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Lip Man 1

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Everything posted by Lip Man 1

  1. QUOTE (AlSoxfan @ Oct 11, 2015 -> 03:01 PM) Yes, I heard both Robin and Hahn say we just got off to a bad start, just after the AS break. I think they believe they're close. Personally I think even if we had started the year 10-0 we would of never been close. I really don't expect much this off yr. because of this line of thinking. We'll see what happens but given the realistic chance season ticket sales are going to drop perhaps dramatically the Sox probably won't have as much money to throw away on guys in their 30's heading downhill. Honestly I don't see how they can go about getting the talent they need other than trying to sign some guys and hope and maybe swing a deal. They still don't have enough young major league ready talent in the minors to either replace the guys they deal or somehow get younger talent who may be ready to play. I think they are between a rock and a hard place and don't really know yet what the plan is, despite Kenny assuring everyone he has one. The proof is in the pudding, we'll see, but the bottom line is the same folks who got the Sox into this mess are supposedly the ones going to get them out of it. Hate being so negative but that's what you get when the franchise is going through their worst period of baseball record wise since 1968-1980. Win games (a lot of them) and everything is solved from attendance to fan reaction to advertising and such. Right now the record shows the Sox seem incapable of doing this. Mark
  2. Saw an interesting quote today from Tony LaRussa and how much impact a manager has on a game / season. Just wanted to share it for discussion purposes and you can apply it or not to Ventura: "To be really good you have to be a solid decision maker but if your team doesn't play with effort, though, you're a total failure." Mark
  3. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Oct 9, 2015 -> 09:56 PM) I'm going to come out and say it, but if you claim to be a true Sox fan and are cheering for the Cubs this postseason then you are a f***ing idiot. Our beloved franchise has always been the ugly step-child of the Chicago sports scene and a Cubs World Series victory would make us even more irreverent. Go ahead and come up with some lame excuse on why it's ok to cheer for them, but you are literally rooting against the well-being of your own franchise. There is no good that comes to the Sox from the Cubs winning the World Series, none whatsoever. It's absolutely disgusting how many "Sox fans" I know are jumping on this bandwagon and it's even worse how many members on this site, a forum that is home to some of the most die-hard Sox fans in the world, are pro-Cubs right now. Very well said in my opinion. Mark
  4. I did find this headline at the White Sox web site for their latest story interesting: "Sox to rely on improvement of core in 2016 Club unlikely to make drastic changes, believes pieces are in place to compete." Who knows if this means anything for sure, but I will say if they do very little and actually believe this, another bad April start and U.S. Cellular Field will be a ghost town by June 2016. Mark
  5. No thank you to both Ramirez and Zobrist. Both over 30, heading downhill, the Sox don't need more stiffs who are unmotivated with big expensice contracts. If the Sox are going to continue to suck (and they probably will) I'd rather see a bunch of kids who at least care. MMark
  6. I remember reading over the summer where Shark to the Yankees at some point (or the Dodgers or Cardinals) was a possibility. Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Nor would it surprise me if he rebounded to have a good year as soon as he got out of town. Has happened going all the way back to David Wells. That's the "White Sox way." Mark
  7. QUOTE (Middle Buffalo @ Oct 9, 2015 -> 06:58 AM) I think it's kind of funny, but it reinforces the idea that Sox fans are more concerned with the Cubs than their own team. I'd be against any Cub-centric marketing campaign by the Sox. Just get better. Obviously you don't remember the hate spewing from Cub fans in 2005...LOL. Supposedly they don't care about the Sox, let's put it this way they sure had a funny way of showing they didn't care. What DOES bother me is that the Cubs, the butt of late night jokes for decades have made the post season eight times since 1981. The Sox only five under JR/EE. I understand the A.L. for years saw the Yankees and Red Sox lock up two of the four playoffs spots on a regular basis but still that's a piss poor record for success. Mark
  8. Ten years ago Wednesday, Chris Berman (die hard Red Sox fan) was not pleased...LOL: http://www.chicagonow.com/soxnet/2015/10/t...s-the-carmines/ Mark
