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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(Jimbo @ May 3, 2007 -> 10:47 AM) Is Gio like 100 lbs? 21 years old, listed at 5'11", 185 lbs.
  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 3, 2007 -> 11:41 AM) And the problem with the bar business and giving credit to or blame for their success after a ban is how many fail anyways. It isn't like bars are the blue chip business prospect. Anyone been to a Snuggery lately No, and I don't know what that is. But like I said, this will put some bars out of business. But it will create other opportunities for other bars to serve a different clientele. New York's experience suggests that if it does do harm, it doesn't do enough harm to overwhelm other factors, and getting 100000 people to quit smoking is probably more than worth changing some bar-going demographics.
  3. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 3, 2007 -> 10:52 AM) Probably. Enforcement would be the issue. We can make all the laws in the world, but without enforcement, they are meaningless. In other words, if no one objects at work, it will probably be business as usual. If one person complains, there will probably be a problem. Here is an interesting question that no one has brought up., Certainly there will be smokers who can't go a few hours without a cigarette, and will have to stay home and avoid bars. Will there now be non smokers who will want to go to bars who may offset the business lost? If someone did complain, you could probably also come up with debates about the size of the area, the amount of air in it, and the ventilation in the area. If it genuinely becomes a problem where someone complains...go buy an extra fan. And on your 2nd point Tex, at least in other cities, the effect seems to be almost minimal in most cases, or at the very worst fairly small. There are always some places that wind up shut down, and there are plenty of places and news sources that will make an issue of those, because this does fundamentally shift the demographics of the people coming out and spending money. Here's one study on NY saying the effect is small, Here's the counter-point. Some places are going to be hurt, some places are going to prosper, and eventually, a new equilibrium will be established. But interestingly, and in a very good development for both public health and for those who pay for Medicare (i.e. taxpayers)...NY also saw a significant reduction in its smoking rates with the beginning of this ban.
  4. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 3, 2007 -> 10:52 AM) We should have traded Crede after last season when he was at peak value. On paper you're right, but here's the big question; how much value did he drop because of the recurrence of his back injury at the end of last season?
  5. QUOTE(heirdog @ May 3, 2007 -> 10:38 AM) We became a home run team when Greg "Looping Swing" Walker became the hitting coach. Are you telling me the offense wasn't a home run offense in 2000, 2001, 2002, and at the beginning of 03?
  6. QUOTE(ZoomSlowik @ May 3, 2007 -> 10:39 AM) Well, he's not at that point yet. His injuries are getting annoying for fantasy leaguers like me, but unlike Prior he can still pitch well when he's healthy. As long as he's not out like all of this season I could still see it, though you've got a point, who knows what his injury situation will be in a few years. I would still think he'd try to get at least someone like Ervin Santana or Mike Pelfrey while he still probably could... Mike Piazza just went to the DL until sometime in June. Something tells me Mr. Beane is going to be selling, and surprisingly soon.
  7. Mike Piazza to the DL for 4 to 6 weeks with a shoulder injury. This could seriously hasten Billy Beane deciding to go for a sell off. Tom Gordon is out for a while after feeling pain in his throwing shoulder. The Phillies continue to spiral. Carl Pavano is on his way to Dr. Andrews. King Felix will take a little more time off.
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 3, 2007 -> 10:27 AM) To me I see it as the same sort of vein. These are workplace conditions which kill employees. I don't know why it isn't looked at in the same light. So, your solution would be to have everyone in a non-smoke-free bar required to wear breathing apparatus? You know, that sort of makes sense to me.
  9. So, I'm not sure where exactly to stick this, but I think it's interesting, so here goes. An MIT paper taking a detailed look at the practicallity and effectiveness of an Israeli-led strike against the Iranian nuclear industry. Link.
  10. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 3, 2007 -> 09:15 AM) And from all accounts Jim Bowden didn't just want McCarthy straight up for Soriano, he wanted another large piece (Fields) included as well. KW has actually hinted recently that if the deal had been McCarhty for Soriano straight up he probably would have pulled the trigger. I dunno, I believe there were vague reports that a McCarthy/Soriano swap was at least a significant possibility last year around the deadline time.
  11. QUOTE(caulfield12 @ May 3, 2007 -> 08:59 AM) Soriano would be playing LF now, we could have used the $2.9 million from Pods' salary to sign Ponson or Ortiz for one year...and we would still have Floyd and Gio in the minors as insurance. How is Soriano and Ortiz not better than Mackowiak/Ozuna/Sweeney and Danks? $$. Assuming we'd have been able to sign Soriano for something reasonable, it'd still have been about $15 mil or so a year, even before the Cubs blew open the market.
