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Everything posted by BamaDoc

  1. No minor league games for the affiliates today. Here is major for those who wish to peruse. https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=09/05/2022
  2. Cannon pitched 2 innings with only a walk allowed.
  3. Vera now at 30 ip on the year. Hopefully more in simulated or practice work but I am not sure how many innings you let him go next year?
  4. Martin threw 5 innings so wouldn't be available for a couple days. New concept ....not playing shorthanded. For the OP, wouldn't Peyton be a send down candidate? If he has to go thru waivers, I am not sure it is a big deal.
  5. Vera for AA and Cannon for A!. Vera 1ip and 1k.
  6. Not trying to steal info but in case some people skip the home page and side bar information: Chapelli and Hernandez from DSL now in AZ. Noah Schultz pitched there also. Tommy Sommer added to Germany WBC as he has dual citizenship. Further info at side of homepage.
  7. https://www.milb.com/scores/chicago-white-sox/2022-09-04 https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=09/04/2022 Let's go Sox! Sox only afternoon game. Minors will follow.
  8. I buy a stock for $1. Over time it becomes worth $100. If I sell, I owe tax on $99 dollar profit. If I die, my heirs tax basis is $100. If they sell at $105, they pay tax on the $5 difference not on $104. He won't sell and I wouldn't either. It will take him passing for a sale and I can't hope for him to die for my fandom.
  9. Don't think it works that way in this case. Jerry is a stockholder. The biggest stockholder. If stock is sold at a profit, tax is owed no matter what is done with the proceeds. That is different than a home if that is your reference. Also with stock, when someone dies, their tax basis becomes what the value was on the date of death not what original person bought it for. So Sox stock has gone way up. Jerry sells, Jerry pays big tax. That tax hit for heirs is much less when he passes. Think this is correct but not a tax attorney.
  10. 66-66 30 games to go . 20-10 gets us to 86. Enough? https://www.milb.com/scores/chicago-white-sox/2022-09-03 https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=09/03/2022
  11. Bummer one inning. Three hits two runs
  12. Haven’t seen a box score in quite awhile so I believe so.
  13. Here is 9/2 since new threads down. We shall not be stopped! https://www.milb.com/scores/chicago-white-sox/2022-09-02 https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=09/02/2022 Big start for Davis Martin. Go Sox. Charlotte double header.
  14. I guess I am back as if it freakin' matters at this point. https://www.milb.com/scores/chicago-white-sox/2022-09-01 https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=09/01/2022 Cueto on the hill to continue the climb back to .500 Sosa striving for .300 at AAA.
  15. Ok, since it must be me, I am out for 8/31.
  16. Well after a 0-6 day, I banished myself for a day only to discover no games were played. That is about par for the course right now. Hell almost welcome banishment at this point. Hopefully, football is better but I am a freaking Jet fan. https://www.milb.com/scores/chicago-white-sox/2022-08-30 https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=08/30/2022
  17. https://www.milb.com/scores/chicago-white-sox/2022-08-28 https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=08/28/2022
  18. BamaDoc

    Student Loan Debt

    I will try to avoid expressing anything controversial/political re the state of our education system. We currently have huge shortages in truck drivers, welders, electricians, plumbers and a lot of the infrastructure type jobs that we need to rebuild our country. I would rather we spent the money forgiving and/or incentivizing people to get trade school type training where they have a job with good pay and benefits waiting for them upon the completion of their training. I feel this could provide a win for the people who gain the training and a win for those who will be paying that bill.
  19. And Leury!!!!! Hadn't noticed either one so I looked back a couple games and no appearances so I guess they both started rehab on 26th.
  20. https://www.milb.com/scores/chicago-white-sox/2022-08-27 https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=08/27/2022 Sox back to .500 Shocker
  21. I don't think I saw him on them. A tenth rounder in 2021 so probably a senior? Fits with his age as he will turn 24 late Sept. Still he has had a nice year though I don't/havent seen him pitch. Guess AA next year will be big for him.
  22. https://www.milb.com/scores/chicago-white-sox/2022-08-26 https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=08/26/2022 Well, it is another day.
  23. A game like that always makes me fear an injury but we know Sox don't get injured. Ouchy not LOL.
  24. https://www.milb.com/scores/chicago-white-sox/2022-08-25 https://www.mlb.com/prospects/stats/affiliates?teamId=145&date=08/25/2022 Well the minors had combined scores of Opponents 40 - 6 Sox yesterday! No ACL or DSL so lets hope for a better day today for the minors.
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