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Everything posted by whitesox61382

  1. Who in the hell are you? One second you are jumping on the Sox bandwagon the next you are jumping back off. Pick a side rookie because you already have two sprained ankles. I am a little pissed about Buehrle's performance, and believe that this team needs another front of the rotation starter, but at least I support this team throughout and don't say BS like "I quit". You are a rookie and if your first couple of posts are an indication, than you need some work. Buehrle had a good stretch last month, but has been terrible in his last 3 starts(this start included). Even in a best case scenerio(complete game without giving up another ER) he would still have an ERA of 5.49 in his last 3 starts. Factor in that Buehlre's stats have gotten worse in each of the past 2 seasons, and his salary drasticly increases over the next couple of years, and it might be wise for the Sox to trade Buehrle while his value is still relatively high. The trends are very discouraging with Buehrle. I wish him the best of luck and the Sox are going to need him to turn it around if they want to win the division, but the stats don't lie in his case.
  2. :fyou Buehrle...This makes me sick to my stomach. The Sox offense gives you a 3 run lead and than you proceed to give up 5 runs against the worst offense in baseball. The true sign of an ace. I hate to say this, but the league is figuring out Buehrle and it appears that his numbers will be worse for the 3rd straight season in a row. Not a good trend, especially when you consider that his weighted salary increases over the next couple of years. I think it might be in the Sox best interest to trade Buehrle before his stats get too bad and his salary becomes a burden(maybe St. Loius is still interested). Here are some scary stats over the past week and a half. The Sox starters have an ERA of 6.58 since the Philly series, and that includes Loaiza's impressive start yesterday(the only start in which a Sox starter has given up fewer than 3 ER). That ERA will continue to rise after Buehrle's pathetic performance today. I thought that the Sox starters overachieved the first 2 months, and now it appears that they are coming back to Earth. The Sox desperately need another front of the rotation starter if they expect to contend, else it appears like another 2nd place finish.
  3. How much longer until Anderson and Rogowski get promoted? Anderson has been talked about quite a bit, but Rogowski has flown under the radar. I have always been a big fan of Rogowski and believe that he could be a solid major leaguer one day. He doesn't do anything eye-poping, but he is solid across the board and still young.
  4. I am one of the biggest Beltran fans, but I don't think the Sox need him or will be a legit player in the Beltran sweepstakes. As I pointed out a couple of weeks ago, Finley would be a much better option. Beltran has more talent, but from a statistical standpoint, Finley has been a slightly more productive player: Finley .280/17/35 29 BB 33 SO 7 SB 2 CS .883 OPS Beltran .266/12/43 30 BB 37 SO 12 SB 3 CS .863 OPS When you factor in that Finley will cost less financially and players traded away, than I think it becomes an easy decision. Neither are long-term solutions, since Beltran has Boras as an agent and will be looking for 14-15M/yr, and Finley is a 39 year old FA to be. Living in Arizona, I have seen Finley play on a regular basis, and he is probably in the best shape of his career and looks very good defensively. He also has the reputation of being a great clubhouse guy. With that said, this teams biggest weakness is another starter. This team doesn't need some bottom of the rotation starter, but a potential front of the rotation starter. The top 4 have all overachieved to some degree(before last week) and could come back to Earth a little in the 2nd half, so the Sox could really use a front of the rotation starter to help easy the lose of a possible regression from the current top 4. In regards to Crede, I think he can be traded. How long will the Sox wait for this kid to develop? He has been given roughly 2 years worth of AB's and has shown marginal results to this point. He really reminds me of a 3B version of Royce Clayton(with more power). He still have potential and has shown power and defense at the major league level, which gives him very good trade value(better than his numbers would indicate). I think the Sox should seriously think about involving Crede in THE RIGHT DEAL(for a front of the rotation starter). The Sox could also ask for a decent short-term solution at 3B to replace Crede. For example, maybe Spiezo from Seattle, or Hillenbrand from Arizona, or Randa from KC, ect. All would be suitable short-term solutions if Crede is involved in a deal(with Fields being the long-term solution if he develops). If the Sox could throw a decent prospect at KC and get either Sullivan or Grimsley, than I think they should consider. The bullpen isn't a huge weakness and I don't think they need a closer(I have confidence in Takatsu), but another veteran right hander would be nice.
