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The Official Soxtalk Poster Elections


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Welcome to the 2006-2007 Soxtalk poster election cycle! This is not to be confused with the annual awards. Here, we are going to vote people into fake President and Vice President positions, based on their political platforms and political posting abilities. Here are the rules/guidelines:


UPDATED ON NOVEMBER 16th, see all updates in CAPS...


--First part with be the establishment of platforms (which will also show us who is running). THESE WILL CLOSE ON 11/22.

--After that thread is filled with everyone's platforms, the next thread will be a shortened up version of the debates we tried here a while back - this will be much more brief and simple in this case. THESE WILL BE MODERATED AND DESIGNED BY SOXY AND SS2K5, AND WILL OCCUR THE WEEK OF 11/26 TO 12/1.



--Then we vote - I'll set it up as a poll. PRIMARY ELECTION IS ON THE FIRST TUESDAY OF DECEMBER, WHICH IS 12/5. IT RUNS THROUGH 12/7.

--Everyone can vote, but, since its such a small crowd, you may NOT vote for yourself




--The person with the most votes wins the Presidency, second most wins Vice President



Aside from the above, outside the official threads, anything goes. You can lobby, campaign, form coalitions, drop out and endorse other candidates, etc. As long as you follow the normal Soxtalk posting rules, you can be as political as you wish.




See the next post I make in this thread. It will give you a guideline as to how to make your Platform thread. Please, only one platform post per participant - I will open a seperate forum for discussions of those platforms. Just use my post as a template, and then put your platform in, BY NOVEMBER 22nd...

Edited by NorthSideSox72
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In order to officially establish your platform, please use the following template...



Political party affiliation, or independent:


Make your opening platform statement here. 3 or 4 paragraphs max, try to make it brief.


Then, provide ONE SENTENCE descriptions of your views on the following issues, to establish a profile:



Gun Control:

Iraq War:

War on Terror:

Energy policy:

Prayer/religion in schools:

Environmental issues, protections:

Capital punishment:

Gay marriage / civil unions:

Health care / Medicare:

Minimum wage:

Welfare (individuals):

Government funding of corporations (corporate welfare, targeted research, etc.):

Bankruptcy protections (business, individual):

Immigration policies:

Doctrine of preemptive military action:

Size/scope of federal government:

Federal taxes and budget:

Areas needing increased spending:

Areas needing decreased spending:

Affirmative action:

Relationships with other nations and their human rights records:

North Korea:



School funding:

Rebuilding of New Orleans:

Civil liberties vs security (wiretaps, etc.):

Social Security:

Stem Cell research:

Unions and labor:

Eminent Domain:

Transportation/transit priorities and spending:

International trade policy (open or protectionist, NAFTA, etc.):

Tort reform:

How to fix corruption in Congress (and other areas of gov’t):

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Some would describe me as a gun toting, tree hugging, environmentalist who favors character building programs like the Boy Scouts of America while favoring Civil Unions. I have much more respect for a tax and spend leader who will balance the budget than a don't tax and keep spending politician trying to buy votes. I am equally comfortable at GOP and DEM gatherings.





We do not have to give up our rights, to keep them. Criminals have been around since the first settlers set foot on Plymouth Rock and we have survived without treating every American as a criminal. Religious tolerance is not eliminating all religion from our society, but allowing everyone the freedom to worship, or not, in their own way.





The building block of every human society is the family. A committed relationship where every member finds the support to be their best. Anyone who believes that these relationships are important should also favor civil unions so that all Americans are encouraged to form these unions. Parents should be placed front and center in being responsible to and for their children.





In the interest of full disclosure, yes, I did have sex with those women, and we had a great time. I have never done illegal drugs, I have been drunk on more than one occasion, at various times in my life I have made an ass of myself, I have changed my mind on issues, I have lied, cheated, and stole. I also believe the American voter is smart enough to know that every candidate could say this, but few have the nerve. Since the people involved are not running for office and probably would like to remain unknown, could we leave them out of this?





Based on my platform, and not easily being pigeonholed onto one particular party platform, I am running as an Independent. I am tossing my hat in the ring first, knowing that I will be the target of future platforms. I believe you want a President who is bold and decisive and will lead. Not someone who gages the wind before deciding what is in their best interest.



Abortion: Pro-Choice with parental notification for minors.

Gun Control: Honest citizens should be allowed to own reasonable firearms.

Iraq War: We need a long term plan which assures US war forces are replaced ASAP.

War on Terror: Do not give up our rights, our way of life is our best defense.

Energy policy: Alternate, eco friendly.

Prayer/religion in schools: May the God of your choice bless you.

Environmental issues, protections: Generally favor protecting the environment over profit.

Capital punishment: Against

Gay marriage / civil unions: For

Health care / Medicare: We are the richest country on the planet, we must provide health care to all Americans.

Minimum wage: Should be indexed to inflation.

