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That funky motion

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Everything posted by That funky motion

  1. So do you sign him now? Do you sign him at the end of the year. What to do!!
  2. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 3, 2005 -> 01:20 AM) No, no, no. You've got it all mixed up he doesn't believe in dinasours, he just believes homosexuality is wrong. What about a gay dinosour? I believe that your gay but I dont believe in you!
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 11:53 PM) What position does Dunn play for the Sox then this year? Trade him to LA.
  4. QUOTE(Antonio Osuna @ Jun 30, 2005 -> 07:42 PM) I disagree, for this reason. Schilling/Clement and, to a lesser extent, Colon, are essentially power pitchers, whereas Mark is a finesse guy. I think that makes him inherently less reliable, because of his reliance on things like defense and trickery. Sure, Uribe/Crede are solid, but they're still human. They're still going to make mistakes. If you strike guys out rather than induce grounders, as long as the guy behind the plate has a rudimentary catching ability, you're a lot better off. If thats the case it meens more pitches. Then we are in that joke of a bullpen Boston has.
  5. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jun 29, 2005 -> 06:53 PM) Pods is a mediocre at best defensive outfielder I been saying this all year! He get the worst jump on balls!
  6. I'll take the heat over the cold anytime.
  7. I also like the Video with that Austin Powers song and the split sceens. They only play that one once in a while.
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 27, 2005 -> 08:38 AM) I wouldn't touch those paws if I were you
  9. We need to keep AJ also,he's a huge part of whats going on. Also how long is Garland signed for?
  10. The worst part is, I even found out after the first 2 innings what Prior was throwing and when and our guys were still clueless to what was going to be thrown. That's what pissed me off the most. So true! Iwas also pissed that they didnt get Prior out off the game. We all knew he was going to have a 60 to 80 pitch count. I just reminded me of the old Sox! Me no likey!! :headshake
  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 24, 2005 -> 07:59 AM) Ribbie and Rubarb should beat you down I think Southpaw and myself could take them! Have you seen the size of his paws!
  12. Someone broke the bat off the Minnie statue in center field. I saw it today! :headshake
  13. QUOTE(Soxfest @ Jun 25, 2005 -> 11:24 PM) J.Hood is a cub loving kiss ass i cannot stand him on radio, I was happy he was shipped to weekends he sucks. I dont think so! Is that why he chants first place White Sox? Also we have post game on Am1000,so Im sure they figure all Sox fans will be listening to them. one station Sox,one Cubs!
  14. Lets hope this is a sign of good things to come,between Fisk and the White Sox!
  15. QUOTE(Jabroni @ Jun 24, 2005 -> 07:19 PM) Randa is DH'ing. True but I'm sure they did'nt bring him up,so Randa could DH for three games!
  16. Well since the Reds called up their 3rd base prospect today,and he is in the lineup,something is up!
  17. I would be sweeter to get the win with him pitching.
  18. QUOTE(BlackBetsy @ Jun 24, 2005 -> 04:11 PM) I pull Garcia here. Although he's only at 93 pitches and can probably take the 8th, it would be useful to get some work for Shingo and maybe even -shudder to think - Vizcaino. I was just thinking that same thing! It would be nice to get them both into this game. Its to hot to burn out Freddy!
  19. Why did Freddy chose the black jerseys today? Too Hot!!!
  20. I cant wait to see Southpaw! No is should not be green!
  21. Frank is starting to look like Frank of old! He looks like he has slimed down around the waist,ass,legs! i sure it was the rehab!
  22. I got all choked up today,when she started to cry. I love Nancy and I cant imagine being at a game without listening to her! THANKS NANCY!!!!!!
  23. I dont know who it was on the "Mac,Jurco,Harry show" that said it,but one of them brags about Uribe body around the locker room. He said he cant believe the great shape he is in!
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