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Posts posted by sox-r-us

  1. Our f***ing manager is such an idiot he just does not get it


    Rick White was absolutely correct.


    Why the f*** was Marte pitching in a useless inning?


    And why the f*** is Frank not starting at 1st base when clearly he has been slumping at DH? Why let Daubach play 1st? Is Daubach any upgrade over Frank in fielding?


    Let Daubach play DH and let FT play 1st.


    Also, why the f*** were both Harris and Rowand playing?


    We had f***ing Rowand, Olivo, Harris and Graffanino in order.....f*** YOU MANUEL


    It was like he gave up on this game even before it began. f*** YOU MANUEL.


    Why the f*** was Rick White sent down so that the pathetic Ginter can serve up home runs?


    Rick had his problems in two games but he had been exceptional for the remaining two months


    Obviously Manuel cannot handle criticism, especially whenit is true.




    f*** YOU MANUEL


    I am so pissed off at the way he handles this team some times.

  2. Think about it logically folks, if he earns more money he will spend more....it is simple economics.


    And do not give me this BS that he needs to spend first for the fans to show up


    He has put an exciting team on the field who is going to be in the race until the last week (and maybe the last 3 games of the year vs KC). Let's pack the Cell going forward and show the world we actually do care about our team.


    Seattle :bringit

  3. I also feel Koch will get his stuff back


    But if only Kenny could have swung Scott Williamson to us.....we would have destroyed everyone to the central title then...dang we were close I guess

  4. I cannot imagine Kenny actually going back to make a trade with Minaya from the Expos given how badly he raped him in the Colon trade.


    Liefer sucked. El Duque has been average and MIA and Biddle has been average too.


    Osuna has done nothing with the spankees either.


    Colon will be huge for us down the stretch (already he has helped keep the bullpen fresh with his #innings/game)

  5. I will say this one more time (I said this before we got on this roll). If fans showed up at Cellular, the Sox would spend more money and we would get even better studs through trades


    I know people keep pointing to me how JR does not do that and simply pockets the money, but I refuse to believe that. JR spent a lot with the Bulls. If the fans show up between now and the playoffs, it will help us be a contender next year too.


    Think about it, with a freaking 50 mill payroll, KW is aggressive as hell to win it all. Imagine if this guy had the Cubs payroll.


    Here is a nice article from the Suntimes today that reflects what I am trying to say even more articulately. Enough is enough folks, show up to the darn ball park and we can take over the city again. This team deserves it and Kenny deserves it. I do not see Kenny not going for it again next year even if we go to the 2nd round of the playoffs this year.





    Williams earns respect with Ken-Do approach


    July 31, 2003




    KANSAS CITY, Mo.--It's lunchtime Wednesday, and I'm driving through downtown Kansas City. I hit a "major'' intersection. Dead. Three cars. Five people standing on one corner, two on another. Park for $9, and that's for the whole day, not the first 20 minutes.


    Drive along and you see from the occasional person smoking outside an office building that it apparently is wear-your-golf-shirt-to-work day in Kansas City. Meanwhile, one local columnist talks about how the Royals had better realize the importance of this series against the White Sox. Another writes how sad an era this is when the Sox can simply go out and try to buy a pennant.


    Boo-hoo. Actually, the Sox landed Robbie Alomar and Carl Everett for roughly 12 bucks and a stick of gum. But who cares? The exciting thing is this: The Sox are the monster in the room.


    For once, the Sox feel like the big time. And it's time to credit the person who got them there.


    Ken Williams.


    That's right. The same general manager who brought us David Wells and Todd Ritchie, and showed a tendency to swing for the fences and miss, has built the Sox into the team that is going to win the division.


    "The only thing people refer to when they talk about me is Wells and Ritchie,'' Williams said. "I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone else and I told [sox chairman] Jerry Reinsdorf: 'It's not the last time I'm going to make a mistake.'


    "I'm actively, aggressively pursuing important guys. But [stuff] is going to happen.''


    Well, good stuff is happening now, and I'm somehow growing to respect Williams' mistakes anyway. On Wednesday, his latest pickup, lefty reliever Scott Schoeneweis, joined the team from the Angels. It looks like another good move, but who knows?


