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In Regards to The War Issue


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Alright, I've been doing a lot of thinking on this issue, going to the anti war discussions at campus and trying to learn a lot about both sides. I was pro war before hand, but wanted more knowledge so I understood all sides, etc.


Anyway, the point still seems pretty obvious to me for those who claim that Iraq doesn't have any weapons of mass destruction or that this is illegal. First off, remember, only one war was ever approved by the UN and that was Desert Storm.


Secondly, way back when, didn't UN inspectors document that Iraq had Chemical Weapons or at least know they did. Not positive on that, but either way my point i'm going to make still makes sense. Even if they had no documented it, we do know that they had Biological Weapons way back when and that during the War the US didn't destroy them all.


That being said, since then, those weapons still have to be around. Its not like Saddam simply got rid of them without telling anyone else, cause if he was going to get rid of them, he'd go out on camera and say exactly that to make him look good, and get the pressure off. Obviously the inspectors haven't found them, otherwise they would of said something. That leaves only one option that the weapons are still there, and being hidden cause if they weren't the inspectors would of found him.


Wouldn't that be reason enough to know that they have weapons. Also, in Resolution 1441 it originally said that Iraq had 45 days to do it and now they are on like the 17th time and this is how many years later? In this resolution it said that if Iraq didn't disarm then they would be disarmed forcefully, which is what Great Britian, Spain and the US intend to do.

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Secondly, way back when, didn't UN inspectors document that Iraq had Chemical Weapons or at least know they did.  Not positive on that, but either way my point i'm going to make still makes sense.

It's been well documented and the UN knows that Iraq has chemical and biological weapons. Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurds about 15 years ago. This is FACT.

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That leaves only one option that the weapons are still there, and being hidden cause if they weren't the inspectors would of found him.

It's being reported by CNN that Saddam has issued the chemical shells to those soldiers whom he feels are 100% loyal to him..... the ones that would die for him rather than surrender.

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Also, in Resolution 1441 it originally said that Iraq had 45 days to do it and now they are on like the 17th  time and this is how many years later?  In this resolution it said that if Iraq didn't disarm then they would be disarmed forcefully, which is what Great Britian, Spain and the US intend to do.

Don't forget that, on top of those 45 days, Saddam has had 12 previous years to disarm during which time he stalled, ejected UN Inspection teams, etc. Those that feel the UN Inspectors need more time must figure that 12 years isn't enough time to fully disarm :lol:


Nobody likes a tyrant until someone has the balls to stand up to him.

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That leaves only one option that the weapons are still there, and being hidden cause if they weren't the inspectors would of found him.

It's being reported by CNN that Saddam has issued the chemical shells to those soldiers whom he feels are 100% loyal to him..... the ones that would die for him rather than surrender.

Ya, I heard a guy on the radio today who was EX Special Forces. He was being interviewed and he mentioned that all soldiers are prepared to look out for chemical weapons and they are carrying these things that will hopefully signal a chemical weapon attack just before it happens so the soldiers have time to put on their chemical suits.


They said that wind and all that stuff could effect it. Also, they mentioned ways to spot out chemical weapons and the biggest way is the techs that are around those areas. He said everyone knows that they have the weapons, etc. Which is proved by the Kurds incident and the documented facts that they had the weapons. Just cause we can't find them when he doesn't comply means they are gone. He never showed us get rid of him (Which he would of done) which means they are there.

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Also, in Resolution 1441 it originally said that Iraq had 45 days to do it and now they are on like the 17th  time and this is how many years later?  In this resolution it said that if Iraq didn't disarm then they would be disarmed forcefully, which is what Great Britian, Spain and the US intend to do.

Don't forget that, on top of those 45 days, Saddam has had 12 previous years to disarm during which time he stalled, ejected UN Inspection teams, etc. Those that feel the UN Inspectors need more time must figure that 12 years isn't enough time to fully disarm :lol:


Nobody likes a tyrant until someone has the balls to stand up to him.

Well the 45 days was the original time period set by the UN. Its 12 years later and they've had I think 17 extensions.

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Alright, I've been doing a lot of thinking on this issue, going to the anti war discussions at campus and trying to learn a lot about both sides.  I was pro war before hand, but wanted more knowledge so I understood all sides, etc.


Anyway, the point still seems pretty obvious to me for those who claim that Iraq doesn't have any weapons of mass destruction or that this is illegal.  First off, remember, only one war was ever approved by the UN and that was Desert Storm.


Secondly, way back when, didn't UN inspectors document that Iraq had Chemical Weapons or at least know they did.  Not positive on that, but either way my point i'm going to make still makes sense.  Even if they had no documented it, we do know that they had Biological Weapons way back when and that during the War the US didn't destroy them all. 


That being said, since then, those weapons still have to be around.  Its not like Saddam simply got rid of them without telling anyone else, cause if he was going to get rid of them, he'd go out on camera and say exactly that to make him look good, and get the pressure off.  Obviously the inspectors haven't found them, otherwise they would of said something.  That leaves only one option that the weapons are still there, and being hidden cause if they weren't the inspectors would of found him.


