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What happens when you pass out...


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Short story:


When I was much younger - back in 1992 - we had a guy from an opposing rival town who came to a party. He talked a lot of s***, and really irritated the whole rest of us. Most people left, but he passed out, and there were 5 of us who remembered his words. We shaved off his eyebrows, put a Nazi sign on his forehead with permanent marker, poured maple syrup down his underwear, stuffed his mouth with shaving cream, and stole all the CD's in his car.


He finally came to, and when he did, he got nasty. We asked him if he had a problem, and he said yes - so we beat the s*** out of him, and then drove him to his town and dumped him and his car in an abandoned car lot. Yes, it was wrong and it was mean, but I laughed my ass off for 2 straight hours, so there you go.


Am I sorry? Yes. Would I take it back if I could? I don't know. That was some fun-ass s*** we did back then.

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Short story:


When I was much younger - back in 1992 - we had a guy from an opposing town who came to a party.  He talked a lot of s***, and really irritated the whole rest of us.  Most people left, but he passed out, and there were 5 of us who remembered his words.  We shaved off his eyebrows, put a Nazi sign on his forehead with permanent marker, poured maple syrup down his underwear, stuffed his mouth with shaving cream, and stole all the CD's in his car. 


He finally came to, and when he did, he got nasty.  We asked him if he had a problem, and he said yes - so we beat the s*** out of him, and then drove him to his town and dumped him and his car in an abandoned carlot.  Yes, it was wrong, and mean, but I laughed my ass off for 2 hours, so there you go. 


Am I sorry?  Yes.  Would I take it back if I could?  NO.  That was some fun-ass s*** we did back then.

Juvenile delinquent :lolhitting

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When I was younger (in my early 20s) back in the early 90s, I was a mean, nasty, heartless, horrible person. I thought that was cool. I was wrong.


I am now 32, and I'm very forgiving, a Christian, and a peaceful person. I look on those days with sorrow and regret. It's just another example of "if I had known then what I know now."


Now, I'm just happy being me. I'm Pastime - well, Brett (my name). But I'm happy anyways. My wife truly is my better 2/3.

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