Welfare (individuals): Emphasis on returning to work

Government funding of corporations (corporate welfare, targeted research, etc.):

Bankruptcy protections (business, individual): The pendulum had swung too far towards the individual, the new laws are evening the playing field.

Immigration policies: Tied to jobs and favoring our neighbors.

Doctrine of preemptive military action: Where necessary.

Size/scope of federal government: As big as the people it serves.

Federal taxes and budget: Balance the budget. If you want a program, stand up and tell the American people you have to raise taxes to get it. Let them decide who leads. No deficit spending to "spark the economy".

Areas needing increased spending: Must be tied with tax increases to balance the budget.

Areas needing decreased spending: Must be tied to budget goals.

Affirmative action: Needs regular review to match strides in US ethics, morals, etc. The goal should be to level the playing field and eliminating the law.

Relationships with other nations and their human rights records: The more avenues we have via tourism, trade, cultural exchanges, the better chance we have to influence change in those countries.

North Korea: Dangerous.

Iran: Dangerous

Palestine/Israel: Affects our relationships all over the Arab world.

School funding: Nationally? I see this as a state issue to be decided by the voters in the states.

Rebuilding of New Orleans: For

Civil liberties vs security (wiretaps, etc.): Civil Liberties, we shouldn't have to give up our rights to preserve our rights.

Social Security: Should be the safety net, not the bulk of someone's retirement.

Stem Cell research: For

Unions and labor: Against unions, for labor.

Eminent Domain: Not for economic gain.

Transportation/transit priorities and spending: Continue on present course

International trade policy (open or protectionist, NAFTA, etc.): Pro NAFTA, open trade.

Tort reform: Yes

How to fix corruption in Congress (and other areas of gov’t): Elect people of character like myself.

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My name is PA, and I am an Independent Republican. I speak for myself and I act according to what I have learned through personal experience and through everyday relationships.


I would honestly and earnestly seek to hear what my constituents most firmly believe in and balance them with what I personally believe to be the right course of action with any given issue.


I do not pretend to have all the answers and this only supports my desire to have personal interaction with those who would elect me. I am passionate about what I believe and seek to better understand the positions counter to my own. I know many of you here at Soxtalk understand that to be true. I rely on those who consider me a friend, an equal in the debate ring, and an equal as a human being to help me become elected President of Soxtalk.


Here is a brief overview of my beliefs; I apologize in advance for needing more than a sentence to explain my platform:


Abortion: I believe this is a state’s right issue. While I personally do not support this issue, I believe it is in the best interest of the population of any given state to have direct representation via their elected state officials to decide whether or not they believe this matter is one that their state should support or prohibit.


Gun Control: Guns don’t kill people, criminals kill people. Keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

Iraq War: While I support freedom movements and I supported this war, I also recognize the need for adapting new policies as this war evolves. Effectively supplying and training new Iraqi security forces should be paramount in order to bring our troops home.


War on Terror: It is in our best interest to consider social development programs to fight ignorance, which is the root of terrorism, as equally as we consider military options.


Energy policy: We have long overlooked viable options to oil based energy. It is time that we implement these solutions.


Prayer/religion in schools: As long as any group or extra-curricular activity meets before, during or after school, I support religion in public schools. We should promote understanding in tolerance for every person.


Environmental issues, protections: A balance needs to occur between regulation and public health; Public health coming first and foremost before over-regulation.


Capital punishment: I believe this is a state’s right issue. While I personally do not support this issue, I believe it is in the best interest of the population of any given state to have direct representation via their elected state officials to decide whether or not they believe this matter is one that their state should support or prohibit.


Gay marriage / civil unions: I believe this is a state’s right issue. While I personally do not support this issue, I believe it is in the best interest of the population of any given state to have direct representation via their elected state officials to decide whether or not they believe this matter is one that their state should support or prohibit.


Health care / Medicare: There are realistic solutions to this problem. I support a one-payer system with pre-tax medical savings accounts equivalent to IRAs that could be carried throughout the lifetime of the individual and have employer eligible contributions.


Minimum wage: I believe this is a state’s right issue. While I personally support mandatory votes every 3-5 years for reassessment of fair wages, I believe it is in the best interest of the population of any given state to have direct representation via their elected state officials to decide whether or not they believe this matter is one that their state should support or prohibit.


Welfare (individuals): I believe this is a state’s right issue. While I personally support worker training programs and other alternatives to a “hand out” equivalent, I believe it is in the best interest of the population of any given state to have direct representation via their elected state officials to decide whether or not they believe this matter is one that their state should support or prohibit.


Government funding of corporations (corporate welfare, targeted research, etc.): I am in favor of supporting businesses through funding that show corporate and social responsibility.


Bankruptcy protections (business, individual): I believe that there are many people who benefit from bankruptcy protection and we need to guarantee this right. I also recognize the need for reform to make it more difficult for those who abuse this system.


