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Everything posted by IndySoxFan

  1. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Jan 6, 2005 -> 11:06 PM) I'd say he adds at most, two wins. And just because the number is that small, doesn't mean it's an unimportant addition. That number might even be a little too high, though. But the additions of Pierz, Vizcaino, Duque, Dye, Hermanson (in the bullpen), and Podsednik ('03 version, PLEASE ) collectively adds a bunch of wins to this team. A healthy Thomas, and I'll put this team up against anyone in a seven game series. Honest to God. Well, those wins are going to cost us a million bucks each....I cant wait to see them
  2. IndySoxFan


    a vent here..... i had my first tivo unit for several years and totally loved it. Still do when it works. However, my first unit broke. Wore out of something. Tech support was a disaster. It literally takes days to go through this process. They asked my questions about what I was recording. And I thought that was strange. So I asked what the deal was. The tech guy tells me that people who record Don Imus (bizarre) and programs over 3 hours in length have had problems with the hard drive freaking. Now I mostly use mine to record sox games (over 3 hrs.) so that might be plausible. So after a bunch of bulls*** they finally send me a trade-in which cost me something like $100 because my unit was over 2 years old. The unit they sent me was a freaking re-built unit which had already broke on someone else. Shady. And as you can guess, this POS only lasted 2 months before the video goes out. Same problem with customer service. I just got my 3rd unit today and I am waiting for trouble with it. So, not to bore anyone anymore with my whining... but has anyone else had trouble with TIVO? I would caution against getting the lifetime subscription because if you have a problem.... they don't give a s*** because they already have your money. rant over
  3. its christmas-time... in the spirit of the season... an un-banning is totally called for NOW... fetch me a fatted goose!
  4. it happened again.... hell has frozen over.... the sox are going to win it all
  5. i am sitting here in indianapolis....12:45 a.m. and there was just a flash outside my window followed by alot of thunder. its 20 degrees out with snow. in my 35 years in the midwest i have never seen or heard of this before. only on my 2nd beer
  6. this team needed a overhaul for sure.... i cant wait for Hawk to start dropping new nicknames on the new sox. however, "Peapod'', gotta do better than that
  7. didn't the sox hang 10 runs on this guy in 2 innings a few years ago....? yikes
  8. i loved how that punk Fick handled it when sox fans were pelting him with beers... he was begging for more
  9. no offense..... if you dont live here... stfu....
  10. how old are you?... f*** man... nothing is going to change
  11. any White Sox fans in the house tonight...?
  12. that disgusting monster susan estrich has just called Ohio for Kerry....
  13. alright.... with all the data we have right now.... WHO is going to win...?
  14. so real quick... who is going to win?
  15. so.... did anybody else see a bunch of hotties while they were voting today....
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