Wouldn't that be reason enough to know that they have weapons.  Also, in Resolution 1441 it originally said that Iraq had 45 days to do it and now they are on like the 17th  time and this is how many years later?  In this resolution it said that if Iraq didn't disarm then they would be disarmed forcefully, which is what Great Britian, Spain and the US intend to do.

the strongest source of support or fact on iraq's WOMD that i can find comes from indiana senator evan byah....senator byah is a democrat......he was on the oreilly factor last night...he sits o nthe committee that sees all the intel we have on iraq...bill asked him after seeing all that intel how sure was he that iraq had WOMD...he said he would "bet his life" on it...he also said he felt the president took all the proper steps diplomatically and he believes that france had ulterior motives and never int ended top let any resolution of war pass...orielly asked him if he was going to boycott french products and he said..well im not going out to buy an french wine anytime soon ..


this is a democrat senator who ha seen intel o nthe situation there than none of us are privy to and has crossed over with 100% support of president bush...to me that carries alot weight because its not a republican saying that


i commend you for going to the anti war protests and asking questions and forming your own answers...even if in the end you happen not to agree with me...youre trying to think on your own instead of just following the masses..in the end you might end up agreeing the masses are correct..but you are not blindly buying into it because some professor or your friends say its the right thing to do...good job

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f*** Iraq  :fyou  they deserve what is coming ...........SOON

Are you talking about all of Iraq or just Saddam Hussein and his clique. Because that's f***ed up to say all of Iraq deserves a war. There are many people there just rying to raise families just like Americans and Canadians. Think before you post. :nono

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the strongest source of support or fact on iraq's WOMD that i can find comes from indiana senator evan byah....senator byah is a democrat......he was on the oreilly factor last night...he sits o nthe committee that sees all the intel we have on iraq...bill asked him after seeing all that intel how sure was he that iraq had WOMD...he said he would "bet his life" on it...he also said he felt the president took all the proper steps diplomatically and he believes that france had ulterior motives and never int ended top let any resolution of war pass

Byah's statement is the exact opposite of what either Daschle or Gephardt was quoted as saying last night..... I think it was Daschle. He said something to the effect that ".....Bush had failed miserably at diplomacy....." Whatever. I guess 12 years of song-and-dance from Saddam isn't enough of a reason to get tough with him and his hell spawn. Some liberals are starting to sound like the Iraqi foreign minister who called for Blair's and Bush's resignation for war crimes :lol:


On a side note..... I have always been pretty much in line with Byah's political policies. He's one of the few politicians that will, occasionally, buck the party line and vote for what he thinks is best for his constituents..... even though it might not be the best thing to do for his political aspirations and affiliations.

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f*** ALL IRAQ ...they would love nothing more than to see you're as dead. Think before you post, read a newspaper, listen to them talk about USA...........f*** them ALL.................... :fyou

Yes I'm sure everyone in Iraq wants us dead :lol: . Just for one, the Kurds don't.


Very twisted views, it's true many arabs and others do hate the US but not all.

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f*** ALL IRAQ ...they would love nothing more than to see you're as dead. Think before you post, read a newspaper, listen to them talk about USA...........f*** them ALL.................... :fyou

The majority of those people have done nothing wrong. Some may not like the US, but remember. They are getting things forced down there throat and if they don't buy into what the current regime tells them then they are basically murdered.


If people ruin Saddams pictures which are posted in different areas then they are murdered. They don't have much options. I also know people that are from there and they are some of the nicest people and they support the US 100% and they say there family members back in Iraq support them too. I feel very sorry for those people, they don't know what life should be like. We are all lucky to live in the US, imo, and I know I'm glad that I was able to grow up in a place like this.

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Nothing twisted about it....It is reality . You're good buddies the Kurds :angry: would slit your throat in about 30 seconds. They do not give a dam about you............ Whether you like it or you do not like it , learn to love it because it is the best thing going.

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Nothing twisted about it....It is reality . You're good buddies the Kurds  :angry: would slit your throat in about 30 seconds. They do not give a dam about you............ Whether you like it or you do not like it , learn to love it because it is the best thing going.

youre out on an island on this one

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First off, remember, only one war was ever approved by the UN and that was Desert Storm.

Korea, too. Although the UN doesn't officially recognize that as a war; it's still just a police action.

Yes, Iraq in '91 and Korea in '50.... and neither war is resolved yet. Let's just keep the damn UN out of it and go do it right this time.


And don't come back that Korea was not a war, but a police action... my father is a Korean War vet and it was, when you were on the battlefield, a war in every sense of the word.

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First off, remember, only one war was ever approved by the UN and that was Desert Storm.

Korea, too. Although the UN doesn't officially recognize that as a war; it's still just a police action.

Yes, Iraq in '91 and Korea in '50.... and neither war is resolved yet. Let's just keep the damn UN out of it and go do it right this time.