Immigration policies: One of the most important issues of our lifetime and nothing is being done about it. Respect for human beings need to come first; however, the flood of illegal immigrants must stop. Whatever it takes to document workers, protect national security, and give jobs to those who want them.


Doctrine of preemptive military action: We must not be afraid to protect ourselves we justified.


Size/scope of federal government: The state governments should be more equipped to handle issues from welfare to health care. While I understand the growing need for more agencies as the size of our nation and problems of our nation grows, more could and should be done on the state and local levels.


Federal taxes and budget: I am in favor of implementing a small Federal sales tax and a correlating income tax cut for every American. We should focus on streamlining taxes and the Federal budget.


Areas needing increased spending: This would be decided on the State level and would be dictated by the needs of that State.


Areas needing decreased spending: This would be decided on the State level and would be dictated by the needs of that State.


Affirmative action: I believe this is a state’s right issue. While I personally do not support this issue, I believe it is in the best interest of the population of any given state to have direct representation via their elected state officials to decide whether or not they believe this matter is one that their state should support or prohibit.


Relationships with other nations and their human rights records: Basic Human rights need to be guaranteed unilaterally. If we truly believe in Democracy we must set the standard throughout the world.


North Korea: Will continue to be a threat until other nations take a real stake in its future.


Iran: Will continue to be a threat until other nations take a real stake in its future.


Palestine/Israel: Will continue to be a threat until other nations take a real stake in its future.


School funding: I believe this is a state’s right issue. I believe it is in the best interest of the population of any given state to have direct representation via their elected state officials to decide whether or not they believe this matter is one that their state should support or prohibit.


Rebuilding of New Orleans: Symbolically rebuilding New Orleans would be an example to the world and to each other the character of the people of the United States.


Civil liberties vs security (wiretaps, etc.): Overall, I understand the need for security measures such as wiretaps; however, when it comes at the cost of freedom, we have already lost.


Social Security: I would pass law to include “retirement education” as a part of the CRA (customer reinvestment act) which requires financial institutions to prove their “giving back” to the community which they serve. People young and old must know that Social Security is a supplement to retirement and not to be considered their entire retirement portfolio.


Stem Cell research: If we can better the quality of life for disabled Americans or future unborn Americans, then I have to support this research.


Unions and labor: I believe in most cases Unions are outdated and more often than not lead to over priced labor and job loss.


Eminent Domain: I believe this is a state’s right issue. While I personally do not support this issue, I believe it is in the best interest of the population of any given state to have direct representation via their elected state officials to decide whether or not they believe this matter is one that their state should support or prohibit.


Transportation/transit priorities and spending: Funds should be spent on viable public transportation.

International trade policy (open or protectionist, NAFTA, etc.): Balance needs to return to help boost domestic products; however, it is ultimately on those corporations to compete through quality of products and not through government protection.


Tort reform: I favor tort reform.


How to fix corruption in Congress (and other areas of gov’t): I am a lead by example person. Be first to admit when you’re wrong and be the last person out the door at the end of the day. I would offer positions to individuals who followed the same mantra over those who may be more qualified through experience. While this may seem unrealistic, I believe character is one of the most important qualities in people and should be rewarded.



Thank you for taking the time to read my platform. I will be starting a thread to discuss any of these topics. In addition, if you have any other questions about my stance on any issues, please do not hesitate to ask me in that forum. Again, thank you. Please vote for PA on Soxtalk Election Day.

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I am what you may call a Neo-Conservative, though I prefer the term Neo-Liberal. I believe in being straight-forward and direct. I do not lie -- if there's something I don't want to answer, I say as much instead of fabricating. Some people will describe themselves as being Men who like Girls and Football. I -- I describe myself as a Man who likes Women and Baseball.


I bring something to the table that nobody else does, especially not my over-aged opponents: youth, and vigor. I've known government since I was a little one and it's self-taught, as growing up in Pilsen I didn't have any particularly gifted mentors at any point but for those pages in the Library.


If elected, I will serve honestly and competently and with regard to the opinions of everyone, which isn't to be confused with a desire to vacillate. Some people, like Bill Clinton, are brilliant but change their mind depending on the last person they talked to. I'd like to think of myself as a fellow who appreciates opposing views but can make his own mind up, which isn't to be confused with George W. Bush's attitude, either.


My thoughts:


Abortion: I am pro-choice and that means that I believe Roe v. Wade to be a sham ruling begging to be overturned so as to give the states a right that they certainly have, being the writing of abortion law.

Gun Control: I believe in the Second Amendment, and I do not believe that the government has a right to interfere with the explicit instructions of the Amendments unless they go and overturn them, Constitutionally. (Not to be confused with a disapproval of background checks, as that is more a matter of common sense than "gun control".)

Iraq War: I believe in the Iraq War and would send a hundred thousand more soldiers there to train and stabilize but would, in conjunction, tell the Iraqis that this is out and we will begin withdrawing in a year. (Although we would, and will, have some presence there, like in Germany or Japan, for the rest of our lives.)