  5. Don't be a smartass Texsox, because it sereverly hurts the point that you are trying to make. If we are talking about that average person trying to make a decent living, and the difference between $30,000 versus $50,000, than money is an important issue, but when we are talking about the difference between 14M/yr versus 15M/yr, than that is pure greed. If you don't think so, than you are blind to reality and need to learn a thing or to about life. Furthermore, I have seen the average person take less money to stay loyal to a company, and often times they make financial sacrifices to do so. Why is it so hard for a player to do the same? I mean one less sports car every year is a supreme sacrifice. Maggs reminds me of the athlete on the Bud commercials complaining about how 20M(or whatever his salary was) doesn't go as far as it use to. Get a clue Texsox.
  6. Signing Gonzalez and Allen was big. Those two were the biggest question marks IMO(of the top 10 picks). Now if the Sox can get Fields, Lucy, Russel, and Riggs signed(the only other picks that I REALLY want to see signed), than I will be very happy.
  7. :fyou Maggs. IMO it is clear that Maggs is the enemy. All these years Maggs has been portrayed as the quiet superstar that can't do wrong, but now his true colors show. He said that he like Chicago and wanted to stay if the money is right, yet when the Sox offer him the money he wants he gets greedy and turns them down. Maggs has turned into another greedy player when he was thought to be different. He was considered a hero after helping out the Venezuela little league team, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was just for show. Maggs might get 1-2M extra with another team, but what happened to player loyality and wanting to stay in Chicago. Thrown away so Maggs can buy 1 more sports car each year. This makes me sick. For years Sox fans have defended and celebrated this golden boy know as Maggs, only to find out that it was all a mirage. Thanks for nothing your worthless piece of s***. Today you lost another fan. :fyou Maggs I just wish he was healthy so the Sox could trade his greedy ass. Maybe to a team like the Mets or Dodgers. They could probably get a decent replacement(so they can still contend) and a good prospect or 2 for him. Trade him to the Mets for Floyd and prospects or to the Dodgers for Encarnacion/Robers and prospects. For the 1st time I hope that Maggs gets booed the next time he steps on the field.
  8. This trade doesn't make much sense for either team. I really don't think the Sox can afford to trade Valentin. Crede is really struggling, Harris and Uribe might regress in the 2nd half, and Maggs is still out. On the Anaheim side, with Sele going down to injury and only 1 starter with an ERA below 5.35, I don't think the Angels have the luxery to trade a pitcher. Furthermore, I am not a big fan of Ortiz. The guy has a very good arm, but has never put together a really good season. I think a power hitting SS/3B like Valentin has a little more value than an inconsistant unproven starter. If the Sox are going to get a pitcher from the Angels, than it better be either Shields or Gregg. I don't think the Sox can address their 5th starter hole for a bottom of the rotation starter. I think that the Sox top 4 have overachieved to some extent this far, and could regress some in the 2nd half(3 bad starts in a row as we currently speak). The Sox need a front of the rotation starter(with everyone else moving down a slot) if they are serious about contending. They can't settle for question marks like Ortiz, Benson, or Contreras and hope for the best.
  9. Highly unlikely. I do think Uribe will regress as the season goes on, but I also think you are overrating Miles. I have not been impressed with what I have seen of Miles both in the minors or majors. I would bet that Uribe and Miles have similar BA, but thats about it. Miles has almost no power. Not enough Coors will help him put up power numbers similar to Uribe. I would even bet that Miles might not surpass the 24 extra base hits that Uribe already has(Miles has 9 extra base hits in 133 AB, which is pretty pathetic in a place like Coors). Miles will probably have fewer strikeouts than Uribe, but he might not even draw more walks than Uribe currently has(18). Miles has 4 walks in 133 AB's, which is down right pathetic. I also doubt that Miles tops Uribe in SB. Miles has never been a big SB guy and it is a bit surprising that he even has 4 SB this season, but I doubt he tops double digits. I think Uribe could have double digit SB by the AS break(currently has 7). Finally you have defense. Miles is average at best defensively, while Uribe is well above average and has made many web gem calibur plays with few errors. Did I forget to mention that Uribe is 3 years younger and has more time/room for development? I don't think the comparison will be even close. Rex, you are drasticly overrating Miles. I will stick to my TonyG comparison until Miles proves me wrong. They are almost identical(hit for a good average, little power, no plate disipline, average speed at best, and average D at best). Miles will be a utility infielder like TonyG before to long. This was a one-sided trade even if you are a big fan of Miles(coughRexcough).
