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Pat Robertson Takes $50 Million Hit


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Mr Hartuv said his government was furious with Mr Robertson's remarks.


"We were due to sign a contract in the near future with Mr Roberson for the construction of a new Christian heritage centre in the Galilee," he told the AFP news agency.


"We, as the State of Israel, cannot accept what he said and we will not do any business with him or with anyone else who agrees with his view."


But Mr Hartuv insisted Israel had not rejected outright the idea of building the centre.


"The contract is still open - just not with Mr Robertson."



Good. Serves the bastard right. Maybe he'll think before he opens up his yap again.

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While I believe his remarks were totally 'out there', he had to know that he was putting this deal in jeopardy. He may truly believe what he was saying and felt it was his duty to say so, regardless of the financial consequences.

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QUOTE(soxman352000 @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 06:00 PM)
Good this guy is a total douche bag. He doesn't represent the ideals of all Christians. I'm sick of how the media tries to portray him as a main voice in Christianity



You make an excellent point. Assbags like Robertson are not the true face of Christianity. The true face of Christianity are the people who live their lives the right way, take care of their families and get on well with others.


The media doesn't care about that though. They just love to take any chance they can to trash Christians.

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Someone needs to make a picture of Robertson with a so-called "Assbag" on his head... I'd laugh a lot :lol:


I've been to his 700 club (CBN I think) studios... when I was younger. I'm calling my parents tomorrow to make sure they're not supporting this weiner toucher anymore. (sad, I know).

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 09:57 AM)
I love the fact that he wanted to call the park Jesusland.

Praiseland's better. :P



Oh and even though I don't get into American Politics much, this Robertson fellow seems like a complete douche. Glad to see this happen.

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