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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Jan 28, 2005 -> 01:52 PM) I thought that Frank Thomas was only in Married With Children. I completely forgot about Mr. Baseball. I've never seen that movie, but I do remember reading something like that. Frank Stallone was the only other Frank that came to mind. I guess we could have done it with Ed O'Neil, Katey Segal, Christina Applegate, etc... They've been in a couple of movies...
  2. Frank Thomas - Mr. Baseball Tom Selleck - Three Men and A Baby Ted Danson - Saving Private Ryan Vin Diesel - XXX Samuel Jackson - A Time to Kill Kiefer Sutherland - Flatliners Kevin Bacon One more time... John Ritter > Jason Ritter
  3. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Jan 28, 2005 -> 01:36 PM) Frank Stallone>Tombstone Val Kilmer>True Romance Dennis Hopper>Speed Keanu Reeves>Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure Alex Winter>Lost Boys Kiefer Sutherland>Flatliners Kevin Bacon Morgan Freeman to Harvey Keitel Frank Stallone?
  4. QUOTE(knightni @ Jan 28, 2005 -> 01:12 PM) Tom Hanks > Tim Allen - Toy Story Tim Allen > Jamie Lee Curtis - Christmas with the Kranks JL Curtis > John Cleese - A Fish Called Wanda John Cleese > Michael Palin - And Now For Something Completely Different Michael Palin > Kevin Kline - Fierce Creatures Kevin Kline > Colin Hanks - Orange County Happy? Not really cause I already beat you to it...
  5. QUOTE(knightni @ Jan 28, 2005 -> 12:55 PM) Tom Hanks > Tim Allen - Toy Story Tim Allen > Jamie Lee Curtis - Christmas with the Kranks JL Curtis > Kevin Kline - A Fsh Called Wanda Kevin Kline > Colin Hanks - Orange County Frank Thomas to Kevin Bacon Me thinks that's a little under 6...
  6. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jan 28, 2005 -> 12:45 PM) I don't know what else he was in, but I know he was in "Orange County" a couple years ago. Tom Hanks - Green Mile Micheal Clarke Duncan - Armegedon Ben Affleck - mall rats jay and silent bob(forget their real names) - Jay and silent bob strike back Jason Biggs - Saving Silverman Jack Black - Orange County Colin Hanks Another father/son combo: John Ritter > Jason Ritter.
  7. Both accidents happened while the sleds were being pulled by an ATV. The one where the kids were killed happened because it was dark out and they veered into the oncoming lane. The babysitter was on the sled with the kids but only suffered a broken arm. Sad...
  8. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jan 27, 2005 -> 09:28 AM) http://www.wqad.com/global/Story.asp?s=2861855 At first she was just missing and they had posters and such. It was all over the local papers. Then they arrested her friend for murder and found her body... :headshake Both my parents grew up in the Quad Cities and I still have a lot of family down there.
  9. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 27, 2005 -> 10:53 AM) Rhetorical huh? Wow, there's a new one for me. But if a point has been made to the contrary, that question becomes unnecessary. But it's good to see you not completely miss the point and that you don't need to resort to being a smartass to try to make one. Let's say your read in a weekly publication at work that 'Steff will be a huge part of the company's plans for 2005'. Two weeks later, you find out that the company went out and hired someone with your same title and will be paying them a good salary. I suppose your company has done nothing wrong and you wouldn't be upset or say anything to anyone about it? They traded for Alomar twice and picked up Uribe to at least split time at second. It seems to me that it was obvious to every one except Willie that they didn't think he could handle starting at 2B. He's just now figuring this out and compaining about it in the paper??? Willie should take his que from Aaron. He never once complained about them trading for Kenny Lofton or putting Jose Valentin out there. He just kept his mouth shut and worked hard. Look where it has gotten him now...
  10. It's amazing that he happened to be recording when this happened. http://members.cox.net/naw-t/I_got_hit.wmv
  11. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jan 26, 2005 -> 09:52 AM) I took this picture on New Year's Eve. Any Caption Ideas? Reason #144 why dogs should not be allowed to drink champange.
  12. That's amazing! I want to try it... the dog cat bob jet wow mom he she it Whoa! I can read all those words perfectly.
