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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by AnthraxFan93

  1. I hope that it is LA, they have a great Farm system and the fact that Garland would love that pArk. I really like the Delywn Young, a 2b who needs 1 more year in the minors before getting a call to the show. I don't know what he bring Def to the table.
  2. At least 2 bags of Honey Roasted Peanuts?
  3. Bullpen and a MI prospect. Like to the Dodgers for Bullpen and Delwyn Young.
  4. Jose, B-mac, ANderson, MArte and the worse part.. A bag of Peanuts. That is where I draw the line no way I give those up.
  5. OO no Dye doesn't drive in 140 like Manny.. BOO_HOOO
  6. Agreed.. ANderson will do fine, garland is being used for Bullpen and Retool the farm system.
  7. Thank you KW for proving me wrong.. ANd Love the move.. Now lets move JG and we be set to repeat.
  8. Question for you kids.. Who plays in the Dodger OF next year?
  9. If he won't sign a deal with the Sox.. HE GAWN.. PLease please please.. to a NL team.. I could use him on my NL only leagues!
  10. Getting mine 13 game plan.. Am I correct to assume that we are passing out the rings on Tuesday and not the Sunday Game?
  11. This is one of the players I would love to see play here...But can he play CF?
  12. Only if Brett MEyers comes with..otherwise not worth it!
  13. I think as soon as the Vazquez trade becomes Offical..He can pack his bags, he never wanted to be here in the first place.
  14. Holy s***, If I beleived in hell.. I would think it just froze over.. I agree 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000%
  15. Do they have to set up a visiting time to see him?!?!
  16. Man are you running for Politics? Dodge and misdirect.. Question is very simple.. Who was the best player in baseball at his position for the 2005 White Sox?
  17. Come on its an easy question to answer...Nice way to dodge that you are wrong.
  18. Yeah he the best SS..Umm on the 2005 World Series Champs.. How many players were the best at their postion?
  19. This I would go for.. OF course Ervin Santana better be apart of that deal as well. WE would not be downgrading our D as much as we would be grabbing Tejada.
  20. WE are not the Yankees/REd Sox we need to have our farm system produce some form of talent, we can't afford to have a bidding wars with players. B-mac has proven that he has the talent to start in the big leagues, there is no reason to trade a very talented young CHEAP, SP for a SS a postion that is already filled. Now we can talk about the downgrade in Def, that Tejada would bring to the SOX. we have already lost our starting CF, we can't afford to lose anything else on D. Personally I would see if we can make a deal to get Rowand back! Garland for Rowand and Gio! Its a pipe dream..I know.
  21. Man I was looking for the next "sosa" on the north side.. What I mean is, PR nightmare.. Damn you LA.. why you have ruin a man's Kawanza like that?
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