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Everything posted by WinningUgly85

  1. QUOTE(WinningUgly85 @ May 18, 2006 -> 05:57 PM) got the same email Well tomorrows the day. Anyone still up for making fun of the cubbies for protesting?
  2. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 24, 2006 -> 10:37 PM) So the guy that is like 20-3 in game threads is thanking the posters? Well done sir, I would also like to thank the great posters who do well to hide my mediocrity, thanks guys. lets try to incorporate alot of the things that are on www.whitesoxinteractive.com. Like have it where we can upload photos to the main page and just create a very vibrant community built around posting on this forum. When I saw a poll result earlier about any of us using the soxtalk mainpage and I voted all the time. It's already becoming that because now soxtalk has its own podcast. The skys the limit my friends I really appreciate what you guys have done.
  3. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ May 24, 2006 -> 04:38 PM) I have the AJ WS home white jersey. Love it. But I think Thome's a great choice too. BTW can't wait to wear the AJ jersey to Wrigley for that series, LOL. Do it anyway, thats what I would do.
  4. good article but why did he knee the giants trainer in the groin? or am I missing something?
  5. QUOTE(drowninginflame @ May 24, 2006 -> 12:51 PM) AJ Thome or Ventura? I bought an AJ jersey last season and in fact I am glad that I did. AJ hasn't let me down once. I got the Authentic Alternative black sox jersey. It's a little more expensive than rest but I just liked the jerseys style.
  6. QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ May 24, 2006 -> 02:30 PM) "Go!" by Common and Kanye West is also played before some Pods at bats btw, although not sure if that matters. sean paul- temperature for juan uribe
  7. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ May 24, 2006 -> 12:54 AM) PK is never playing anything but 1B. Just stop. actaully Konerko was a catcher in one point during his career.
  8. QUOTE(Al Lopez @ May 23, 2006 -> 01:52 PM) Here's the link from today's paper. http://www.suntimes.com/output/lazare/cst-fin-lew23.html I just listened to the song and its pretty bad. Alot like that one song by that chick "88 years in the batters box, 88 years for the White Sox."
  9. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ May 23, 2006 -> 11:57 AM) I was sent a video clip of the punch, from a Cubs fan here at work...and after AJ gets punched, it says 'OWNED'...and they subject line of his e-mail was 'I can Watch This All Day'. So apparently the Cubs are enjoying this. It was a cheap shot, he didn't own s***.
  10. QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ May 23, 2006 -> 11:37 AM) It appears that Dempster and Ozzie have made up. Angry? No, they're radio active I was just looking at the Scores website don't they have something where you can download and listen to the interviews they have had?
  11. QUOTE(Y2HH @ May 23, 2006 -> 11:47 AM) I'm not sure if anyone posted this yet...but it's so amusing I'm taking the chance at being the double poster guy everyone hates. great! I was thinking about those posters and how the fight could be on one.
  12. QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 22, 2006 -> 05:09 PM) Let's not get carried away just yet. He hasn't even retired. yeah but we retired Harold's number before he was done playing baseball after he left our team.
  13. What are the chances that we would retire Frank's number this season?
  14. I decided to listen to how the Cub fans percieved the incident with Barrett and AJ so I listened to these guys podcast and they have a post up on their site. It is truely pathetic. Just listen to their podcast its alot worse. http://www.cubscast.com/blog/2006/05/22/no...prises/#respond
  15. My best friend's neighbor is a cubs fan. Anyway, my friend’s neighbor who played in the minor leagues said that there is an unwritten rule that if the catcher doesn't have the ball that he shouldn't have run into him. It sounded to me like something that Hill was commenting on after the game. He also said that AJ was playing it off like he was innocent. I wasn't about to argue with him but I didn't buy what he was saying to me. I was at the game I saw what had happened. Barrett left AJ no choice but to run into him to get to home plate. Correct me if I am wrong if a player leaves the base path is he not out? http://img479.imageshack.us/my.php?image=5...ocubs052016.jpg Look where Barrett was positioned AJ had no choice. Even the ball never got to him before him and AJ collided. AJ never did anything wrong all he went to do was pick up his helmet. I hate cub fans.
