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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by Mercy!

  1. I sooooo much wanted to post this on the "Republicans Only" thread, because they look so gosh darn lonely over there. But I didn't want to stoop so low.
  2. Mercy!

    Random Thread

    I recall a Lavistown cheese which I really liked which I think is from that region. Cashel Blue is one of my favorite Irish cheeses, but it’s from Co.Tipperary.
  3. Mercy!

    Random Thread

    Dunno if you mean it is bad, good or lacks legitimacy. But-- American-made Muenster is a totally different beast from the European varieties. For that matter, the German Münster can’t hold a candle to the world’s best – Munster from the Alsace region of France. If you really do like great cheese, stop in a specialty shop or someplace like Whole Foods which these days has some amazing cheeses always in stock, and request they cut you a sample to taste. Some brands I’ve seen available are made by Marcillat and l’Ermitage, but French (Alsatian) Munster is name protected so you’ll always get the real thing no matter who the producer is. And if it turns out you don't like it - well, you haven't wasted a penny.
  4. Mercy!

    Random Thread

    Ah, I can’t bear to pour my heart out here about my cheese preferences, only to discover that no one shares them, or at least responds in kind. I already learned my lesson on the music and film threads. Okay. Just a very few. The availability of great cheeses in this country has changed so much for the better in the last decade. Hubbardston Blue – a divine U.S. goat cheese Taleggio Brie de Meaux Gratte-Paille Alsatian Munster Saint Marcellin Saint Felician Roquefort Stilton Shropshire Blue
  5. We understand. But just be careful out there.
  6. First, we all have biases. I think somewhere along the line, many began to associate that concept with unthinking, hateful prejudice and began to think that it was a bad thing. Why not consider bias as having a particular point of view based on your life experiences? Regarding the national media, the whining about media bias in this day and age intrigues me. It’s a little like complaining about some of the trash on TV. Who in the world makes you watch or read these things? There’s a news source for every possible political persuasion these days. I make a big distinction between the legitimate journalism sources, the cable bloviators, and most anonymous bloggers, not that some bloggers don’t fill an important niche. And the bloviators I just never listen to. Regarding Drudge, maybe he has moved more from the Right to the Center, and maybe his site is a useful source of information. But I put him in the category of self-loathing closet case who hurt a lot of people over the years, and I try not to click on his site just out of principle.
  7. Coulda. Shoulda. Woulda. It’s not about “his poor rights being trampled on.” It’s about providing an entire region with a shining example of the benefits of democracy. I was pretty surprised when I started studying up on this subject. I really had no idea of the skepticism or contempt with which MOST of the rest of the world views this trial.
  8. I do believe so. Ho-Ho-Ho.
  9. Same here. And that's at my corner bodega. And the cheap price is not due to unfettered free market capitalism a la Wal Mart. It's because of all the damned subsidies from the federal government.
  10. Honest to God. He's practically radioactive now. His days in the leadership are over. You can't find even a friendly Republican who wants to be photographed within ten feet of him.
  11. Me. And I'd have them on trial for war crimes at The Hague, not at our puppet trial that almost no one else in the world believes has legitimacy. Of course, I'm referring to Hussein. Who's this Bin Laden you speak of? Is he that really bad guy we used to hear so much about?
  12. When you use someone else's work, could you reference your source, please. Thanks.
  13. And just as with poorly-phrased public opinion poll questions, you'll get results that will be difficult to interpret, or that will be easy to misinterpret. Although the board demographic seems to be heavily skewed toward teenage and twenty-something males, this particular forum may not be totally representative of that. I think you should have allowed a Libertarian choice, since so many young guys trend that way these days until they start accumulating property, possessions, and offspring.
  14. Yeah, it's too bad we can't cherry pick the actions for which we will later be remembered and for which we will be judged. History will be merciless. And fair.
  15. I watched a little of Sen. Stevens ranting and threatening about this issue last night. It’s amazing how much he looks like Strom Thurmond now. Also, totally off topic, but what the heck. Has anyone else noticed how Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert seems to have blown up as big as a house? He looks as obese as Ariel Sharon. Someone should do one of those separated at birth photos. Their blood pressures must be off the chart.
  16. The death of former Senator William Proxmire last week brought back memories of his Golden Fleece Awards. I believe he would announce them monthly. The purpose, of course, was to publicize and poke fun at some especially egregious waste of taxpayer money. I’m sure the Alaskan Bridge to Nowhere would have topped his list of today’s follies. Unfortunately, for my tastes, the exercise occasionally devolved into making fun of some legitimate scientific research project or other, apparently just because the subject had sounded funny. This study in apes sounds like one of the ones that would have caught his eye back then.
  17. To see the individual names in an enlarged version, you can download a PDF of the cartoon here
  18. I’ve had TIVO so long that I don’t bother programming it much with the thumbs up and thumbs down thing anymore. It finds some interesting things based on my past viewing history to record and surprise me with (if I may be so anthropomorphic). Although I had never watched the Ellen DeGeneres Show before, I found one episode recorded for me last week that featured an appearance by Julie Andrews flogging some project or other she was involved in. I’m afraid Grandma Julie has had so much cosmetic surgery on her face that one could be excused for thinking she has some Asian heritage. But that doesn't detract too much from the memories. End of hijack (for now). Thank you everyone for your patience.
  19. Our lack of science literacy is one reason that the next century will see the United States as a relative has-been on the world stage unless it can get its priorities and educational system straightened out. The very fact that this discussion keeps occurring indicates that even people who consider themselves educated are woefully ignorant of what science as a discipline, and particularly the scientific method, entails. I kind of view our country as being in a similar position to that of the Muslim world centuries ago when they were at the forefront of knowledge in many areas, but have fallen so far behind today. There is no conflict that I can see between a belief in God and a belief in evolution. However, there are most definitely conflicts between some religious teachings and evolution. You would think that our form of government with its grounding in separation of Church and State would be more immune to this attempted hijacking by the American Taliban. I wonder why it hasn’t been.
  20. Educated? Well, the word I would have chosen is "experienced." More than that I cannot say or I'd be drummed out of the separatist sisterhood.
  21. Are you sure? I was picturing something more along the lines of
  22. I don't have a clue what all y'all are talking about. Can I still be allowed to vote for Ava?
  23. Spying again, huh? Thank goodness I found a great Lesbian Separatists with Girl Children only/Vegetarian/Cotton Clothing/Living on the Land/Raising Goats for Cheese Forum where I can discuss the White Sox. So it’s all worked out quite well for me.
  24. No offense taken here! But who really goes to a baseball forum to discuss politics? Wouldn’t that be like going to a tavern in order to smoke a cigarette?
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