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Everything posted by elrockinMT

  1. Robert certainly has looked really bad at the plate lately. Almost looks lost in space
  2. he’s just trying to block out the sun glare. It’s brutal at this time of day
  3. And why is the Big Hurt not in the lineup today???!!
  4. I thought we had a chance to win. Can’t wait to see Liam back and healthy. Anderson and Moncada would help too
  5. I thought we might give the blame game a rest for awhile but 16 games into the season Here we are. Jerry, Kenny, Rick, name your player or players of the day and now the manager. I tell you what I will call Tony LaRussa and ask him what he thinks. I have calls into him dating back awhile now and I expect a call back soon
  6. Just like to mention that Sholtens started for Charlotte tonight getting the win. He went five innings with 11 Ks and NO walks allowed
  7. I just can’t believe the number of walks the Sox pitchers give up. And on top of the offense seems to shut down with runners in scoring position
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