Organization:





Aside from disrespecting Hawk, everything else is RIGHT ON the money. Good job, King.


Between Ozzie, Kenny and Reiny....that's a WHOLALOT of claslessness.

That is pretty much what most of us were thinking as Ozzie ran his mouth during the 2 Q and A's that I attended. I know we needed a strong personality to run this team, after the Jerry Manuel regime, but this guy is bad news...

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Before we all knock Ozzie, let's wait to at least see if he can make this team win.


I don't care what he says about anybody or anything, if he can just make this team win. :angry:

The problem is, in this day and age of the sensative billionaire athlete (you know who they are), they don't take kindly to managers calling them to the mat, and usually don't preform well when it happens. Maybe Ozzie was just showing off for the fans, and will be smarter about what he saids to the players, but somehow I just don't think he will.

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If Ozzie walked up to the stand and said "f*** the Cubs" all of you would cry like a bunch of b****es. Lack of class....yes, funny as hell.....undeniably so. More then likely Ozzie made that remark because its what he thought all of you wanted to hear. Nobody (including the fans on the Cubs MLB site) seems to have had a problem with the particular comment and I wouldn't waste time complaining about it.

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Ozzie can say whatever he wants to say about the cubs, as far as I'm concerned. I think he's said some dumb things, but this wasn't one of his dumber things. This may piss off the cubs, but oh well, big damn deal, they aren't in our division and therefor, to me aren't the Sox biggest rival (I know I fall in the minority on that stance).


I just hope Ozzie does a hell of a job and that this team makes the playoffs. I think there is a chance it could happen. I'm just going to wait for spring training and anticipate the start of the season. I'm just ready for some baseball.

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I believe Ozzie can say anything he wants about the Cubs as well. The person who wrote that about Ozzie, the White Sox organization, and it's fans is either a cub fan or a closet cub fan. As far as this year being all about Ozzie, maybe that is a good thing. Didn't Dusty bring that last year? As soon as something bad would happen to his club, such as the Sosa corking incident, he tried to draw attention to himself. Remember when the quote he had about blacks and hispanics? That was not a mistake my friends, that was intentional to draw attention to him and away from his players.

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If Ozzie walked up to the stand and said "f*** the Cubs" all of you would cry like a bunch of b****es.


I would actually stand up and salute the HONESTY.


But this garbage LIE about Cubs fans not knowing the game or going to Wriggley just to party....That is bitter and cowardly and cheap. And tired.


Lack of class....yes, funny as hell.....undeniably so


I am sorry, I wasn't informed there was an Amateur Comedian Night session at SoxFest. Ozzie running out on the field in a diaper on Opening Day will ALSO be pretty funny....Doesn't mean it's a WORTHWHILE thing to do for a major league manager.


More then likely Ozzie made that remark because its what he thought all of you wanted to hear


Ah, so he is a sellout WHORE looking to win cheap points with clueless fans afterall! I bet JR's ass is spotless.


The person who wrote that about Ozzie, the White Sox organization, and it's fans is either a cub fan or a closet cub fan.


Or maybe....just maybe....the person who wrote it has CLASS and is OBJECTIVE in his CRITICISM of the cheap, classless way this organization operates. Nah, can't be-- he is a closet Cubnik, you're right.


I'm just ready for some baseball.


Me too. If Ozzie can make this into a 100-win team, I might like him. Ozzie, just keep your mouth shut and beat the Cubs 6 out 6 when times comes. Leave Cub-dissing to a pro like Jose. :headbang

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