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Rowand44 last won the day on October 20

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About Rowand44

  • Birthday 08/23/1987

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Birmingham Barons (AA)
  • Favorite Sox player
    Pods, Juan, Bobby, ok all of them.
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
    Ryan Sweeney
  • Favorite Sox moment
    October 26, 2005
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Aaron Rowand

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  1. This is like the one thing I care about this offseason. If we're trading Garrett we better not be forcing a salary dump that's going to hurt our return when this team has 0 payroll to begin with.
  2. The Chiefs kind of suck and I have no doubt they'll be in the Super Bowl.
  3. Not a lot of organizations in sports history have been able to hang back to back banners!
  4. Doesn’t deserve a real response. It’s just so so so so bad that it doesn’t deserve a response. Ignorance, trolling, out of touch, whatever the f*** it is…does not deserve a real response.
  5. When you’re the Ravens or Eagles(and to a lesser extent the packers) and are loaded everywhere then grabbing up an elite rb can definitely be a top priority. When you’re the Bears and have numerous holes on the lines and you need to protect your franchise qb then drafting a rb in the 1st rd is just a bad idea.
  6. All normal organizations let their coach have a presser then fire him an hr later. Obviously the important thing is that Flus is finally gone just hilarious how they handled it.
  7. This s%*# is hilarious and especially coming from you. Most of us know and understand that you guys have inside sources but when you act like condescending assholes because you do, people are going to call you on it. Harold quite literally started a Jarred Kelenic thread on this board to try and prove he was the smartest person in the room so get out of here with this echo chamber BS cause it's BS.
  8. I think that about sums it up haha.
  9. To this day I remember that call word for word.
  10. You literally accused a poster about lying about where they lived.
  11. We all want sustained success, that’s what all of us whine and complain about all the time. That said, to not love and enjoy what happened in 2005 which will be the best and coolest sports moment that a lot of us will ever experience is extremely strange.
  12. Pods and Gooch’s seasons weren’t really huge outliers relative to the rest of their careers. Garland’s definitely was though.
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