And don't come back that Korea was not a war, but a police action... my father is a Korean War vet and it was, when you were on the battlefield, a war in every sense of the word.

actually the UN mandate killed any chance of removing saddam..it only gaver authority to push the iraqi army back to its borders..had we gone after saddam other countries would have started pulling their armies out of there and it would haver been a logistical nightmare...


the un does good things in regaurd to humanitarian efforts...but when war is needed stay the hell away from there

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First off, remember, only one war was ever approved by the UN and that was Desert Storm.

Korea, too. Although the UN doesn't officially recognize that as a war; it's still just a police action.

Yes, Iraq in '91 and Korea in '50.... and neither war is resolved yet. Let's just keep the damn UN out of it and go do it right this time.


And don't come back that Korea was not a war, but a police action... my father is a Korean War vet and it was, when you were on the battlefield, a war in every sense of the word.

actually the UN mandate killed any chance of removing saddam..it only gaver authority to push the iraqi army back to its borders..had we gone after saddam other countries would have started pulling their armies out of there and it would haver been a logistical nightmare...


the un does good things in regaurd to humanitarian efforts...but when war is needed stay the hell away from there

Yes, I'm aware of that. The point I was making was that the UN was involved in two wars, and neither on is settled yet. Technically, the Korean War is not over, yet. Just at a cease fire status.

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f*** ALL IRAQ ...they would love nothing more than to see you're as dead. Think before you post, read a newspaper, listen to them talk about USA...........f*** them ALL.................... :fyou

The inhumanity of your posts in this thread are incdeed frightening.


50% of Iraq are children. I am so glad that yoiu want to f*** and bomb children. Says all we need to know.


There are other ways, there have been other ways, there still are others without war.


People who say f*** them all, I do incredibly resent, for that is bin Laden thinking and if that is the best you can do, you are on hsi moral level.


And again: any male 18-25 who is pro war and saying gotta do this on these boards better be enlisting in the service or at least the guard as they advocate others risking their lives for something they sit at their computer and rant about.


My son is out there. SoxFest, if he is killed in any attempt to say f*** you to all Iraqis, I expect you to take his place on the front lines, immediately. You are man enough to be a Marine and say f*** you in person to all Iraqis, not just over on a baseball board, aren't you? And that would give you the chance to f*** all those Iraqi men, women, and children that you want to f***, and it would allow those who say f*** you to the United States to f*** you. Of course you will put your ass on the line to be f***ed, right? You would put your ass on the line for what you believe rather than cower behind your computer and send others to risk their ass to do the f*** you Iraq killing for you, right?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

cw... having been one of the few (if there are any others) of the boards who lived through this the last go around with these people i figured i would toss my two cents in......been there, lived it, done it.....wish it ended with us........but..........since it didnt i have a few points to comment on here.....

when these kids-children you are defending are taught from birth to be hostile and hate i have a problem with them....when they tape hand gernades to their bodies to blow up american vehicles containing american soldiers i have a problem with them....when they wave ak-47's in your face at the ripe old age of 10 years old i have a problem with them......i can live with the spitting in your face and the pushing and shoving you get from them when walking down the street... thats easily delt with and non life threatening in my mind..... but when they are taught by their adults to hate and act out in a violent way against americans and all we stand for because we dont believe as they do, i have a problem with that.........i know what your son is going through.. i lived it ..... i wish him a speedy and safe return... the only thing im sorry for..... our president at the time didnt have the balls to get the job done right when we were there the first time around.......i would have to agree with soxfest on his comment........ f*** THEM ALL in that sand box over there..............this could have been over with back in the late 80's and early 90's............

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cwsox .... You have every right to respond as you did.  If you took the profanity option away from him, he'd be speechless.  I'm praying for your son's safe return.

I second that emotion. I also pray for the safe return of my brother's friends. I watched these kids grow up from the age of ten. I still see them as kids, I can't help it. I want them to come home safe to live out their lives and for one of them, to watch their child(ren) grow up and live their lives. God Bless the troops.

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when these kids-children you are defending are taught from birth to be hostile and hate i have a problem with them....when they tape hand gernades to their bodies  to blow up american vehicles containing american soldiers i have a problem with them....when they wave ak-47's in your face at the ripe old age of 10 years old i have a problem with them

The problem is with who is raising them, not the kids themselves. In certain areas of the US things are not all that different here, we just choose to hate and shoot at each other (I lived in one of those neighborhoods until the age of 16). Sorry, but I can't hate kids for being the way they are, their parents and guardians, hell yes.


As an aside not all of them are like that. there was an Iraque family that my mom knew well and they were just as American as you and I. Their marriage was arranged there and they moved to America. She did her hair, wore makeup and wore American made clothing. Her kids were as sweet as sugar and very well behaved. I know this might be the exception to the rule. All I am saying is that while there are a majority that absolutely hate us, there are families in there that don't are doing anything to stay alive.

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