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Everything posted by vandy125

  1. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Apr 7, 2008 -> 03:20 PM) CBS said Thome's hit was to right... no shift or what? Broken bat shot through the shift.
  2. QUOTE(ChiSox1323 @ Apr 4, 2008 -> 05:32 PM) i got these in the white sox wire email. i dont know if the links will work but here they are. http://mlb.mlb.com/media/player/mp_tpl.jsp...swisher_400.wmv http://mlb.mlb.com/media/player/mp_tpl.jsp...konerko_400.wmv Good stuff!
  3. QUOTE(Shamrock4Life @ Apr 1, 2008 -> 08:23 AM) I know Dish does not have a deal with WGN to broadcast WGN HD. Maybe its the same with comcast. Nope. There is the HD channel for 429 that can be in HD for Dish. The Scrubbies game was actually in HD on another Comcast HD channel, and I have seen Blackhawks games in HD on 429. They just did not send it out yesterday.
  4. QUOTE(BearSox @ Mar 31, 2008 -> 09:26 PM) You have to make it look like your intent was to get to the bag, not take out the fielder. While Blake's whole intention was to take out Cabrera, it was not blatantly obvious. Cabrera's, however, was. He showed the whole world that his intent on that slide was to take out the fielder. You are splitting hairs here. It was obvious in both cases what the "intent" was. If anything, Blake's slide was a more vicious attempt at taking out the fielder. I'm sure that OCab has a mark from that slide. If you are not going to call it in one place, you better not call it in the other.
  5. vandy125


    Booooo! Why do the good shows get canceled?
  6. This seems appropriate for this thread: The Urinal Game I try to eliminate as much splashing as possible.
  7. Here is an interesting Washington Post map of hate groups in the US that I just ran across. It fits in pretty well: US Hate Groups
  8. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ Mar 14, 2008 -> 04:36 PM) A lot of people are worried about Floyd and Danks. I really think the guy we should be worried about is Jose. If he starts getting hit around like a pinata this year, who would replace him in the rotation and how much of a massacre would it take? I think that just about everyone has said that he is the key to the rotation this year.
  9. vandy125


    QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Mar 9, 2008 -> 07:07 PM) Lol no they arent, i meant granted they are good games on the ps3 as well, but both of them are definitely superior on a pc. And it doesnt cost a ton to buy an upper tier computer if you put it together yourself... It definitely costs more than $400-500. Last time I put it one together it was twice that much. Heck a good CPU and motherboard will cost you that. Not even talking about a good video card. They better look better on the PC with those costs.
  10. QUOTE(Markbilliards @ Mar 4, 2008 -> 10:56 PM) Jimbo, don't worry it'll come eventually! Coming right out of college I was looking for a job from May 2007 to January 08 with a degree that would get me no where specific, but I finally found a position in January. The key is looking for jobs that aren't listed on sites like careerbuilder, craigslist, etc. Those site will get you no where, which I'm sure you've seen by now. You need to look up random companies and either go to their website or make cold calls asking them if they have open positions. Its frustrating but something will come. Keep your head up! I think in general that this is correct. IMO, those large sites are ok, but the best way to get your foot in the door is to go directly to the companies (if you don't know someone). Check out their web sites and you may even be able to apply online. I went through Monster, etc for months. Then, I started looking up local companies, applied online to a couple and had three interviews within a couple of weeks.
  11. vandy125


    QUOTE(BobDylan @ Mar 4, 2008 -> 05:19 PM) The crazy thing is a blu ray disc can't hold what Metal Gear Solid 4 developers wanted. They're cutting stuff to make it fit as we speak. I'm actually waiting a couple of months to buy the PS3. They are coming out with a bundle that includes Metal Gear Solid 4 with the 80GB PS3. Normally I would be wanting it now for baseball, but I've already been burned by the 2K Sports franchise once already. I'll wait for an actual good baseball game.
  12. vandy125


    QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 5, 2008 -> 05:30 PM) I never run video through my receiver as there is no benefit for me to have it run through another system of wires. I have optical or coax sound running from DVD and HD to the receiver, all video direct from source to TV through HDMI. The only benefit of running it through another sytem is if it gives you switching capability, which I still dont trust. Very good point. For some reason I had not thought of sending the HDMI straight to the TV and sending the sound separately to the receiver. Thanks for the idea!
  13. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Mar 4, 2008 -> 04:08 PM) What was the timeframe b/w the signing of Uribe and the trade for O-Cab FWIW. If it was only a week or 2, you would have thought KW would have had at least some discussions with the Angels about the trade before signing Uribe. Maybe he thought he could trade Juan? I don't know, maybe he still does? He probably was in the middle of those discussions, but IIRC the Juan signing was at a hard deadline. It was either sign him or lose him. Where would that have put those discussions if he lost Juan right in the middle of them?
  14. QUOTE(rangercal @ Mar 4, 2008 -> 12:02 PM) It's only a matter of time before Manning and Brady surpass Favre in every category but Ints. Although they do have a good chance, you are counting your chickens a bit early. One of the main reasons that I think of Favre as one of the best is because he was always out there. He was like the Cal Ripken of football. If Brady and Manning can match up to that kind of longevity (just in the ballpark at least), then I will say they were better. I can't quite give them that yet.
  15. The Uribe money was basically so we were not over a barrel to get OCab (or at least find someone better). I don't mind 4.5 million to do that. I'll wait and see what the roster looks like when the season starts before worrying too much about this.
  16. vandy125


    QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Mar 3, 2008 -> 10:27 AM) AVS Forum is a great place to go for this kind of info. Thanks CC. I think I found the answer in my TV's documentation. Anything running into it via the HDMI inputs cannot have sound output through the optical.
  17. vandy125


    Since the topic is HDTVs, I got a question about how you all are generally setting up your surround sound receiver with them. I just bought a new Plasma TV that has 2 HDMIs in, and I am looking to buy a new receiver. My question is, do I really need to get a receiver that can handle HDMI, or should I just hook up my HD stuff directly to the TV, then use the Optical output from the TV to the receiver for the sound? I'm looking at spending around $300 - $400 for a receiver and am not sure if I really need the extra HDMI stuff that adds to the price pretty quickly.
  18. I'll play again. Gotta defend back-to-back years as Champion of a league. I was in 4 last year and 5 the year before. 1) level of experience - Been playing for several years. 2) head to head or roto. Prefer H2H, but also up for roto. 3) I've been in 4 and 5. Doesn't really matter though. 4) No thank you.
  19. I should mention that I would not go with a Pet Store to get a dog from. Based upon what I have seen, those dogs can be coming from anywhere including dog farms. If you are going with a purebred, take the time to find a good breeder. If you think a mutt would be good (and they usually are), go to local rescue place.
  20. I've got a Pembroke Welsh Corgi that is a whole lot of fun. Smart dogs that are not too big (around 35-40 pounds) that are great with people (mine gets a little sad whenever it sees someone who does not come up to him to pet him).
  21. Based on Consumer Reports reliability rankings, the Honda is the one that I would recommend. The other ones are above average (except for the Focus), but Honda's are always good at retaining their value (as much as possible for a new car anyhow). I would definitely recommend going a year or 2 used. I was in a pretty similar position just 3 weeks ago. I totaled a 2002 Chevy Impala (that I had bought used). I started looking around and was looking a many of the cars you listed, but went just a year older. I ended up finding an 07 Toyota Solara for 10K less than what 08s are going for. My payment on it is about $10 more each month than the Impala, and I got bumper-to-bumper coverage for 10 years or 100,000 miles. It made a huge difference going just 1 year older.
  22. QUOTE(Alpha Dog @ Jan 27, 2008 -> 07:45 AM) Ron Paul can say that HE didn't write those things, and that may be true. He also says he won't reveal who did write them, even if he knows. Well, the editor of those publications should know, and that would be Lew Rockwell. From Lew's wiki page: The company behind the newsletters only had Ron's family, Lew and 7 others listed as employees, so it shouldn't be too hard to know who wrote and/or approved what. Everyone else in this election cycle seems to be damned by the company they keep. Why not him as well? I had not seen that before. Thanks for the info. To be completely honest I'm not sure where I stand. I always try to put myself in someone else's position when issues come up, but I do not know what to think about it yet.
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