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Everything posted by superchops70

  1. Need to unload some of these 1B/DH types for some real defense. I’m fine with getting rid of any/all non pitchers besides Vaughn, Anderson and Robert
  2. Every day I come to this site for the first time hoping beyond hope that there is a “Tony resigns!” thread
  3. Where’s graveman? Where’s Kelly? Neither have pitched for forever.
  4. The one time he probably should have sent the runner he holds him up. He’s probably terribly gunshy at this point with all the publicity about leading the lead in guys thrown out at home.
  5. Seems like we get the vast majority of our hits with two outs, when they are completely meaningless because we never get them in. Take 12 hits for this team to score two freaking runs
  6. Gee I wonder if Cal Ripken Jr. ever had “leg soreness”
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