War on Terror: I believe that the best course of action is proactive but measured, and I do not believe in a willy nilly use of force against ideology, meaning that I'd rather the government take care of our country here as far as port security and airport security than I would our nation to go and attack every third world country that possibly might have a terrorist presence somewhere.

Energy policy: More nuclear power plants, less coal plants, better technology, and a massive decrease in the use of fossil fuels even if it does make me the most hated man in Suburbia.

Prayer/religion in schools: Nothing wrong with someone praying to themselves or with friends but no, there shouldn't be prayers over the intercom or anything like that.

Environmental issues, protections: I believe in the protection of the environment but not to excess. I do believe that the EPA should be tough on those who dump toxins in rivers and I believe it's high-time the government crack down on farm pollution as well.

Capital punishment: Against, but I believe in letting the courts and their rulings run their course.

Gay marriage / civil unions: In favor, but I am no culture warrior.

Health care / Medicare: This is the one area where I am a Socialist, although I believe in a Dual-System with Socialism for the poor and Capitalist options for those who can afford their own health care to opt out and do as much (presumably, and understandably, in my system, those who opt out have an incentive to do so because there'd be less bureaucracy in the private health market but, overall, the two systems would be about equal and save lives).

Minimum wage: I share the opinion of my opponent.

Welfare (individuals): I believe in welfare as assistance for the poor, not as a way of life, and while I understand that many abuse it, I still believe that a government like ours has a responsibility to hungry children and single mothers. (Though I generally believe welfare should be a state's issue.)

Government funding of corporations (corporate welfare, targeted research, etc.): If it can be justified reasonably, sure, and by that I mean: if we're giving Microsoft a hundred million dollars to make a new computer disc, no, but if we're giving a corporation money to keep it from folding and taking down the economy or to help a car company work on hybrid automobiles, absolutely.

Bankruptcy protections (business, individual): I think, though I have little experience with this matter (see, I don't make it habit to run up massive debts), that our current laws are okay.

Immigration policies: I believe in immigration and I would take it easy on illegal immigrants, too. I do not believe that there is a necessity to round up illegal immigrants and boot them out of the country.

Doctrine of preemptive military action: No, never, beyond the fact that it's cowardly in most cases, I do not believe that pre-emption can be justified -- at least, not in a situation like we have with North Korea, though a situation with Iran or Iraq, countries known for violence and that are making threats, if they're given some fair warning, then sure, that's okay, but no sudden strikes with no warning whatsoever, as that's far too close to Pearl Harbor for my tastes.

Size/scope of federal government: We have fifty states, and so it stands to reason that we'd have a large government at the federal level, but I do believe in trimming so that some matters that aren't currently left to the states can be left to the states.

Federal taxes and budget: I believe in balanced budgets but for times of War or emergency; I believe in taxes that match income levels but that are fair.

Areas needing increased spending: Transportation and energy .

Areas needing decreased spending: Agriculture, and parts of our military budget such as "Tactical Bunker Busters." I guess I should say that I do not believe in or endorse nuclear war.

Affirmative action: Perhaps the single most dishonest Phrase that Pays in American history.

Relationships with other nations and their human rights records: Sometimes you've got to deal with these places, but if I can avoid the Sudan's friendship, I'm going to.

North Korea: A country begging to be contained rather than attacked, and it's begging to be talked to in its little corner, too.

Iran: The sounds of War come, and with good reason. At this rate, I believe that we must consider War a real and justified possibility, which isn't to say immediately but, I think it's an eventuality. Mahmoud Ahmaniac is exactly that.

Palestine/Israel: I believe in both their rights to exist, and I think that each President should devote significant time there. Though it is true that Bill Clintons and Richard Nixons don't come along too often.

School funding: Largely up to the states, though I do wish there were more parity amongst districts regardless of the neighborhood's wealth.

Rebuilding of New Orleans: At this point, it's up to NO and LA.

Civil liberties vs security (wiretaps, etc.): A couple of liberties must be sacrificed (I could never understand the fuss over library cards, myself) but, overall, I don't believe in burning down the house to kill termites.

Social Security: Modest changes can fix it, so take the modest course.

Stem Cell research: Completely in favor of, and I take the position that those who oppose it should put their conviction where their uterus is and let the fetii that would otherwise waste away develop in their wombs.

Unions and labor: I don't oppose unions in principal (I take them case-by-case, but overall they're fine), but, re: labor, I suppose I'm opposed to it, being a Democrat and all!

Eminent Domain: Same as my opponent.

Transportation/transit priorities and spending: Here, actually, is where I differ from most people: we need to begin the Hybridization of America and, first, we must do it with transportation, replacing our buses and trains with hybrids which would, in the long run, lower bus prices because of less gas spending but would help change the culture of pollution in our society.

International trade policy (open or protectionist, NAFTA, etc.): Open.

Tort reform: In favor of tort reform.