  12. QUOTE(caulfield12 @ May 3, 2007 -> 08:53 AM) Last year, after one month, Dye had 6 homers and 20 RBI's. This year, he has 6 homers and 15 RBI's in the same number of games. What's the big difference, besides his batting average? Jermaine Dye is still Jermaine Dye, Gary Sheffield is still Gary Sheffield. Last year, after one month, Dye had 6 homers and 20 RBI's. This year, he has 6 homers and 15 RBI's in the same number of games. What's the big difference, besides his batting average? Overall numbers: AVG OBP SLG OPS 2006, April: .329 .430 .616 1.046. 14 strikeouts. 12 walks. 2007, April: .221 .315 .442 .757 20 strikeouts. 9 walks.
  13. Brian Anderson needs to go back to Birmingham to get some at bats.
  14. All he has to do is stay healthy.
  15. QUOTE(caulfield12 @ May 3, 2007 -> 08:37 AM) How would Dye have dropped in value by 50%? He has six home runs, and a very reasonable contract...the value of Dye is based on a team needing a RF or DH. What other players are available that would be considered better than Dye? JD has gotten off to a very slow start first of all, which means he won't be putting up MVP type numbers to rival last year. He's hitting .209. So first of all, you're not trading a top 5 MVP candidate any more. Secondly, he's now dramatically closer to Free Agency in the minds of most GM's. You're no longer even getting the guy for a full season. If he catches fire, he can still regain a lot of that trade value, but if he catches fire, that reduces the likelihood of the Sox delaing him.
  16. QUOTE(IowaSoxFan @ May 3, 2007 -> 07:06 AM) At this point I would rather just trade JD to the Dodgers for prospects. Send JD and BA for Ethier, Kemp, and DeJesus Jr. Then we will have corner outfielders for a while and will allow us to focus on either Sweeney or Ichiro in CF after this season. I think our production would still be at least at the level it has been now. I would like like to get Melky Cabrera from the Yanks and with their pitching situation we might be able to get him for Floyd or Logan. It's going to take JD seriously heating up to regain interest from a team like the Dodgers. And the Dodgers running into serious problems with their offense as well (which could be possible, as I sort of doubt Jeff Kent will hit .320 all year). I'm not giving the Yankees Logan, but if they'd be interested in Floyd, that's actually something that might work. They'd probably take anyone who could give them innings right now.
  17. So, in terms of only Konerko and 2003...according to a report on CSN back after 05, one of the reasons Paul struggled so much to start 03 was that during the pennant chance in 02 he was playing hurt; literally playing on a broken foot during the pennant chase. And because he never got off it, it didn't have time to fully heal before it hit the Spring again.
  18. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ May 2, 2007 -> 04:27 PM) Interesting, but this sort of demand wave shouldn't keep us from moving forward. Its a natural progression. Demand creates an increase in prices, then the increase in prices will result in an increase in supply. This will occur over time. How you ask? For one thing, many people who have land in states like Iowa and Missouri own the land and get paid by our government to NOT plant corn. Its a price prop. Remove the prop, and people will sell the land or use it. The flexibility is there in the market, and if the prices rise enough to overcome the non-planting money, then it will happen on its own. Long term though, there is still another major issue; is there actually enough arable land to produce the supplies energy consumption will demand as oil prices keep going up? If more and more food supplies keep being required for energy, then it's quite possible that the market won't be able to keep up with the demand.
  19. The NBA responds angrily and appears to have some valid points.
  20. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ May 2, 2007 -> 03:46 PM) Like was posted above, the team with the same hitting coach led the world in runs scored the first half of last season. I find it hard to believe Greg Walker is the reason Konerko is hitting .180. Dye is hitting .215 AJ .215 Crede the same. All of these guys have had great offensive seasons with Walker has the hitting coach. KW is not going to wax him, and he shouldn't . So then that begs the question...what should be done? Should we just ride out this cold streak and be willing to sacrifice the season if it goes on for a couple more weeks while Thome is out?
  21. QUOTE(StrangeSox @ May 2, 2007 -> 03:39 PM) Striving to be below average is never a good thing. The White Sox were 9th in offense in 2005.
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ May 2, 2007 -> 03:34 PM) They'll be Cubs fans in 2 months. I wouldn't want Sweeney hitting 3rd in AA. Not sure if this is a positive or negative, but I really think that Sweeney needs to prove he has any chance of hitting at this level before we likely hand him a starting spot for next season. If Pods has injury problems that linger, at least Sweeney should get this chance instead of possibly learning the hard way next year. We've already called him up, so IMO, he should be the everday starter from now until we find someone better or we throw in the towel (at which point he becomes the everyday starter until the end of the season)
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