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Posts posted by sox-r-us

  1. Yes, it is an exhibition, but guess what, when the HOF selections are made, there are some baseball writers who look at how many AS games a given player went to to make their choices.


    Frank has deserving #s to be in the AS game this year, and he has definitely deserved to be in the HOF over his career


    So spread the word.....we will need all the help we can get

  2. Folks


    I do not have access to the mlb boards, but someone has to go to the Mets boards there and ask them to vote frank in.....because they all hate the yankmees, they will help if we ask them


    I know some boston fans are already making that request......I think someone from the White Sox should do it too


    Let's get Frank in.....he deserves it in his own ball park


    I wish Giambi and Varitek had the sense to understand the importance of Frank making an AS appearance in his own ball park.....especially after what Frank has done for the game of baseball with his dominance in the 90s


    Very few players get to play AS games in their own ball park and this is Frank's only chance


    Lets get some support from other fans with the above mentioned reason.....I bet they will agree

  3. I would not trade Lee because right, now as our roster stands, Everett HAS to play CF to generate the extra O for which we brought him here


    Remember, Everett has slumped since his first two months, so we have no idea if we are going to get the production we got from Everett which was his production in his first two months or the one from June.....


    So, no way we trade Lee since the everett trade then is simply a swap.....and actually it may hurt if Everett plays like he did in June


    Now, the log jam is clearly between PK and Daubach as both cannot play every day if we play lee, Maggs, Ev and Frank every day


    So, I would actually trade Daubach if possible, since he will be gone after this year, no one wants PK's salary and now we have enough LHers with Alomar and Everett in the side


    Ideally, I would trade PK but no one will want him for anything back in value


    And yes, the best fit for the Sox right now is the Dodgers....they need a bat BADLY....we need relief pitcher.....they have the best relief pitching in the majors, we have extra bats available.....also, by trading out of the conference, none of the teams will worry about it too much

  4. Again no way. The whole point for having Lee and Everett both play every day is so that if one is slumping the other's bat will help with the O


    We HAVE to play Everett in CF in the playoffs


    Against the Yank, Bo Sox. As and Ms pitching we HAVE to get Everett in CF to have a chance to score the 3 to 4 runs that will be needed to win


    No way we trade Lee.....no way....we will be back where we started if we do that

  5. The whole point of getting Everett here was to improve our O


    We have to play Everett in CF and Lee in LF to get the most O.


    By moving Lee away, moving Everett to LF and playing Harris/Rowand in CF does not improve what we had before the trade


    Remember, Lee and Everett both have very similar numbers ..... if anyone should be traded, it should be Konerko or Daubach

  6. I completely agree with the expectations post. Fantastic.


    I also agree that we should not panic but here is my big problem with this team. They may still very well win the Central (and I think they will), but how will they win in the playoffs is beyond me?


    It is clear management wants to go for the big enchilada, not just get into the playoffs this year.


    How will they beat the Mariners, Sox or Yanks with this incosistency? To me, that is a problem.

  7. I am probably the biggest Frank Thomas supporter you can find, roman, but remember the first two times in today's game, Frank struck out both the times on pitches which were balls.....way out of the zone


    I know he came back fine with two doubles, but this is Frank, not Olivo we are talking about


    I know it is very frustrating to lose two to the Rays, but oh well.....we better win all before AS break going forward


    We just did not have clutch hitting.....Everett hit the ball very well the first two times but when it mattered he popped it up at the end


    Clutch hitting was the only issue today......we left 13 or so runners on the base

  8. I know i will be tarred and feathered for this karma right now, but when you have had your heart ripped out by Chicago teams for a long time, you do have to look at the other side of things.


    What happens, if despite getting these 2 players in, and even after getting some other reliever in the future, the Sox donot make the playoffs (even by one game)


    Of course, we will be not re-signing most of our FAs and we could very well be trading Frank, CLee etc


    Does Jerry and/or Kenny get fired then?


    Does Reinsdorf say this is it.....I am not spending any more dough on this team....let the rebuilding begin AGAIN....get back some prospects.


    As much as all the positiveness has me geeked for the last two weeks or so, I am extremely worried about the pitfalls of failure now.....of course, nothing ventured, nothing gained so the correct thing to do is go for it, which we are doing......but what happens if this backfires......


    Keep it in perspective folks.....we are still in 3rd and need to consistently stay better than two teams,not one.....I do notbelieve we have a shot at the wild card with the way Bo-sox/Yanks and As/Ms are playing


    Again, sorry to put a damper in all the positivity here.... :rolleyes:

  9. We play the


    D Rays 6 times (3 home, 3 away)


    Detoilet 7 times (4 at home, 3 away)


    Injuns 6 times (4 away, 2 at home)


    KC 3 times (away)


    Toronto 2 times (away)


    We better win > or equal to 18 games out of this 24 game stretch.....especially with a series win over KC


    In the same month of July, the twinkies get a mixed bag schedule:

    Injuns 7 times (4 at home, 3 away) (which is a wash with our schedule)


    Texas 3 times (away)


    Baltimore 3 times (home) (Now, Texas and Baltimore are better than DRays 6 times = In our favor)


    KC 2 times at home (which is a wash with our schedule)


    Anahiem 3 times away


    Oakland 4 times at home


    Seattle 2 times at home (sea, Oak and Ana is much much tougher than playing against the Tigers and Tor .... again, in our favor)



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