  16. You know what as I continue to dwell about it, it was almost seemed like something straight out of the godfather or like a Mafia hit. AJ was the Godfather Pods and Anderson were his body guards. What should this trio be called??
  17. nice but I would have used this pic instead. It looks more that AJ was taken by surprised making it more cheap. Even though that was a sucker punch Barrett threw it was cheap.
  18. QUOTE(SouthsideNorthsideFan @ May 21, 2006 -> 12:58 AM) Michael Barrett's crybaby ways go way back; nurtured by a great supporting staff of two of the biggest crybabies in 2004 - Alou and Steroid Sosa. Barrett was cryin' and starting s*** with Roy Oswalt while Oswalt was busy owning the Cubs and helping them choke their way out of playoff contention... funny you bring up steriods into the equation because Barrett might be suffering from riod rage. I now demand that he be tested due to this altercation.
  19. QUOTE(Greg The Bull Luzinski @ May 20, 2006 -> 06:21 PM) BA IS THE CHAMPION!!!! AJ still has the belt. I was listening to the score on the way home from the game. AJ said that he gave Barrett his number incase they wanted to talk it over from what happend on the field. He then said who knows we could end up finishing out bout in the 6 sided wrestling ring in a steel cage.
  20. I will never forget the interview that Barrett had with Comcast last season. He said that he didn’t want the Sox gaining more of a fan base and he didn’t like the fact that the Cubs could be referred to as Chicago’s second team.
  21. QUOTE(Jimbo @ May 21, 2006 -> 12:15 AM) He is a loose cannon, but I dont want to see someone get a hand broken on an inside pitch. I agree Zambrano is a nut and will probably be itching for some retailation for something we didn't start. If he hits some of our players he should be ejected and possibly recieve more punishment in return. This will only hurt the cubs even more. I am bringing my tomorrow
  22. I am going to create a petition to have a Ozzie Statue made for next season.
  23. check this out http://www.northsidebaseball.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?t=31707
  24. QUOTE(Felix @ May 20, 2006 -> 05:50 PM) Ahahaha.. look at the faces of the crowd I like the two in the front row
  25. Incredible my first Cubs-Sox game and a fight breaks. This is just to show you that the Cubs are on the brink of collapse. I remeber Barrett's interview from over the break saying that he was afraid of the Cubs loosing fan base and becoming the second team in chicago. He punched AJ on intentially know doubt. I was listening to the Score on the way home from the game and Barrett's excuse was that after AJ ran into him he bump him again and then made a move toward their dugout and he reacted. Thats a bunch of bull, AJ just said he was going to get his helmet. From what I saw, AJ did nothing wrong. He did not look like he was coming after Barrett like how Barrett suggested. The mood in the stands was tense. As soon as the fight broke I saw the entire Bullpen just made a break for the field. Barrett took out his fraustrations on AJ thats what it boils down to. The whole entire Cubs organization is a lost cause, their dumbass fans make the arguement all the time that they have sell out crowds...AND FOR WHAT? A lost cause. Alot of Cub fans are angry that their team is losing and its because the Tribune only cares about ticket sales, they don't care if the cubs win or lose. If dumb people keep forking the money over to support them why would they need to care. They spent less money then us and all they did was add a bunch of seats in s*** wrigley field over this entire off season proving that they don't care. So my question is are there so many dumb people out there that would cheer for this s*** team? The Tribune is not going to change there ways unless they ticket sales plumet. Honest to god its a lost cause. If anyone who his going to come out of this situation ahead its us. Micheal Barrett is bound for suspension thus helping his team suck even more. Who are the Cubs gonna put in Blanco? And here was Dusty Baker just saying that he did not see any punches thrown man he needs to do his job and control his players and keep them in line cause he's is not doing s***. I'm pretty mad that this would happen to AJ. The Cubs are trying to pin this s*** on us and its was Barrett who threw the punch. This just shows us level of Sportmanship the cubs have and how much control Dusy has over his team.
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