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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 09:53 AM) Yeah he was there all night Saturday. Real nice guy B) I probably saw him a couple of times but just didn't realize who he was. It sucks because I've talked to him since the days of the ESPN message board. That was back before anyone knew about WSI and Soxtalk hadn't even been thought of yet. Was he one of the guys that had to leave the bar?
  2. I was told that you sat right next to me at the big bar in the Hyatt on Saturday night and didn't even say hi?!? You should have said something. We could have talked some bowling or whatever. This post was made with expressed written consent from Jason.
  3. Man, when I went to high school we didn't even have enough black or latin students to start a gang. There were like 4 in my graduating class...
  4. QUOTE(mreye @ Jan 12, 2005 -> 02:00 PM) I don't want to bother the people working there. Change it to dial the number he is dialing from so he keeps getting a busy signal.
  5. QUOTE(Beastly @ Jan 11, 2005 -> 05:03 PM) saturday 10:30 Jermaine Dye, Scott Podsednik First 500 autographs 1:00 Freddy Garcia, AJ Pierzynski First 500 autographs I'm going to try and hit both those lines as well. I'm hoping that I can get to the Dye, Posednik line early so that I can get towards the front of the Garcia, Peirzynski line. Then I may have time to catch the 1:15 Q&A session...
  6. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 11, 2005 -> 03:21 PM) But you said he has "long hair", and that hasn't been considered "long hair" since The Beatles first came on the scene. My stance is that your looks are your looks. To have hair to the middle of your back, LONG, is NOT acceptable to some people. I only got into the area of my looks there due to the "Please" in that post. I took it as to your saying I didn't know what I was talking about. Trust me though, when in a work place, I have always been presentable. My hair is always clean. I freak out if I don't shower every day. But that is beside the point, some people cannot accept long hair on guys, and it is fully accpetable to hire a person based on that. Looks that CAN be changed, I believe, are fully open to discrimination. If you go to work someplace that has a uniform, you agree to go along with the "uniform". Some companies don't have an actual uniform, other than a suit, and if the owner of the company doesn't want his uniform (suit) to be attached to long hair, then you can cut it if you wish to work for the company. Hair can be changed. But collar length hair being called "long" is a little silly. Your original post just seemed like you were saying that everyone with long hair should expect to be treated the way you were. I never experienced any of that. Maybe I'm just the exception? Yes, hair can be changed but in this day and age, what can't? That would be like not being hired because they don't like your weight, or your eye color, or the shape of your nose. If someone is just as qualified for and capable of doing the job as the next person and their hair is not a distraction or a possible injury/health risk, then there's no reason for that person to not be hired based on the length of their hair IMHO.
  7. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 11, 2005 -> 12:20 PM) Please. Do you want me to post pictures of myself? As I said, I just cut my hair, I am 34. It started growing when I was a Sophomore in High School. Mine was NEVER in a pony tail. I have always worn more jewelry than any female I know, I used to wear make-up (mainly eyeliner) and my clothes have always been "out there". I have been refused work, I have been asked if I (excuse me) "suck or swallow", I have had a gun pulled on me by a redneck, I have had guys yell things to me from other cars, until I looked at them and they saw I was a guy. My point? We all will have a different experience. If you had long hair, and wore it nicely tied back, and dressed normal, chances are you have had better experiences than I, for the obvious reason I will post in a picture if you would like. My job I had while I had the purple hair didn't care if it was purple, but it had to be in a hat. I am a Land Surveyor, my job takes me to peoples houses. It made sense to look presentable. As for if this was a Boy Scout camp, I'm not sure how to answer that one. Is it? I would have to say then you have a different argument on your hands to some degree. But if you chose to look in a way that is NOT normal to what society wants, you have to expect some form of discrimination. If a person can't get a job for looking Jewish, or of some race, why would it be any different for the person that chooses to have 50 piecings, long hair, and tats? I know many, many, many, many people like this (basically EVERYBODY I hang with and talk to), and we all have the same experiences, and we have the same understandings. It's the path we chose. Dressing in "out there" clothes, wearing earings and makeup and dying your hair is completely different. The original post was about hair length only. My point is that it's possible to look professional and business-like even with long hair. To discriminate against somebody solely because their hair goes past their collar is wrong.
  8. QUOTE(joshe800 @ Jan 11, 2005 -> 11:42 AM) just wondering if anyone knows when the soxfest schedule will be posted.. when it does, if someone could post it, i'd appreciate it!! It's already up. www.whitesox.com
  9. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jan 11, 2005 -> 11:36 AM) It has nothing to do with how you perform your job, and everything to do with public perception. Look at it like this, if an 80 year old lady walks into your business for whatever reason, do you think she will approach the clean-cut, well dressed person, or the guy who looks like he fell out of Jim Rose's sideshow? If you are dropping your kids off for a camp of some sort, do you want your kids going to camp with a clean cut person, or a guy who looks like he will someday be a part of the Hells Angels? No matter what happens in the world, long hairs will always be associated with drugs, sex, and rock and roll. People have always been shocked when they find out I never did drugs. I didn't even drink for years, and have never "slept around", and have a much more tame existence than most everybody I know, but my looks turned me into a "bad guy". It's all perception, and first impressions rule over all. Please. I've had long hair since I was a junior in high school. Right now it goes just past the middle of my back. It's always clean and kept back in a neat ponytail. Looking at me from the front you wouldn't even know I have long hair. No job I've ever worked at (retail or professional) has ever had a problem with it...
  10. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jan 9, 2005 -> 02:59 PM) Apple Pie with Cheddar cheese on top sounds nasty. You've obviously never had an apple grande from Taco John's then have you? Take a flour tortilla, fry it, coat it with cinnimon and sugar, top with hot apple filling and cheddar cheese. *drool* You really have to try it to know if you'd like it or not. I've had friends who thought it sounded gross but fell in love once they tasted it.
  11. QUOTE(Pods70Rowand33 @ Jan 4, 2005 -> 10:23 PM) has anyone ever gotten the hotel package? if so, how is it? I've only gone for sox fest never stayed in the hotel. The hotel package rules. You save a ton of money and you don't have to go out into the freezing cold after staying up all night at the bar.
  12. QUOTE (aboz56 @ Dec 30, 2004 -> 05:58 PM) or you could just ride a train in and not pay to park Well, that was mostly for people that are coming from out of town. Like me.
  13. A couple of comments about parking for the fest... Go ahead and pay the extra money for the valet parking at the hotel. It's worth it because it's so hassle-free. You drive right up to the front door, go straight into the hotel with all your stuff and let somebody else worry about the parking. Then if you find you've forgotten something in your car (I've done this a couple of times) or whatever, it's easy for them to bring it around again instead of having to walk a few blocks in the freezing cold. On Sunday you can pack up most of your stuff, put it in your car, check-out and then head down and enjoy the rest of the fest. IIRC, the fest ends after check-out time. Just my opinion...
  14. I must have missed all the Soxfest threads around here. Anyway, I'll be there all weekend. One question though. When I ordered my weekend package they gave me a price higher than what was posted on the Sox website. They told me it was because I had four people in one room and the price given is based on two people in the room. Does that make one bit of sense to anyone??? The past two years I've had 4 people and had no problems. I thought that was the whole point of getting 4 passes each day?!? I might have to argue with them when I check-in... I've met a few of you so you can look for me at the bar on Friday and Saturday night or at one of the Q&A sessions. If I could find the shirt pictured in my avatar I would wear it. That would make me pretty identifiable...
  15. Iwritecode