How to fix corruption in Congress (and other areas of gov’t): You can't. Only thing you can do is make your best judgement come election time and if you were wrong, then vote them out.

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I am by all accounts a moderate democrat and I am strong believer in protecting the rights given to us in the United States Constitution. The terrorists envy our freedom which is why our freedom's should be protected at all costs if we sacrifice our freedoms we lose.


I have been interested in politics since I was a 2nd grader in Marion, Iowa during the 1992 elections. And took home 5th place at national competition in 2002. I am believer in smaller government and honesty in government.


If elected I will do my best to ethically and honestly serve the people.


Abortion: Only to used in rape, incest or when the mothers life is in jeopardy

Gun Control: Support right that all Americans can own a weapon.

Iraq War: Should have time table and deadlines set for Iraqis to take control of there country

War on Terror: Must defeat the terrorists while not sacrificing our liberties which is the envy of the terrorists.

Energy policy: Need to lower our dependence on foreign oil and decrease in fossil fuels.

Prayer/religion in schools: Student organized religion is fine, School sanctioned is wrong.

Environmental issues, protections: Support tough EPA regulations and protection of our environment. Give the EPA a cabinet level position.

Capital punishment: Should be used in the most heinous of cases. And very rarely

Gay marriage / civil unions: I do not support gay marriage but believe that it is a non governmental issue.

Health care / Medicare: Health care should be provided to every person in the country.

Minimum wage: Should be raised to keep up with cost of living increases.

Welfare (individuals): Should be used as a temporary means of support only.

Government funding of corporations (corporate welfare, targeted research, etc.) I support funding of businesses that are responsible.

Bankruptcy protections (business, individual): I support current laws of bankruptcy that makes it harder for people to abuse.

Immigration policies: Don’t criminalize the border; but no open border either.

Doctrine of preemptive military action: Only when the situation warrants.

Size/scope of federal government: Smaller, I support the states having more power than they do now. I would like to see the federal government to be scaled back a little.

Federal taxes and budget: Lower taxes and a balanced budget.

Areas needing increased spending: Medicare, Social Security

Areas needing decreased spending: Pork Barrel projects

Affirmative action: Affirmative action OK for specific programs, but no quotas.

Relationships with other nations and their human rights records: Human rights must be guaranteed at all costs. Support presidential economic sanction power against countries who abuse there citizens.

North Korea: Unstable leader that will pose a threat to world safety.

Iran: Support UN sanctions and I believe military actions should be last resort. Iran also is a bigger threat than Iraq.

Palestine/Israel: Israel is our best and most important Middle East ally.

School funding: Unrestricted block grants--let states decide spending.

Rebuilding of New Orleans: For it, but I also believe that all levels of government should be involved not just the federal government.

Civil liberties vs security (wiretaps, etc.): I believe our civil liberties are most important. That is what terrorists envy.

Social Security: Should be restored and fixed with out privatization.

Stem Cell research: For we need anything that can help with the possibility of curing such deadly diseases.

Unions and labor: Against Labor unions.

Eminent Domain: Against government taking private land to build shopping malls and other non important needs.

Transportation/transit priorities and spending: Public Transportation needs to be explored.

International trade policy (open or protectionist, NAFTA, etc.): Pro-NAFTA, pro-GATT, pro-MFN, pro-Fast Track.

Tort reform: In favor

How to fix corruption in Congress (and other areas of gov’t): By giving more power to the people and allowing them to make decisions about corruption in government.

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In 2006, our nation faces some of the greatest challenges it has ever faced. Mounting pressure and isolation from our allies abroad, a whole host of problems at home - aging infrastructure, a polarized political culture, a military stretched to the limit, and a government that seems more interested in protecting their power than ensuring the liberty and protection of the American people who need it most.


The truth is that we need leadership in this country from people like me, who don't care about getting rich, don't care about protecting other people's power, but rather wants to ensure the safety and security of the American people. Both in the short term and long. This is why I choose not to run as a Democrat or a Republican, but rather an Independent. I will not be beholden to any party line or what is practical. I promise to try my hardest to make decisions that will put my country before myself. I promise to listen to both sides of an argument and find the common ground on which we can build a stronger America together.


America needs more than just a good President. America needs a Kickass presidency!


Rex Kickass for President.


On The Issues:

Abortion I hate the idea of abortion, but I recognize that the issue is more complicated than the way I see it. I support the concept of choice - however I feel specific practices regarding termination of pregnancy are best handled by the medical community and should be tightly regulated by federal medical regulations. This is ultimately a personal issue and a public health issue, not a political one.


Gun Control The second amendment does provide for the right to bear arms. It doesn't mean that every weapon should be allowed. I do support regulating the types of arms available for sale and I do support a federal waiting period for purchasing weapons.


Iraq War The Iraq war is a definite problem that we face. By leaving immediately we run the risk of having Iran take over the country and having an ascendant power that would not be in the best interests of the US. However, we can salvage this by working with Iraq's neighbors in the region to create a stable country where freedom can flourish.


