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Everything posted by Texsox

  1. How do you think that goes down (no pun intended) Hey buddy, why don't we cut off your penis, saute it in some butter, and eat it? Sounds cool to me. Get a sharp knife. You would think the guy in England who wanted his penis cut off could find the chick in the Philippines who wanted to cut one off. Then everyone could have been happy.
  2. Well?? How did he do or when will you know?
  3. I just told my son, who was complaining his 7th grade sister was having a sleep over, to wait until she's in high school and tell me if you'll complain.
  4. Texsox


    I don't get over that way very often. I make it up to Houston and up 35 to Austin but that's about it. And to Big Bend to do some backpacking in the mountains or the desert.
  5. Matrix is cool also. Again my high schooler dragged me to the first one and I was hooked. I think it's cool he'll pass on a couple movies with his friends and drag me.
  6. Texsox


    Where is Carlos, TX?
  7. only if a pastor leaves it behind . . .
  8. Texsox


    You'll fall asleep tonight. Too many carbs. This does fit into the earlier thread where the guy at a penis. Do not post a review tomorrow. The tradition down here for the holidays is tamales
  9. KENNEWICK -- Forced to clean up an increasing number of jugs and bags of human waste along highways, the Adams County Waste Reduction & Recycling office took out a full-page newspaper advertisement to combat the problem. The ad features a photo of a plastic milk jug filled with urine, and the message, "Okay, One last time: This is not a urinal." From March 4 to Nov. 27, 2002, one Adams County highway cleanup crew picked up 2,666 jugs of urine and 67 bags with human excrement in them. The Rest of the Story
  10. Texsox


    I really like chicken soup on a cold day
  11. I've loved to read since well as soon as I could. I remember an english teacher who, in high school, we would have voted most likely to fire up a joint in the washroom, sugggested I read the Lord of the Rings. I got as far as Bilbo's birthday party and thought dude, I don't do drugs and never read any more. My son thought they were the greatest books in the world and finally convinced me to read the first one. I was hooked. Great story line, excellent characters and the film makers have done an incredible job of bringing the characters to life.
  12. Susan Lucci sets straight Emmy incident LUCCI: I had just presented the award previous to the award I was nominated for. And they asked me to wait in the wings. And I was in the place where there were curtains around me and I was on my mark. I heard them announce the award that I was up for and I heard them say "Susan," but I didn't hear anything after that. I don't know whether it was the curtains, or I have said previously, after about the ninth time I didn't win, I go numb when they say the name.
  13. Was that too obscure of a reference for you?
  14. Sometimes you're the pimp, sometimes the customer, and sometimes the cheap crack ho. Have fun tonight BEGOOD
  15. I can't go until Friday I wish a movie theater down here would put togetehr all three movies for an all day movie
  16. Until I win a category I thought we could just keep them open I stated in the beginning they will be open until at least 12:01am Monday December 22nd. Unless there is a automatic time lock I can set I will lock them early Monday morning.
  17. I forgot to turn the green off. Hey pa I think I found your soul mate
  18. That's almost a shame to have a poll on. We should have awarded the best baseball and best non baseball. But we wouldn't have needed to vote.
  19. We didn't vote for you either
  20. s***, I was going to vote for myself so I wouldn't have zero votes. I think it was PA who suggested he, ss2k4 and I should get a 3 stooges award. I just realized we probably average 5 or 6 threads a day that's just the three of us bouncing back and forth.
  21. Which is why I voted for you. Now you go and vote for me Wading through the nominees and all the "how can we leave off X and Y" PM's and emails really pointed out what a great corner of the web we have. I know it sounds like a cliche but it really did kill people to leave some people off. It was equally hard to take some people off to make room for others. Remember we were trying to narrow it to 3. That really was impossible.
  22. Check out the just added Rookie of the Year
  23. This was open to posters with less than 1,000 posts. Good idea sox4lifeinpa
  24. If it makes you feel any better both your names came up in discussion.
  25. Did they report if Mark had any no trade clauses in his contract? I'm wondering if signing him to a 3 year deal made it easier for KW to move him.
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