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Dex Carter


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QUOTE (JPN366 @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 02:33 PM)
Where did you hear that by the way?

Got an email from an old source of mine down in Kanny. The only source I ever had in Kanny, but he had seen how all of us were constantly blabbing about Dex deserving a promotion. Literally haven't talked to him in a year or so and didn't think he was at all involved with the org anymore. I'm trying to get confirmation.



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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 04:40 PM)
Got an email from an old source of mine down in Kanny. The only source I ever had in Kanny, but he had seen how all of us were constantly blabbing about Dex deserving a promotion. Literally haven't talked to him in a year or so and didn't think he was at all involved with the org anymore. I'm trying to get confirmation.


Then more than likely, it's true.

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I don't know cause a week ago I had heard the Sox still had some things they wanted him to work on down in Kanny. The plan from what I understand was for Dex to spend a while longer in Kanny, than the rest of the season in Winston Salem and than open next year in Bham.


But stuff obviously changes. Thats why I'm so skeptical.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jul 15, 2009 -> 04:54 PM)
I don't know cause a week ago I had heard the Sox still had some things they wanted him to work on down in Kanny. The plan from what I understand was for Dex to spend a while longer in Kanny, than the rest of the season in Winston Salem and than open next year in Bham.


But stuff obviously changes. Thats why I'm so skeptical.


If it comes from anyone with a certain team, then I'd take it as true. Try e-mailing Ed Collari, he may know. ed.collari@wsdash.com

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QUOTE (chisoxfan09 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 12:07 PM)
Why would his upside limit him from making BHam early next year? If he does well in high A wouldn't that be enough for AA starting next year??

I'm a bit confused as I don't think anyone has indicated that he wouldn't have a shot at opening next season in Bham.


Personally, I expect him to play most of the 2nd half of the season in High A and than open next year in AA. He's got upside and a very live arm and is definately one of the arms to watch in the Sox system. I'd put Hudson/Carter/Shirek/Leesman in the group of guys with close to a year under there belts and the ability to eventually turn into top 100 prospects.



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I'm a bit confused as I don't think anyone has indicated that he wouldn't have a shot at opening next season in Bham.


Personally, I expect him to play most of the 2nd half of the season in High A and than open next year in AA. He's got upside and a very live arm and is definately one of the arms to watch in the Sox system. I'd put Hudson/Carter/Shirek/Leesman in the group of guys with close to a year under there belts and the ability to eventually turn into top 100 prospects.


Would u rate our farm system now in the top 15 or bottom 15 with all the imrpovement since last year?

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QUOTE (chisoxfan09 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 12:22 PM)
Would u rate our farm system now in the top 15 or bottom 15 with all the imrpovement since last year?

In the top 15. I think the Sox have made significant improvements to the system. I'd have put them as borderline top 10 but if you exclude Poreda/Richard/Beckham from those rankings it puts them back into that middle category.


However, Tyler Flowers/Danks/Hudsons/Viciedo's progress might change things, especially if Mitchell can make an immediate impact as well. The big thing is that the organization is much much deeper than it has been in previous years and that is a tribute to how good last years draft was so far.

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Carter's progress in the organization at this point seems to be tied to the development of his changeup.


Once he starts having more success with it, I would guess he'll move up quickly.


Are the majority of his K's on low or high pitch counts? Does he put away batters just with the FB and the movement it has or also his secondary pitches (Curve/Slider??)?

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QUOTE (scenario @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 02:29 PM)
Carter's progress in the organization at this point seems to be tied to the development of his changeup.


Once he starts having more success with it, I would guess he'll move up quickly.

He needs to be more consistent with his curveball. It's a good pitch, but from what I've read he doesn't always throw it well.

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QUOTE (chisoxfan09 @ Jul 17, 2009 -> 02:22 PM)
Would u rate our farm system now in the top 15 or bottom 15 with all the imrpovement since last year?


Honestly, unless you have at the very least a fair amount of knowledge about all 30 minor league systems, it's useless to put a number ranking on them. I just look at the number of near ML ready prospects you have at the upper levels (AA/AAA) and the amount of projectable, high-ceiling talent you have at the lower levels. IMO, I don't see anybody (among position players) that's near ML ready from our system other than Flowers. Danks/Viciedo both need at least another full year in the minors after this one (and Viciedo might need more than that). John Shelby, a guy who I've been high on for some time, appears to be running in circles. Not sure what to make of Stefan Gartrell. He seems like he would be trade bait more than anything. At the lower levels you've got Tyler Kuhn, who's done nothing but rake, since we've drafted him. Other than that, I don't see a lot of projectable/high-ceiling talent at the lower levels (this obviously doesn't include Jared Mitchell. And we'd get a big ass talent infusion if we were able to sign Trayce Thompson and Brian Goodwin).


The only near ML ready starting pitching we appear to have is Carlos Torres. Not sure how much more he has to do to get a shot. If not with us then somewhere else. Our top pitching prospect is obviously Dan Hudson. Like Kuhn, he's done nothing but dominate since we drafted him. I think 2011, assuming everything goes well, should be the earliest he makes it to the show. Dexter Carter for whatever reason is wasting away at low A. We've only got about 6 weeks left in the minor league season. It'd be a f***ing joke if a whole season goes by and he's not even tested at high A. I like a couple of other guys (Gregory Infante comes to mind). And we've got some interesting reliever prospects (Santeliz and Link). But besides that, we're definitely lacking in the pitching department. Fortunately we've got a pretty solid ML staff, therefore we have some time to get better in this department.


Sorry for being a buzzkill. This is only my personal assessment of our system. It's markedly improved since 2006/2007. But we've still got a ways to go.


Edit: Totally forgot about Nevin Griffith. He's definitely got dynamite potential. The raw but high-ceiling talent I was talking about earlier. Let's just hope he can stay healthy.

Edited by Jordan4life
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QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Jul 23, 2009 -> 04:33 PM)
Seriously, can we promote this guy already? I know they want him to develop his change. He can't do this at high A? We're not talking about jumping to the majors for crying out loud.

He's got a comfort thing with the pitching coach in Kanny.

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