War on Terror We should work to disrupt and destroy organizations that support terror as a viable weapon. We should also work to discourage future acts of terrorism by working to address the root causes that feed terrorist organizations its human capital. It's not enough to put out the fires that have already started, we need to make sure that the area around it is less susceptible to igniting into flames of hatred as well.


Energy I would work my hardest to acheive energy independence within 25 years and to have the nations power grid infrastructure to be upgraded. Our nations energy needs should be met - by and large - by clean energy sources (wind, solar, hydroelectric) within the same timeframe.


Capital Punishment I do not believe in the intentional taking of life, by criminals or by the state.


Marriage Equality Equal people deserve equal rights. Civil marriage should be a legal union between any two consenting adults, regardless of their sex. Spiritual marriage is an issue between individuals and their faith.


Health Care Basic Health Care should be made available for all Americans, regardless of income or insurance availability. This includes preventative therapy as well as procedures necessary to ensure someone's well being.


Minimum Wage I support raising the minimum wage to $7.50 per hour and including a provision that would provide an automatic annual cost of living increase to the minimum wage of 4% or the rate of inflation for the previous year (whichever is higher).


Welfare I believe in giving Americans a hand up, not a hand out. We should help the weakest among us get by in today's world, but it is not unreasonable to expect a contribution back from them to our society.


Corporate Welfare I believe in giving Americans a hand up, not a hand out. We should be business friendly, but in return we should expect businesses to be good citizens and contribute back to our society. If corporations choose not to do so, they should not expect to receive any kind of subsidy from our society.


Bankruptcy I support the full repeal of the bankruptcy bill passed in 2005.


Immigration I support comprehensive immigration reform. Increased security at the border. Enforcement is a two way street, however. Deporting undocumented aliens is important, but levying extremely heavy penalties on employers who knowingly hire undocumented aliens at the expense of American workers is just as important. I do support allowing undocumented aliens who have lived in the US longer than five years and have no other criminal records a path to citizenship.


Preemptive Military Action As a doctrine or policy, it is not useful. Military Action should always be the absolute last resort.


Size/Scope of Government As big as necessary, as small as possible.


Federal Taxes/Balanced Budget The first 25,000 dollars Americans earn should be tax free. The government should cap the marginal tax rate for the richest Americans at 35%, only if absolutely necessary. The estate tax should be kept in place. The Federal Government should maintain a balanced budget at all times, excepting only periods of federal emergency.


Increased Spending Public Mass Transportation. Basic Health Care Services for American citizens. Security at American ports of entry.


Decreased SpendingEarmarks, corporate subsidy, all elected officials should take a 20% pay cut.


Affirmative Action I believe that government should take steps to ensure that there is no bias based on race, religion, creed or sexuality towards its contracts and enforce legislation to ensure that private industry is acting in good faith with the law.


International Human Rights I support working aggressively to ensure human rights protections for all people in the world.


North Korea I feel that progress can be made on the situation in North Korea through negotiation and diplomatic exchange. Both direct and multiparty. I believe that in order to change the situation to our advantage, we would need to be the positive agent of change. To that effect, I would support opening an American mission in North Korea to create a dialogue with the state.


Iran I feel the same policy with North Korea can be productive with Iran.


Palestine/Israel Only by returning to our more traditional role as being an "honest broker" for peace in the region can we affect a positive turn to the conflict.


School Funding I don't know enough about this issue to give you a good answer.


New Orleans It should be rebuilt in a fashion that doesn't price out the working class who also made New Orleans their home prior to Hurricane Katrina.


Social Security I support Social Security in its current form. I think that by raising the cap on FICA taxes slightly, coupled with an increase in American productivity, we will see that Social Security can remain solvent for decades longer than we originally thought.


Stem Cell Research I support embryonic stem cell research.


Labor Labor is the backbone of our economy. Organized labor allows workers a seat at the table. This is definitely something worth supporting.


Eminent Domain Should not be used for private corporation's economic gain. The definition of a "blighted community" should be tightened to help prevent abuse that we see today.


Public Transportation Increasing our mass transportation infrastructure is key to ensuring energy independence.


International Trade Policy I believe in free and fair trade.


Tort Reform I don't know enough about this to give a good answer to this.


Corruption We should make incumbency less an advantage for Congressional and Presidential campaigns. Redistricting should be done by a bipartisan commission. I also think that we should work to kick lobbyists off the hill, and aggressively enforce ethics violations in the government.

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This is gonna be like the Pirate Party in Iowa....siphoning off votes from other people....


Political party affiliation, or independent: Democrat


My platform is about a change from the norm. When elected to represent the people, you do just that. Represent your base to the best of your ability. I have certain ideas and morals I stand behind, but I also believe in a to-the-point approach that deals with what is important to the people I represent. I may be elected by less than a majority, but it's in my interest in help everyone I can.


