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Everything posted by Soxfest

  1. Wasted opportunity again, hope that does not bite Sox in the ass later on!
  2. What pisses me off the most is the money is NOT being put back in the team for 2009.
  3. I growing tired of shutouts and constant it's cold excuses!
  4. KW did not do a very good job with extra income from last year this winter improving the team for 2009!
  5. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 3, 2009 -> 08:07 PM) You guys of course realize we aren't going to score tomorrow, unless Thome's bat hits the ball out of the park twice and he rarely hits two bombs in a game. We are likely going to get mowed down by Zack. Next 2 days Grienke and Davies not looking good, maybe 1 run in KC!
  6. QUOTE (fathom @ May 3, 2009 -> 08:04 PM) Because our minor league development has really sucked this decade. Thanks KW!
  7. I guess all you have to do is bounce the ball to Fields he will swing!
  8. QUOTE (ROC Sox Fan @ May 3, 2009 -> 07:58 PM) Lillibridge is my dude. I would not tell anyone.
  9. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ May 3, 2009 -> 07:55 PM) He'll be fine. Much better than any other alternative KW has, especially considering he won't spend money. Nice to see the 11% ticket increase for 2009 not being used................... again!
  10. Sox on Espn, WGN and Fox every game I get to see they look like total s*** and are looking to be shut out for the 3rd dam time!
  11. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ May 3, 2009 -> 07:22 PM) um...can we hit one of these rangers with a pitch? i haven't even seen a brushback after Dye, Kong and now Josh have been hit. I have waited all night!
  12. Shaping up to be another piss pour White Sox game! 4-0
  13. How many f***ing times has the Sox got 3 hits in an inning and not scored. Dam!
  14. Why do we have so much problem with guys with a ERA above 7.00!
  15. QUOTE (fathom @ May 2, 2009 -> 11:12 PM) Another year where we're at a disadvantage every game that is started by our 5th starter. 4th and 5th starter in 2009 may be a disadvantage!
  16. Alexi has shown nothing to me to say he is SS longterm....................GB is coming!
  17. Sox, Bulls and Hawks all sucking tonight! Not good.
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