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Everything posted by hankchifan

  1. Marshall is our worst reliever nowadays with an ERA over 6. Should have been our last option. Even Ruiz is better and should be added to the list above. Another brutal TLR decision, wasting Rodon masterpiece.
  2. Old timers like TLR want to ban the shift. It did not exist in the20th century.
  3. TLR is awful. Marshall pitching in the 9th is almost unbelievable. He has an ERA over 6. He has been our worst reliever lately. TLR wasted Rodon masterful pitching. What a shame. I also did not like not playing Grandal and his .400 OBP. Collins against a lefty has no chance. We had to go all out on this game with Cole pitching tomorrow.
  4. You forgot the losses that can be attributed to TLR: - left Foster in to pitch thru a 7 run inning and blew a lead. - left Giolito out to dry when he was gassed and lost the lead and the game. - didnotknow the 10th inning runner rule and sent Hendriks out to run. Send Leury to steal a base on the 10th when already had a man on 3rd and gave up an out. Did not pinch hit for Hamilton in the same 10th inning with game on the line. sided with the Twins on the Yermin HR and threw him under the bus in public. these do not look like a great job.
  5. MLB just threw TLR under the bus. Well deserved. Yermin HR is a good attraction. TLR rants are out of touch. MLB wants to attract young viewers who are not concerned about “unwritten rules”.
  6. Grandal has close to .397 OBP and gets long at bats that adds to the pitch count. His reputation influences umps who call balls on borderline pitches. He can hit the dinger if you give him too much plate. He is also a switch hitter. He adds value in many ways. I much rather see him cometo the plate than a Collins or Eaton.
  7. He is a catcher. Analogous to a heavy set lineman in football.
  8. Leury has been the best of the practice squad lately.
  9. Collins is a version of Grandal with less power.
  10. Key was not calling for fast balls in the zone to Sano, Cruz and Polanco. Yesterday we lost on threefastballs in the zone to Sano. Looks like they learned this lesson.
  11. Key was that he could get his breaking balls going. Other than the Cruz homer, our pitchers got away from throwing fast balls in the zone to Sano and Cruz.
  12. Some old timers want to ban the shift. Maybe TLR is one of them.
  13. After Engel returns Eaton will be more expendable. Being a lefty has helped him to still being around.
  14. Eaton hitting 5th yesterday hurt us badly. He was a rally killer. Today he should be hitting 8 th if at all!
  15. Eaton has been horrible. A rally killer swinging and missing on all those high fast balls. Twins starter yesterday said striking out Eaton in the 1st with a fastball out of the zone, turned the game around for him, and that before Eaton at bat, he did not think He was going to get out of the 1st inning. I can’t imagine why was Eaton hitting 5th ahead of Grandal who has. 400 OBP with all those walks and HRs. This was a factor in the loss. I would batEaton 8th if he has to be in the lineup.
  16. Don’t let Sano beat us again. He is hot. Barry Bonds treatment if necessary.
  17. Grandal should be at first. He has .400 OBP with all those walks and the occasional HR.
  18. Kopech should have been pitching in the 8th as well, particularly with Sano coming up. You cannot let Sano beat you. You do not throw him a fast ball strike, just sliders or walk him.
  19. Sox would be better off if TLR goes on medical leave ( rehab?) and have someone else take over.
  20. Sox can thrive without TLR but can’t thrive without Mercedes and his clubhouse support. TLR better not retaliate against Yermin.
  21. Leury and García is the same guy. Substitute Garcia for Eaton.
  22. If he had a problem with Mercedes, he should have told him privately, not throwing him under the bus publically.
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