That, and I'm not here to make you read.



Abortion: Pro-choice

Gun Control: Support 2nd Amendment rights to own a gun, through legal channels

Iraq War: Favor a withdrawl, but would not force a rigid timetable

War on Terror: Must continue operations in Afghanistan, etc. while keeping us safe at home.

Energy policy: Move towards alternative fuels, with a special focus on a switch to ethanol, including E85, in automobiles

Prayer/religion in schools: Acceptable, but not to be required or organized by officials

Environmental issues, protections: Work to cut emissions, stay out of AMWR and pressure industries to make better environmental choices

Capital punishment: Against

Gay marriage / civil unions: Support

Health care / Medicare: Universal

Minimum wage: Raise with a tie to inflation.

Welfare (individuals): Continue programs with an emphasis on helping people to gradually support themselves

Government funding of corporations (corporate welfare, targeted research, etc.): Should be allowed but be under review to keep companies from misuse of funds, etc

Bankruptcy protections (business, individual): Work to prevent abuse of the system by both.

Immigration policies: Work to assimilate those already in the country while reviewing border security

Doctrine of preemptive military action: Reserve the right to use preemptive military action when the safety of our country lies in the balance

Size/scope of federal government: Should work as a tool to aid people it serves

Federal taxes and budget: Balance the budget.

Areas needing increased spending: Research into alternative fuels/energy, social programs

Areas needing decreased spending: Pork barrel projects

Affirmative action: Abolished

Relationships with other nations and their human rights records: Favor pressuring and decreasing trade with nations that do not live up to human rights policies

North Korea: Try to deal with diplomatically....

Iran: Same as North Korea

Palestine/Israel: Try and help establish Palestinian state while respecting Israel's right to exist - diplomacy, yet again

School funding: Work to increase, especially in schools in areas with large numbers below the poverty line

Rebuilding of New Orleans: For.

Civil liberties vs security (wiretaps, etc.): Protection of civil liberties is paramount

Social Security: Do not privatize

Stem Cell research: Increase funding

Unions and labor: Try to work with unions to preserve worker's rights

Eminent Domain: Only when needed, which is not that often.

Transportation/transit priorities and spending: Work to help establish mass transit systems to help cut oil consumption while making travel easier

International trade policy (open or protectionist, NAFTA, etc.): Work to help American businesses.

Tort reform: Some.

How to fix corruption in Congress (and other areas of gov’t): Investigations are fun, as well as opening up and publicizing more of what Congress does.


Heh, might as well. I had time to kill.

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NorthSideSox72 - Your Agent for Change


Political party affiliation, or independent: North-South


Welcome to America's party: North-South. Like most of you, we favor the protection of the freedoms guaranteed by ALL 10 Amendments in the Bill of Rights - not just the 1st and 4th like the Democrats or the 2nd, 5th and 10th like the Republicans. We believe that government should be slim, effective, and generally run like a business - smartly and efficiently. We prefer to promote American interests using all the country's resources, not just the military. We understand that the health of our nation and world depend on protecting and sustaining our natural resources. And we believe that those issues that the Constitution and logic dictate remain at the local and state level... stay at those levels.


Some might call us social moderates and fiscal conservatives. We like to think of ourselves your agents in protecting your freedom, your security and your way of life - no matter what that way may be. Our platform is simple - every belief or stance you see in the profile below flows from the three basic principles that guide our mission in representing you. They are:


1. The freedoms guaranteed throughout the Constitution should be protected above all other laws, and we should always err on the side of individual freedoms. It is the government's place to protect people's way of life, regardless of what beliefs, behaviors or choices that way may represent. It is not the government's place to choose that way.

2. The government should be run as efficiently as a profitable business, if not more so.

3. National interests, such as the environment and national security, should be unified and handled at the federal level. Everything else should fall to the states and localities, as specified in the 10th Amendment.


I’ll provide some examples of how these apply to specific issues. Principle 1 dictates that all people should be treated equally – that means that affirmative action, which is a form of organized bigotry, is not acceptable. It also means that if the government needs so badly to pry into someone’s life that they need to spy on them, that the least they can do is get a warrant from a judge (even after the fact, as FISA allows).


Principle 2 is a popular thought – everyone thinks the government should cut waste. Lots of politicians claim they can do so, but they never do. They can’t, because the goals of government employees are not aligned with success. To make the government as efficient as a private business, it needs to be structured and directed that way. For example, one plan I’d suggest is bringing in outside management consultants to determine efficiencies and quality measures – then reward public servants for achieving those efficiencies while still creating the required output and quality levels. Other efforts such as restructuring and removing unnecessary bureaucracy should be prioritized as well.


Principle 3 means that the federal government should be purely in the business of running the government for the purpose of national interests – those specified in the Constitution as being federal. It is not the place of the federal government to spend money on art, sports, local road projects or business subsidies. And it is not in the purview of the federal government to tell states and localities how to run their schools or who can and cannot be married.


