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Everything posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ May 2, 2007 -> 03:31 PM) I think it's balta or kalapse that has stats on how our offense was like 12th in the AL during the 2nd half last season. Post All-Star the White Sox were 9th in runs scored in the AL, between the Angels and Toronto. How the Hell Boston came in at 11th I'll never know.
  2. Balta1701

    i moved

    I didn't know the legend also sold real estate. Congrats.
  3. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 2, 2007 -> 03:21 PM) Who are these people. Zombies.
  4. QUOTE(fathom @ May 2, 2007 -> 03:17 PM) If this was 5 years ago, people would be calling for the manager's head due to corpseball. Well, when this happened 4 years ago, the White Sox did replace their hitting coach (2003, Gary Ward replaced by Greg Walker). And in Mid-May, nonetheless.
  5. QUOTE(kwolf68 @ May 2, 2007 -> 03:14 PM) What worries me is Mark Buehrle will be the first one traded because his value is sky high again. I think that would be a mistake...Mark is the one dude who has sacked up this year and is playing ball. I hope Im wrong, but with Mark's contract situation, if the Sox fall out of contention I fear he'll be the one dealt. I'd rather him be dealt than us lose him at the end of the season for draft picks. Ditto Dye, although it would be really nice if JD could hit a little to get that trade value back up.
  6. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ May 2, 2007 -> 03:13 PM) So let me get this straight, people actually believe Greg Walker tells guys to go up to the plate and swing as hard as they can just in case they hit it. He also tells them not to work a count. Swing at as many pitches as they can, regardless of their location. I really don't know what to think of Walker as a hitting coach, but I find it hard to believe he's the reason the team can't hit right now. If he doesn't say that, and the players are doing it anyway, then the players are not listening to him. It's the same deal as with our attorney general. Either he's an idiot and is telling people the wrong things, or no one is listening to him. Either way, some of the blame has to be his.
  7. The Yankees fired their strength and conditioning coach today. Just figured I'd add that.
  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 2, 2007 -> 12:23 PM) I do worry when we are dependent on foreign food to feed ourselves. Well, I worry more about the FDA doing its job and making sure there is some fair inspection process on foreign food entering the country than on the foreign food itself. (Hint; it's not.)
  9. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 2, 2007 -> 12:21 PM) BTW, I don't think it is fair to call this Bush's war. If we go into the way back machine, we'll find that most of America was behind the war. Now we know some of the information wasn't accurate, so maybe we can pin a bit more but IIRC there was widespread support of the war. So, are those of us who were right about this war being a terrible idea around 6 months before it started still allowed to call it Bush's war?
  10. QUOTE(danman31 @ May 2, 2007 -> 11:45 AM) It's really not moronic. It sounds very cool. The only thing is whoever is on the clay side SHOULD have a huge advantage because the balls they hit will be coming at their opponent faster while the shots they will be receiving will be coming at them slower. Presumably, they'd alternate sides throughout the match, at least if I was designing the game they would
  11. QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 2, 2007 -> 10:21 AM) This is one of the biggest "hangups" on the Doha talks for the WTO right now. If an agreement for Doha is going to be reached, farmers in this country will have to pay the piper. And a huge majority of American taxpayers and consumers will benefit if that ever does happen, IMO.
  12. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 2, 2007 -> 11:23 AM) This Bill was absolute trash, and I'm glad it was vetoed. And for the first time in.....well a while, the Democrats look like the bad guys because they refused to give in AT ALL in terms of compromise and with their comments today look like they are throwing the troops under the bus. Not taking on any comments today yet, but do you seriously believe that the Dems refused to give in at all? Did you pay any attention at all to how this bill was constructed? This bill was compromised out the wazoo just to get it out of committee, and I'm not just talking about the pork. Dramatic weakening of the deadlines, complete removal of any sort of enforcement mechanism (if Bush had signed it, he basically could have just ignored the deadlines without penalty), and so forth. All that was done to get most of the centrist/blue dog Dems on board so that it could pass in the first place. What exactly is there the Dems could have compromised on? The only things that would have made Mr. Bush happy would have been if anything and everything resembling a timetable was totally removed. The enforcement mechanisms were never in the bill in the first place, and the timetable was as watered down as Springfield Elementary's orange drink.
  13. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 2, 2007 -> 10:14 AM) I am sure the loss had nothing to do with the charge they probably had to take to cover the costs associated with terminating the employees... That can't affect the raw sales numbers right? Same article:
  14. This week, I'm going Back to Circuit City for this one.
  15. QUOTE(Texsox @ May 2, 2007 -> 09:21 AM) They were state subsidized, have they stopped that? The subsidies were slightly altered in 1999, first. Last year, the price on them rose 15% or so in Mexico City. The new government recently instituted new price controls on top of the older ones to try to combat the price increase.
  16. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 2, 2007 -> 08:03 AM) Holy s***! So much for the myth of "law abiding" I had no idea the #s were this high. So, I have some problems with that number, but given that it seems like a very odd number, I'm not exactly sure how to interpret it. Couple of points: First, here's exactly what Malkin says: "foreign-born individuals admitted to state correctional facilities and local jails during the year for committing crimes in the U.S." I'm not exactly sure what all that includes honestly. She doesn't say anything about being convicted of a crime, she doesn't say what sort of crimes are being included. It could very well be that she's picked out her number in such a way as to make things look as bad as humanly possible, i.e. by including the 200,000+ folks picked up solely on immigration violations, or including people who are picked up but never charged with anything. Secondly, if we assume there are roungly 12 million illegal immigrants in this country, that gives a rate of 5.4% If you assume the other end of the estimates, 20 million, that comes to 3.25%. According to the U.S. Census bureau, the U.S. prison population may rise to 7.7 million, or 3.4% of the population, by 2010. Amongst the African American population, for example, the rate is even higher, although for some reason I can't seem to find the data I want using Google. I'm amazed and frustrated. And beyond that, this number clashes with other number sthat have been recently published. Citing a study from about 2 months ago: To my eyes, this number just doesn't pass the smell test. It seems like something has been done to artificially inflate it to make it look as bad as humanly possible, without giving appropriate explanation of where it actually comes from.
  17. The exploding price of corn tortillas has become a major political issue in Mexico.
  18. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 2, 2007 -> 08:46 AM) Remember, Terrero did homer yesterday. That could earn him a few starts in a row. Only against left handers, I'm sure. Just keep freaking Ryan Sweeney in the lineup. Every bloody day. PLatoon Terrero with Erstad, but keep Sweeney in the bloody lineup.
  19. We really need to find a way to get him and Richard Gere in a room.
  20. QUOTE(Jimbo @ May 2, 2007 -> 07:13 AM) They will have Clemens in no time. Why would Roger want to come back and help this team go from last place to 3rd place? IF he wants to win, he's not coming back until the Yankees show him something first.
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