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Everything posted by vandy125

  1. I'm just keeping the window open, and whenever I have a bit of a break, I'm throwing some votes in. http://mlb.mlb.com/mlb/events/all_star/y2008/fv/ballot.html
  2. Here is the link for those who want to go directly to it: VOTE FOR DYE
  3. What I don't also get is not only the negligence of the hospital staff, but also the other people who are just sitting there. Is it normal to see someone just passed out on the floor? I know I would have said something. It's just sad all around.
  4. Hate to say it, but the gas prices have hit as well as some other considerations. I will not be able to make it out there.
  5. Beckham just parked one. He got all of that thing!
  6. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jun 20, 2008 -> 12:14 PM) Check out the latest Palehose 8 http://palehose8.blogspot.com/ I was wondering where that came from. I had never heard the Ozzie quote.
  7. Actually, they played right in Des Moines. Here is the article on it: Empty Stadium Baseball The stadium had been completely surrounded by water. For those of you who don't know, it sits right where the Des Moines and Raccoon Rivers meet up. It is a great location, but is right by all of that water. We saw a bit of water in the outfield on Friday, but that was about it, which is pretty amazing.
  8. QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Jun 13, 2008 -> 02:40 PM) I was a Catholic school lifer as well, and while i was never taught to hate, I was exposed to historic Christian ideological writing that was every bit is extreme as in this Muslim school. Just consider the litany of offenses punishable by death in Leviticus 20: Curse your father and mother? Put to death! Commit adultery? Put to death! Have gay relations? Put to death! Commit beastiality? Put to death! Neighbors think you're a wizard? Put to death! Sleep with a menstruating woman? Bad. . . but not quite kill you bad. Both parties cast out from society. Few modern Christians adhere to these proscriptions to be sure, but they still read the historic passages that lay them out. How is that different from students in a Muslim school reading that the Koran has passages in it advocating that converts from Islam, adulterers and people who murder Muslims can be permissibly killed? Just wanted to make sure that there was understanding here. There is a difference between the old Mosaic law that was needed before Christ came and what is followed now. You don't see any Christians out sacrificing sheep or anything like that because the old things have passed, and I doubt that you would see any Christian following those. You would be completely missing a main point of Christianity in that Christ's death and resurrection gave a direct access to God. Of course that was probably your point. It is all about what is being taught. Are they being taught that they killing is a valid punishment for not being like them, or are they being taught that the old way of things has passed away? Does Islam have something like this? Maybe, but I do not remember studying that at all. The problem is that we are seeing people being killed and these Islamic laws being followed. That is the difference that I see. Now that I have derailed this, back to your regularly scheduled program.
  9. The 500 year flood plain in downtown Des Moines is now being evacuated. 500 Year Plain I also saw that 110 miles of I-80 is now shut down through Iowa. Traffic has to go way north for a detour.
  10. 1 - 3 more inches coming this morning. Another storm predicted for tomorrow. It is looking like downtown Des Moines may get flooded soon with all of this extra rain. They blocked off a couple of bridges over the river this morning.
  11. I actually completely ignore anything that has to do with him. I won't even click on the link to his articles cause I don't want to give that web page an extra hit.
  12. Can't see too easily what they are showing. Why all the browns and reds? Making it hard on the color-blind folks. Still interesting. I can see the black vs brownish/reddish/orangish on the map basically. Kind of surprised that there were a couple parts of IL that did not go to Obama.
  13. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ May 31, 2008 -> 09:33 PM) Yeup. That was a good fight. I had no idea that was Crush until they talked about it at the end.
  14. QUOTE (Brian @ May 30, 2008 -> 12:45 PM) Anyone following Season 2? The new Eliminator is brutally hard. Crush is still hot. I'm watching it. I generally DVR it, then skip through all of the blabbering to the competitions. Phoenix, Venom, and Crush are all hot.
  15. QUOTE (fathom @ May 20, 2008 -> 07:19 PM) Bulls fans....put on ESPN now! #1 pick!
  16. vandy125

    Oil Issue

    Here is an interesting take on buying a used car that gets good gas mileage instead of a Hybrid to actually save overall energy. The difference is that it takes a whole lot of energy just to make that Hybrid car. Buy Used
  17. Grew up in South Holland. Now living amongst Cub fans and their AAA team in Des Moines.
  18. QUOTE (Felix @ May 19, 2008 -> 08:38 AM) So basically, you hate the Cubs more than you hate the Indians, Tigers, Royals, and Twins, all of whom are much more important in the baseball world for the Sox considering the Sox play them a hell of a lot more often than the Cubs and they are all in the same division as the Sox. Yep, in my case, I feel the same way (although hate is too strong of a word) cuz I deal with a lot more Cubs fans than any of those other teams. I have a lot more respect for those other teams.
  19. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ May 15, 2008 -> 10:51 PM) Coke in London/Paris/Rome is AWFUL. Completely disagree. That was the best Coke I have had.
  20. QUOTE (Frankensteiner @ May 11, 2008 -> 03:42 PM) It did not seem to me like they tagged him but just threw to the base. Slapped him right on the back.
  21. QUOTE (BearSox @ May 11, 2008 -> 09:32 AM) I like how they leave Juan Uribe as Juan Uribe... That part cracked me up to. It's like they know that his name has been a curse word among many Sox fans.
  22. A bit more to the story from ESPN. Supposedly there are pictures that show what happened and there was a 911 call about the incident. IMO, Benson's story sounds perfectly feasible to me. ESPN Story
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