  10. Milton already has 82 pitches in 3.2 innings. The Sox could get to the Phillies pen as early as the 5th.
  11. If the Sox would realize that they can't hit any 6 run HR's and continue to work the count against Milton, than they can get back in the game. The Philly pen isn't very good with Wagner on the DL and there other top reliever(Madson) starting last night. They also got taxed out last night, so if the Sox can get to the Philly pen by the 6th inning, than they can come back. They need to continue to work the count and get on base though. It would also be nice if the Sox pitching would hold them scoreless for an inning or two. A little optimism from me
  12. :fyou Judy Garland. Keep defending Garland on this outing Soxnbear!!! He has been great all season, but he looks like the Garland of old tonight. Can't throw strikes and gives up a big inning that pretty much loses the game for the Sox.
  13. Get Garland out of there. He can't throw a strike and is falling behind hitters. He just doesn't have it tonight and he is in danger of putting the Sox out of this game. This makes two s***ty starts in a row. Not a good sign. Please get another front of the rotation starter KW. It appears that the other starters are coming back to Earth and we all know how bad the 5th starters have been.
  14. Relax dude...Don't get so worked up over a message board because you look pretty pathetic in doing so. Garland has pitched very good so far, but he is pitching like Judy Garland right now. If you can't accept facts, than go craw back in the hole that you came from.
  15. I hope the Sox starters don't go on a stretch where they really struggle. They have overachieved to some degree this far. Buehrle and Garland have been hit pretty hard so far, which isn't a good sign. ps...Garland can you do me a favor and quit serving meatballs to Abreu. Thanks.
  16. It is inexcusable to not be able to drive in a runner at 3rd with no outs. That is poor fundamental pathetic baseball. These are the kind of mistakes that caused the Sox to struggle over the past couple of years. There aren't many more things that are as fustrating as that. I love Frank and he has been great this season, but he struggles with runners in scoring position. Hopefully Lee can pick them up and extend his hitting streak.
  17. Not a good sign...Garland gets hit pretty hard in the 1st inning, but comes away with only 1 run against. What was he thinking throwing a cookie on a 1-2 count? Those are the kind of mistakes that cost teams and pitchers games. Pull it together Garland. We don't need to see Judy tonight.
  18. :fyou Jackson. Get this piece of s*** out of the game. He is pulling his best Koch immitation. Its officially a save situation so get either Marte or Takatsu in there. If the Sox blow this game I will be extremely pissed(even though no one really cares).
  19. Fields could be on the fast track. Keep hitting like s*** Crede and your ass will be on the bench or in another organization. He is the 3rd base version of Royce Clayton with a little more power. It is remarkable how similar they are. Screw starting Fields in AA get him to the majors(not really because I hate when prospects are rushed). Seriously though, he can't be any worse than Crede at this point.
  20. The problem is that he is prone to getting hammered about once every month. Your top of the rotation starters should only have 1 or 2 terrible starts a season. This is the 4th game this season in which Buehrle has given up at least 5 ER. That is a bit disturbing for a top of the rotation starter. Thats 4 starts in which he has almost singlehandly lost a game for the Sox. That isn't the sign of a top of the rotation starter.
  21. The sad part is that it is true. Thats how bad Buehrle is getting hit.
  22. What is Guillen waiting for? Bring in someone from the bullpen because Buehrle just doesn't have it and is costing the Sox this game. Hell, Koch would be better than Buehrle at this point.
  23. :fyou Buehrle...the true sign of an ace is the ability to pitch without your best stuff, to win big games(after a 1-4 road trip this is a must win), and to protect huge leads, and you have done none of that today. Thanks for nothing.
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