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Everything posted by DrunkBomber

  1. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 02:22 PM) I guess we didn't learn anything from James O'Keefe's previous videos, which also resulted in people losing jobs and then it being revealed as a bunch of misleading nonsense. "We Have MENTALLY ILL People, We Pay To Do Sh*t' At Trump Events" So thats ok I guess
  2. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 02:20 PM) They had people go to rallies with shirts and signs that would irritate Trump supporters, hoping they'd react poorly. That's not even in the same ballpark as being paid to attack people. Your framing is amazingly dishonest. You keep ignoring the part about them specifically saying they used the mentally ill. Is that ok to you?
  3. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 02:14 PM) I am still shocked at how many sheep fall for these lies. The election was just won on a ton of lies, including this one. Someone who's been a sensible poster around here since I've been around fell for it. Unreal. Ya thats why Bob Creamer was forced to step down from the super pac and distance himself from the campaign, because of the sheep lol.
  4. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 02:09 PM) What are you referring to? Even the edited, context-free James O'Keefe videos didn't show people being hired to attack people. Are you nitpicking the word attack or denying this happened? They paid people to go to the rallies and cause "disruptions" which led to violence and people getting hurt. They admitted the DNC not only knew about but they had a say in it.
  5. QUOTE (shysocks @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 01:55 PM) Posting the same link seven times definitely increases its impact. Im posting it in threads where people are talking about all the evil things white people are doing because Trump won. None of the tolerant left seems upset when someone gets dragged out of their car and jumped by 2-3 guys because they voted for Trump. Where are the videos of minorities getting chased around and beaten because Trump became president? Where is the outrage that George Soros and mulitple democratic super pacs were hiring the mentally ill to not only attack people, but to make it appear they were Bernie supporters? Listening to people say stuff like "Well I have a gay friend and Im worried that Trump might do this or that" while the actual democratic party was hiring people to attack American citizens is astonishing. Look on social media, there are assassination threats, threats of riots, threats of attacking Trump supporters and we have a bunch of democrats worried that Trump "may" do something because they listen way too much to CNN.
  6. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 01:48 PM) Are you white? If you are, be careful of the tolerant left out there http://www.tmz.com/2016/11/10/trump-suppor...-chicago-fight/
  7. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 01:23 PM) Pretty sure thats not the real reason he was robbed, but glad those idiots are dumb enough to tape themselves. How can you say it wasnt because of Trump when theyre yelling he voted for Trump during the entire thing? Seeing a lot of you guys up in arms about alleged mean tweets or signs and then having nothing to say about stuff like this is another reason Trump won.
  8. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 01:10 PM) Day 1 In Drumpf's America http://www.tmz.com/2016/11/10/trump-suppor...-chicago-fight/
  9. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 12:46 PM) I think you still don't get what happened. He didn't conman tens of millions of Americans, he was the outsider who was different and different outweighed general views of policies. Yes, he made lots of promises (sometimes even contradicting promises) but he talked and talked about change, he talked and talked about bringing jobs back to the rust belt. He talked about stronger immigration...yes in many cases he talked about more extreme stances, but the biggest thing was, he was not a politician and that was what got him elected. I have a lot of the frustrations that the American people have that led them to vote for Trump, the problem was I couldn't turn out those frustrations in a candidate like Trump (I wish there was a better outsider option). But the reality is what the reality is and we now are in this world. We need to see what he does and if he does bad things, then everyone needs to realize maybe we need to do more as a country to make this a better place, to move things, forward, etc. More importantly, people need to work together and that includes our politicians who over the past 12 years have done very little when it comes to economic stimulating policy. They've essentially left it in the fed to give you pain killers while doing nothing to actually solve the problem (90+% of economists would agree with that take). I'm not putting blame on one side or the other, just saying no one wants to work with each other and they will all claim it is the other parties fault. This was about the establishment vs outsiders, globalism vs populism. A lot of people have felt they were left behind by both political parties trying to push a global agenda no matter how it affected them.
  10. http://www.tmz.com/2016/11/10/trump-suppor...-chicago-fight/ The tolerant left
  11. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 12:20 PM) Look how small Obamas hands are!
  12. Former Wall Street executive played a significant role in choosing key staff members for Obama administration Lets not forget that Obama literally let Wall Street select his cabinet.
  13. The dems should be more upset at the media than anyone else. There was a time when the media actually did investigative journalism and tried to get scoops. Dems just spent nearly a year being told they had a candidate who was the most qualified on the planet and was such a slam dunk to win that they dont even need to worry about voting. The emails were a much bigger story than the msm led people to believe. The Clinton Foundation has been under FBI investigation for over a year and nobody knew about it because the media was more concerned with Trump using money from a charity that he likely has nothing to do with to donate to a veterans charity to settle for having an American Flag that was too big and too high. For christ sakes she was forwarding classified info to her maid to print for her.
  14. QUOTE (Tony @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 11:57 AM) There is no question there is a "base" of Trump supporters that are overtly racist, to me that is evident. Calling half our country racist is extreme and I wouldn't go there, that I will agree with. I also refuse to say if you voted for Trump, you a racist. I can think you made a large error in judgment, but I'm not going to call you racist for it. The dems strategy this election was force a candidate that had been planned for 8 years. Rig the primary and then call anyone who wont vote for her racist and sexist. They should have had a real primary and found a better candidate instead of the identity politics that caused them to get absolutely demolished all over the country.