    I went up to Summerfest in Milwaukee last year and they opened for Three Doors Down/Nickleback. I'm not much of a music critic but I thought they were pretty good.
  16. Iwritecode

    Christmas Gifts

    Can I ask which of the four choices "both" refers to?
  17. I agree. Gone are the days where dad works 9 to 5 and mom stays home and cleans all day and then has dinner on the table for the family every night at 5:30. There have been days in my life that if I wouldn't have stopped somewhere to get some food, whether it be McDonald's or Subway or whatever, I wouldn't have eaten that day...
  18. 100% finished. They are even all wrapped! We were determined to not stay up until 5AM on Christmas morning wrapping presents like we did last year. That sucked...
  19. You want good insurance coverage? Go work for Osco Drug. I worked there for a couple of years and had their insurance for my wife's first two pregnancies. We paid a total of $15 for my first daughter to be born.
  20. Actually if you really wanted to get technical, one year doesn't exactly equal 365 days. It's a little more than that. Thus the need for a leap year every 4 years. That means each day is not exactly 24 hours...
  21. Actually, I believe they herd them into a chute and slit their throats. At least that's what I saw on one of those "Faces of Death" videos...
  22. I worked for them as a second job for almost three years. My best friend and his fiance still work there. Their health benifits are ok but I've definetly had better. They mostly worry about paying for the *big* injuries/illnesses and let the employees pay most of the cost of regular doctor visits. I guess it really depends on who you ask as to whether they treat their employees well. I basically did what I wanted and always knew they if they started treating me like crap, I could tell them to take the job and shove it. I never "asked" for a day off. I told them that I wouldn't be in and if they didn't like it that was just too bad. My friend on the other hand has been shifted around to different departments, had to work past his scheduled time (only to cut time later in the week) and has had trouble getting certain days off. The problem is that he is just that way. He doesn't know how to say no. Overall, it's not a bad place to work (there's worse) and it's usually a pretty good place to shop. Just stay away from the electronics department. I've gotten three different TV/VCR combo's from them and every single time the VCR portion quits working after a while. Luckily they'll take back just about anything so I just buy a new one and take the old one back and get my money back.
  23. I had like 93% or something like that on Vice City. I was missing a couple of unique jumps (which are a pain to find in the first place much less know which ones you are missing) and I still cannot beat that damn shooting range side mission. You're supposed to get 45 but the best I've ever gotten was like 43. I just started a new game last week and have everything that I need to do written down (including each indiviual jump and hidden package) so I can cross it off as I go.
  24. 12 year olds have been discerning between fantasy violence and reality for a long time. Kids are not as dumb as some of us would like to think. Have you ever watched Looney Toons? 3 stooges? Tom and Jerry? Generations of people have grown up watching violence on TV. In all honestly, 12 year olds probably could drive a car given proper instructions. Their physical size might be a resriction though. I remember driving a snowmobile and a 4-wheeler when I was around that age. I always hear about people that grew up on farms learning to drive a tractor when they were 10.
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