    He might flop.


    The thing we can't know for sure about Williams is whether he blew it in the big moments before because he was duped, as the book written about A's general manager Billy Beane said. Is he just getting lucky now? Here's my answer:


    Who cares? At least the guy is trying to make big moves, trying to hit a home run. The most embarrassing at-bats come when you stand there with the bat on your shoulder, not when you swing and miss.


    Williams doesn't do that. Stand there, that is. Oh, he swings and misses plenty.


    And if this is all part of a grand plan, or if he just gets itchy, I don't really care. Thank goodness someone is trying to go all out, not just bring in a replacement center fielder and a project third baseman. Cubs GM Jim Hendry was hailed the king for that.


    Williams is trying, and trying and failing is a lot better than not really trying at all.


    "Excuse me, but it's been quite a while in Chicago when a team has gone deep into the playoffs,'' he said, "and possibly the World Series.''


    Have you ever heard a Chicago baseball GM use the words World Series before? Come to think of it, I never hear the words Stanley Cup or Super Bowl or NBA Finals, either. Our teams have hypnotized this town into forgetting those words even exist.


    I guess what I'm saying is that I respect Williams for dreaming. This time, he has hit it big-time with Alomar. I still like pitcher Bartolo Colon, too. And Everett.


    Yes, he gave up All-Star closer Keith Foulke for All-Flop closer Billy Koch.


    "People say I gave up too much for Everett,'' Williams said. "Excuse me if I don't care if I give up a prospect.


    "I would rather take a shot at winning this thing now, going for it all and changing this around. Changing the attitude and the fans. We're in a major city here. Win now, and then maybe we don't have to keep piecing this thing together all the time. Maybe we don't have to try to figure out how to do it on a $50 million payroll.''


    Keep dreaming, Ken. Keep swinging.


    The Cubs are doing less on an $80 million payroll. Imagine Williams with $80 million.


    The flops would be phenomenal. Today's trade deadline is 3 p.m., and Williams said he has something else going. Heaven help us.


    "And if it doesn't work out,'' he said, "well, then I'll have [messed] that one up, too.''

  6. IMHO, I think he genuinely wants this team to win the whole thing. So he pointed out something we Sox fans have been saying for years.


    Manuel does tend to burn through his bullpen and is very wierd in the way he handles bull pens throughout his tenure here with the Sox.


    He does the same thing with the batting line ups too, which is why we all call him tinkeroo.


    Now, I know White has not been stellar for us, but if you look at the last month or so, he has been excellent except for one outing (the one against the riyals in game 1). Everyone is due a bad game here and there, and I think he is key to our success down the stretch.


    I actually agree with White's assessment of Manuel's bullpen handling. Case in point, last night why would you not let Ginter finish it up. Why waste Koch last night. Agreed Koch has had his problems, but there was no need to use him yesterday in a blowout.


    Secondly, in a 19 day stretch, when we were losing a lot of games, Glover was never used.


    Believe me, Marte and Gordon might lose an arm one of these days.  For God's sake, Manuel used Gordon and Marte even when we were blowing KC away in game 1 against the Royals.


    He needs to learn to rest some of the bullpen folks when a game is one-sided either way.


    I just do not get the animosity towards White just because he is being honest. I rather have players being honest than giving me BS cliches all the time.


    He cares, so he speaks up .....and he gets ripped by everyone.....in favor of a manager who it seems until recently did not care for anything in all of your opinions. At least White cares......hasn't the argument against Manuelk always been he does not care neither do any of these White Sox players (during the corpse stretch early int he season?)

    I understand your point, and to some degree it is true, but when you speak up like White, then proceed to get ripped in your next 2 appearances afterwards, you aren't gonna be winning any fans over. He has been bad against TB and KC, with 7 ER in 2 IP max. Just because a player "cares" doesnt mean that he gets the benefit of the doubt when he pitches s***ty.

    I wonder how Paul Konerko was a supposed leader then since he spoke so much but did nothing to back it up other than one half of a season last year

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