  13. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jan 25, 2005 -> 02:15 PM) It would actually help standardize the schedule doing away with the terrible two & 1 game series that exist now with these crazy off days. Every series would be a 3 gm series. Each team would play 54 series. Ex: Sox vs ALC: 4 teams, 7 series = 28 vs ALW: 5 teams, 2 series = 10 vs ALE : 5 teams, 2 series = 10 vs NL : 6 teams, 1 series = 6 Just over 1/2 of the series will be against division rivals. The way it should be. The Cubs would consume 2 of the 6 teams for the Sox. Throughout the year there would be 54 IL matchups. About 9 a month. That still allows 126 IL matchups during the exclusive play period in June. You kinda missed the point. Let me write it out for you. Here are some matchups I just threw together using the 15 AL teams you listed. NYY vs BOS Pitts vs Bal Tor vs Sox Cle vs Milw Det vs Rays Oak vs Sea Tex vs ANA KCR vs ??? Who are the Royals supposed to play? The NL team that doesn't have an opponent??? You have to have an even number of teams in each league or else you will have this situation every single day...
  14. I used to work at a Kay-Bee toy store and my boss tried to make me return a couple of Frank Thomas starting line-up figures because they hadn't been on the shelves for 24 hours before I bought them (company policy). The truth was he took them off the truck when they came in and hid them in the back room. I found them and bought them for myself. He did this with a lot of the collectable figures (Star Wars, Spawn, etc.) so he couldn't do anything to me because he knew I would turn him in as well...
  15. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jan 24, 2005 -> 05:32 PM) 15 in AL, 15 in NL You can't have an odd number of teams in each division. One team would be left without an opponent for each series. Unless you had interleague play all year long...
  16. Yea, fish and paint are similair too. They both come in many colors, they both don't have feet and they both hate turpintine...
  17. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jan 24, 2005 -> 02:53 PM) Your missing the point. He took the easiest step in signing the new guy. The harder part is getting rid of the guy you want gone. Willie needs to go and a UIF needs to be brought in. Simple as that. The final 25-man roster hasn't been set yet. He can send Willie down to the minors and call up someone like Wilson Valdez(I hope I got that name right) to be a backup...
  18. Iwritecode

    Coffee Makers

    My coffee comes chilled in a 12 oz can with "pepsi" written down the side. Sometimes it says "mountain dew"...
  19. QUOTE(Molto @ Jan 19, 2005 -> 01:06 AM) here you guys go with the nug jokes already ... how long before it gets out of your system? I guess as long as you guys don't say where you got it from, it's cool, because the source of the joke is a joke himself. Would that be Pauly Shore? I always remember the line from Encino Man: Betty. Betty Nugs.
  20. One quick comment. Hey SS2k5, remember when we were in the private session and I was telling you that Politte signs with his left hand? Then a few minutes later I looked like an idiot because I was talking about Gload instead? I got Cliff's sig the next day. He DOES sign with this left hand! I asked him about it and he said that he's a natural righty but he writes with his left hand. Now I don't feel quite as stupid...
  21. QUOTE(Molto @ Jan 18, 2005 -> 12:20 PM) I was actually considering not bowling this year too ($40 a week is a bit too much for me at this point), but it's one thing I like to do, so I'd rather bowl in the league and cut financial corners on other things than not bowl. of course, I don't have many bills, no kids and live at home still... We've bowled a few years when we really couldn't afford it but we always had a good time. The summer leagues where you pay a little extra and then go on a trip to a casino or get a free ball at the end of the season are fun as well. No kids and still living at home? You should be out having fun. It's only money right?
  22. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 18, 2005 -> 12:13 PM) Soxfest is like the locker room... what happens there, stays there. Unless it makes the front page of the newspaper the next morning...
  23. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 18, 2005 -> 11:49 AM) You already have a ticket if you need it B. Are you able to get extra tickets to those games? Besides opening day (even that's up in the air), that's really the only game that I can manage to go to each year. With the new deal of only being able to get Cubs/Sox games through multi-game packages I'm pretty much screwed...
  24. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 07:07 PM) I'm sure steff is trying to delete all copies of those pictures Does that mean I shouldn't post the one that I have on my camera?
  25. QUOTE(Molto @ Jan 18, 2005 -> 10:01 AM) sorry bout that. I would've talked bowling too, especially since I'm now starting to bowl some respectable games after more than a year of crap. I remember the ESPN days. I don't post as much as I did, but I check out the board everyday. I just wish I would have known you were there. Of course I find out after you had already left... I haven't bowled on a league for a few years now. Just not enough time and money with 3 kids. They seem to be interested in it so we go and open bowl every once in a while. I did go bowling for a bachelor party (yes, they had a bachelor party at a bowling alley. Not my idea) a couple of months ago. A couple of the guys brought their balls and shoes but I didn't so I ended up using a house ball and shoes. Still ended up going over 200 and beating the guys that had their own equipment...
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