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Everything posted by SoxRule

  1. Steff, that's the 2nd time you mentioned SoxFest. What did Mark say at SoxFest that made you think twice about him?
  2. When did Paulie say anything about Barry Bonds? Or A-Rod?
  3. Oh, I know. I guess I should have used green for that. Is that the color you guys use to convey sarcasm?
  4. Now you're talking. With Frank out of the way, Paulie can DH and Mark Grace can play first. He was always one of the best defensive first basemen in the game.
  5. Pastime, I agree that PK shouldn't have spoken to the media about it. But you act as if he goes looking for the reporters to give them a sound byte. They go up to him and ask him the questions. Sure he shouldn't have answered but he did and he even admitted it was wrong. Hopefully he learned his lesson. It's crazy that you guys keep calling him the "moth" when it's the reporters who go looking for him. Forgive PK for having a personality and talking with them instead of going on a ridiculous annual boycott every year. By the way, what's going on with WorldCrossing? Is it every going to come back up? I've gone to the alternate site and can read but can't post there for some reason.
  6. Ha, ha! Um.....I think you mean "an idiot".
  7. He's a teammate, and anyone on the team can call out someone else for acting like an immature child. It doesn't matter how well they're hitting then or in the past. Konerko is a TEAM player.
  8. As I said in a different thread about this very same topic, Konerko didn't call Frank out because he was struggling. He called him out because Frank was being a piss-poor teammate. If you're going to rag on Konerko, at least find something FACTUAL to say instead of twisting things around. Other than him struggling, which everyone is doing, there's nothing you can say about PK so you have to resort to lying. We all want Konerko to start hitting, no doubt, but at least he has enough class, UNLIKE FRANK THOMAS, to not point the finger at everyone else for his struggles. He's not blaming the umpires or the other pitchers. There may be a "piece of s***" person on this team.....but it ain't Paul Konerko.
  9. Well, no one acts like baby for not getting to play except for Frank Thomas so as long as FT stops his whining over every little thing that doesn't go his way, PK won't have to step up and tell him to act like an adult.
  10. I was listening to the Cubs game on the radio last night and during Scammy's first at-bat, Pat Hughes was saying how he thought Scammy might get a 7-day suspension, but after listening to Sandy Alderson he got the feeling that it could be much less than that. The the idiot Santo chimes in that since all of Scammy's other bats were clean, he should only get a 3-day suspension or......get this......NO SUSPENSION AT ALL. I wanted to reach through the radio and knock some sense into this moron. That was the most ridiculous thing even for a homer such as Santo to say.
  11. We'll most likely never see the Frank of old again, so if he's going to continue to find something to cry about year after year then yes, I'd rather have PK. The main reason for my post above was directed at a few posters who think Frank should have parting shots at PK just because he's not performing well. I just think that's idiotic since Paulie didn't do that to Frank. He just asked him to be more of a team player and there's nothing wrong with that (the only part that was wrong was doing it in the media, which PK has admitted was wrong). If PK starts skipping pregame workouts or whatever, then fine...Frank can call him out. But Paulie is a better teammate than that.
  12. Get your facts straight! Konerko never called Frank out because he was slumping. He called him out because he wasn't being a team player. Frank wasn't showing up on time for practice and working out with the rest of his teammates. Frank Thomas of all people cannot call out Konerko for his slump now, as we've had to endure many slumps of FT's in the past. And as least PK isn't making excuses for his slump. With Frank, it was always the umpires' fault or the other pitchers' fault for throwing him inside all the time. Both players are not performing well and Paulie should see some bench time, but if I had to choose I would still take PK over "Frank the perpetual whiner" any day.
  13. The Sox better be praying that Schilling can't make his start on Wednesday or they might have to face the embarrassment of a possible perfect game against them.
  14. Isn't it scary that in a matter of a few days we may actually fall to 4th place? This team is so not good. Something has got to get done. Firing the manager alone will not do it, some players need to be moved. Let the "rebuilding phase" begin once again.
  15. Anyone who thinks Reinsdorf is going to sell the Sox in the middle of their "All Star" season is on crack. He ain't selling so might as well stop dreaming.
  16. Why are you angry? We should WANT the Royals to lose right now....no matter who they're playing. We need to lower our "Games behind 1st place" number and then take care of the Twins when we play them this weekend? And if we can't take care of the Twins then we don't deserve to win the Central anyway.
  17. Steff and HSC, Thanks for passing along the inside info you receive. I know that you wouldn't be passing along rumors just for the hell of it so I pretty much believe you guys when you post your info. Anyway, once KW is officially gone, can you give us some more of the juicy "behind the scenes" tidbits? If you don't want to for fear of angering your sources I'd understand. Thanks again for giving us all the heads up on things.
  18. If Koch's "F--You or F--Off" was directed at JM, then there's a HUGE difference between what he did and what Konerko did. Konerko was pissed at himself, NOT disrespecting his manager in any way. And if Koch was not directing his anger at JM, then I have no problem with his actions. In fact, I would be disappointed in any of our players if they weren't outwardly angry in those types of circumstances. However, if any player publicly disprects the manager, then that is completely wrong. Konerko didn't and we can only guess as to what Koch's intentions were.
  19. I said immediately that Manuel's reaction was purely manufactured. While it was a bad call, it wasn't nearly enough to warrant that type of reaction, especially from someone who never shows that kind of emotion. The missed HR of Crede's and Garland's ejection were both calls that warranted a hostile reaction of Manuel and we see nothing out of him. But a missed tag call at the very beginning of the game and he goes nuts?? No, he was doing that solely to satisfy his critics, imo.
  20. These commercials also have way better music. I hated that circus-type music they used to have in previous years. Now if they can only start adding some color to these commercials......I'm sick of the b&w, it's gotten old now.
  21. Would anyone like to see Bobby Valentine manage the Sox if we give JM the boot? I think it could be a good move.
  22. Thanks for the welcome, everyone. To answer Mac's question about my feelings on Jerry Manuel....well, I don't despise the man but I do think it might be time to let him go. He has no clue how to handle a pitching staff, imo, and there are many times when I feel like I could manage the team better. As for WorldCrossing posters, a bunch of them came here when our site was down and really only one poster caused a problem. He had some issues with HSC and instead of saying it to her face he talked about her briefly behind her back. Other than that I think everyone else was pretty cool. You guys are welcome to stop by and chat with us. Here's the link: http://worldcrossing.com/WebX?1@8.sLCYfp1X...849621@.ee8c26b However, it is not high tech at all. No cute little emoticons like you guys have here or anything, but it's still a cool site because the posters are passionate Sox fans. Hope to see some of you there and I also look forward to chatting with you guys over here.
  23. Molto, can you delete these for me: SoxNut, SoxRuleCubsSuck, SoxRule5, SoxRule555, SoxNut5, SoxNutisSoxRule, SoxGrl5 I also noticed multiple variations of other members' names so this must be happening quite frequently with other people. Thanks!
  24. It's supposed to start raining around 5:00 so the game will most likely be postponed anyway.
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