  15. QUOTE (Tony @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 11:53 AM) I just don't understand how this can get glossed over so easily. Hours after he won, I saw the GOP talking heads, very quickly for the first time saying "In terms of the wall, he didn't really mean a 'wall' but more of a bigger fence around 'some' of the border" What? That was #1 rally cry for his base at every stop he made. We're we supposed to know these were 100% empty promises? Did everyone at the rallies know that? Honestly almost every GOP talking head had been against him the entire time so Id take stuff coming from them with a grain of salt. More than half of Fox News spent the entire election cycle trashing the republican candidate.
  16. QUOTE (Tony @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 11:49 AM) Again, you told anyone that didn't see it your way to get of their high horse, and I made it personal??? I think he was referring to during the election cycle, thats what I was referring to at least when he responded. There were a lot of people everywhere who would be willing to call you every name in the book at the drop of a hat just because you thought Hillary Clinton shouldnt be president, and that contributed to her loss.
  17. QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 11:47 AM) Referring more to playing defense there. ahhh, ya hopefully we dont have to worry about him trying to undo any of the great work thats been done there.
  18. QUOTE (bmags @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 11:42 AM) I think it's safe to say the best move the LGBT community leaders could do is shower Trump with praise and see what kind of policy that gets them. I'm really not joking. What kind of policies are they currently seeking? I know we have the bathroom stuff in North Carolina but other than that I thought we were pretty up to date on gay rights.
  19. I couldnt disagree more with Mike Pence or any other far right persons views on gay rights. That said, Trump always seemed to say positive things about the LGBTQ community and would hold up rainbow flags at his rallies and stuff like that. Id be more worried about Roe V. Wade because he has actually mentioned that and he is gonna have the SCOTUS. As far as I know the only damage they could do in terms of abortion is kick it back to the states to decide, might be wrong on that, but Id really like the GOP to take this opportunity to update their archaic social views.
  20. QUOTE (raBBit @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 11:22 AM) That's my point. The narrative is that all white people who didn't vote for HRC are white supremacists who hate gays, Mexicans, blacks, hispanics, Armenians, rabbits, transgenders, people in wheelchairs and people who wear wigs. Apparently generalizing the half the country as racists because Shaun King (who pretended go be black to help his career) posts some links is the progressive and mature thing to do. People havent wanted to admit but Trump winning was hugely fueled by the media. As someone who really wasnt supporting either candidate, watching every news outlet during the election try to tell people if you dont vote for Hillary Clinton you are sexist, racist etc got old very quickly. CNN asking the DNC what questions to ask Trump and Cruz, feeding Hillary questions to debates and as I railed against before, editing quotes pissed a lot of people off.
  21. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 11:00 AM) Having chatted with Kelly Ayotte one-on-one on multiple ocassions, she was a very good women and candidate. It is too bad she lost. She is the type of person who I think could have a big role in this country going forward (maybe not now, but a few years from now). I wouldn't be shocked if 8 or 12 years from now she was running for president. I agree. I didnt know much about her before this election but I thought she seemed decent enough as a politician. It just shows how angry the American people were.
  22. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 10, 2016 -> 09:04 AM) The 3rd party shaming is ridiculous. If you want to shame someone, look at the 46.9 percent of voters who stayed home. They should shame the media and all of the dem voters who were willing to push Hillary Clinton as a nominee. All of the warning signs were there for Hillary but the democrats didnt want her to have to be held accountable for her corruption until it was too late and wikileaks exposed just how corrupt they were.
  23. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 01:19 PM) She got more votes than Trump did so there's that. Ya and she got bludgeoned in the electorate by Donald Trump despite having all of Washington DC, almost every media outlet, popular celebrities, billionaires all backing her. Dems got slaughtered down ballot too. Mark Kirk and Kelly Ayotte are two of the bigger GOP losers and they were 2 of the most vocal never Trumpers.
  24. QUOTE (iamshack @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 01:09 PM) Women? Ya women would have been much safer with Bill Clinton back in the White House.
  25. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 9, 2016 -> 12:24 PM) How long did the GOP spend trying to work with Obama in 2008/09? If they pass legislation that's beneficial to the country, then there will be progress...potentially. The entire philosophy of the Congress after 2010 was blocking/obstructionism. Why would that be any different now? The country didn't change last night so much as Hillary was just a terribly flawed candidate and repudiated by the same groups who got her husband elected, African Americans and voters under 30...the new administration tries to veer too far to the right, it will be as popular as the Brexit movement is right now in England. There's no massive mandate like Obama originally had to work with... What happened was the dems selected a candidate that simply couldnt be president. It wasnt going to happen, I have said that for months. Bernie mops the floor with Trump this election but as we saw from wikileaks the DNC wasnt going to let that happen, under any circumstances. Not to mention that there is video proof thanks to James Okeefe of the dems admitting they pay the mentally ill to attack people at Trump rallies. The Clintons almost destroyed the entire democratic party. Hillary Clinton was the worst candidate in political history running the most negative garbage campaign possible. Colluding with the media and even establishment GOP politicians. That is why Trump won. Not because of raicism, sexism or any isms people want to insult people with. You lost because of the candidate you selected.
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