These are the principles that I stand for, and they are at the core of what Americans expect from their government. A vote for me allows me to be your agent in achieving these goals…



Abortion: Pro-choice

Gun Control: Most types of gun control are ineffective (why would criminals follow those laws?), and the 2nd Amendment needs to be protected, even today.

Iraq War: The current administration made a series of horrible decisions to get us involved, but we are now obligated and responsible to put Iraq on solid footing - we cannot leave now.

War on Terror: The fight needs to be taken head on, on three fronts - security at home, neutralizing terrorists wherever they may be, and most importantly, addressing the corruption and hatred that are the breeding ground of terror.

Energy policy: Getting off non-renewable energy must be one of the nation's highest priorities, and this can be best achieved by leveling the business playing field.

Prayer/religion in schools: No public funding should ever go towards religious activities, and no child should ever be required to bow to any specific religion; but spontaneous and personal acts of faith should be protected with equal vigor.

Environmental issues, protections: It is imperative to the survival and public health of the country and mankind that we make every effort to promote sustainable agriculture, healthy ecosystems and minimal pollution.

Capital punishment: Unacceptable, for the simple reason that people make mistakes, and death cannot be undone.

Gay marriage / civil unions: Government should not be involved in marriage or any other personal relationships whatsoever.

Health care / Medicare: Health care should never be for-profit, as the primary goal should always be health itself, and not profit. But our inept government is not the solution either - privately controlled not-for-profits are the answer.

Minimum wage: I am in favor of the raise currently proposed at the federal level, but it needs to have a COLA attached, and states need to be able to add their own differentials.

Welfare (individuals): The system put in place during the Clinton administration is actually quite good, putting the focus on gaining employment, which is the key. But in the long run, the federal government should not be in this business.

Government funding of corporations (corporate welfare, targeted research, etc.): Except in matters of national security and public health (such as clean energies), no federal funding should go towards private, for-profit corporations. State and local levels are a different story.

Bankruptcy protections (business, individual): About right for individuals, but far too lenient on businesses - their purpose, to protect jobs and markets, are not served in their current form.

Immigration policies: Emphasis on better channels to get people into the country to fill the jobs we need filled - in addition to better security and enforcement of existing laws, particularly against companies who break those laws.

Doctrine of preemptive military action: Only when the evidence passes the reasonable doubt test, and when our national security is truly endangered.

Size/scope of federal government: It is currently too large, and tries to control many more things than the Constitution intended.

Federal taxes and budget:No more income tax - sales tax (scaled on need values) is preferable and much more efficient, and more "use" fees should be promoted. I would support a balanced budget amendment, with a wartime exemption.

Areas needing increased spending: At the federal level: clean and renewable energies, environmental protection, regional/national transit

Areas needing decreased spending: At the federal level: IRS and tax apparatus, corportate and individual welfare, individual entitlements, many others

Affirmative action: Affirmative action is organized bigotry, no matter how well-intended – therefore it is unacceptable.

Relationships with other nations and their human rights records:Use the economic strength of western capitalism to entice nations to rise above human rights violations (via treaties and trade agreements)

North Korea: Containment. NK's have more access to information than Il wants, and eventually, the people will turn on his regime.

Iran:Diplomacy for now, but if they continue to promote violence in Iraq and appear on the verge of gaining nuclear weapons, then tactics may need to change.

Palestine/Israel: This is one of the keys to a peaceful Middle East - we should be throwing our diplomatic weight behind working out a solution, even if it means enforcing it against BOTH sides.

School funding: This should be a state and local process.

Rebuilding of New Orleans: We have the opportunity not just to rebuild a city, but do it with a long range view - build only in areas that didn't flood, and designate the flood plains as parks and other non-residential use areas. NO has an opportunity similar to Chicago after the fire.

Civil liberties vs security (wiretaps, etc.): As the phrase goes, if we give up liberty for security, we will have neither. Our freedoms should always be protected, even if it means sacrificing complete security.

Social Security: Privatization, flexibility and the one tax increase I'd be willing to accept - raising the income ceiling.

Stem Cell research: Definitely.

Unions and labor: Unions serve a great purpose. How they function, though, is not of the government's business, unless the tactics used are illegal in some way.

Eminent Domain: Never for reasons of profit or economic gain.

Transportation/transit priorities and spending: regional and national rail transit, and whatever can be done nationally to get people out of their cars. At the state level, promote mass transit as well, and the use of clean energy vehicles.

International trade policy (open or protectionist, NAFTA, etc.): like all business environment issues - an open, level playing field.

Tort reform: All civil trials should be changed to bench trials (or if that’s not possible, then bench reviews and conditions before trial), so that some semblance of reason can be brought back to the process.

How to fix corruption in Congress (and other areas of gov’t): tightening of existing reporting regulations but, more importantly, an independent regulatory and enforcement body OUTSIDE Congress.



Thank you for your time, and your support.

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