  9. I did find it interesting that at the upcoming organizational meetings including some of the folks who run the minor leagues that Ventura won't be around for it. You'd think the manager of the major league team who could eventually be working with these guys would be present to get a better understanding of what's down on the farm. Seems strange to me. I know if I was in that position I'd certainly be there. Mark
  10. Don't know if the Dodgers or anybody would want Danks without the Sox paying a major portion of his final year's salary. Don't know if they'd do that. Mark
  11. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 7, 2015 -> 12:57 PM) Nieto not a surprise, no one would claim him or Rule V him (again). Guerra is a loss though, I thought he could be a potential 2016 bullpen piece. Given Guerra if I remember right missed most of last year (can't remember if it was an injury of drug related), I don't think its much of a loss. Mark
  12. Two more items... For October 5th LaMarr Hoyt pitches a playoff gem: http://www.chicagonow.com/soxnet/2015/10/l...ws-an-alcs-gem/ For October 6th One of the greatest World Series catches ever: http://www.chicagonow.com/soxnet/2015/10/t...ss-him-goodybe/ Mark
  13. Good analysis in my opinion. It starts and ends with ownership / management as in most businesses. The Sox ownership / management is stale, set in their ways, have a collective 'group-think' at problems because so many people have been together for so long. It's not working and yet they refuse to make the important changes that are desperately needed. It's not change for changes sake now in my opinion. With the Cubs 'success'' (notice I put that in quotes) and the probability of them starting their own network in 2020, it's now change for survival with the White Sox. But given the ages and net worth of the Board of Directors, it's hard to see them or JR wanting to rock the boat. The Sox are in a bad, bad place right now. Mark
  14. Sox are in serious, serious trouble right now but I also agree they aren't going anywhere. Mark
  15. QUOTE (Jerksticks @ Oct 5, 2015 -> 04:47 PM) There's gotta be big moves on the horizon. Sox can't roll out Avi,Trayce,Saladino, Sanchez, Flowers, Alexei next year. Big expensive upgrades are coming. Maybe we'll see. Depends a lot on how season ticket sales go and I wouldn't think that's going to go over well. Mark
  16. QUOTE (OmarComing25 @ Oct 5, 2015 -> 01:11 PM) 2008 also had the likely AL MVP hurt himself at the beginning of September. If Quentin doesn't throw his bat down in frustration we likely win the division without the need for Game 163 and we could have set-up our rotation for the playoffs. At that point anything could have happened, because the playoffs in baseball are a crapshoot. Just to correct a point, he didn't throw the bat down. After missing a pitch from Cliff Lee he tried swinging the bat into his other cupped hand out of frustration (he was supposed to catch it or cup it in that hand). He missed and the bat struck bone towards the bottom of the hand / wrist breaking it. One of the dumber things a baseball player ever did to himself. Mark
  17. QUOTE (OmarComing25 @ Oct 5, 2015 -> 10:16 AM) Well the Dodgers' TV deal has turned out to be a big fiasco with all the people that can't even watch them in LA. Very true. Of course the Dodgers already have that TV money in the bank. LOL. A lot will depend on how the Cubs do the next few years and if they can keep this going. If they can and (God forbid) get to or win a World Series, they'll probably get a maximum amount of dollars available regardless of what happens outside the Chicago market. No question they are in a much better position right now than the Sox. If you believe Fan Graphs stories over the summer the Sox are the least watched team in MLB. That doesn't give them a lot of negotiating area in their next deal unless that drastically changes. Mark
  18. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 5, 2015 -> 10:43 AM) Bruce Levine ‏@MLBBruceLevine 6m6 minutes ago Chicago, IL Breaking news Hawk Harrelson to cut back to 81 broadcasts in 2016 . 78 road -home opening day and two Cub home games . ( industry sources ) This is really bizarre that at his age he'd want to do basically only road games. Scully for example basically only does home games and some short road trips out of L.A. Strange. Guess we should all get ready to usher in the Chuck Swirsky era. (I hope not though...) Mark
  19. Saw this on another web site and it's absolutely perfect. "The White Sox lost 6-0 and collected only three hits in their home opener. The White Sox lost 6-0 and collected only three hits in their home finale. Fitting bookends." Mark
  20. Daniel was able to bring up to date for the past week the This Date in Sox History section at Sox Net. There are eight new additional historic audio cuts for the following days there: September 27 http://www.chicagonow.com/soxnet/2015/10/t...eam-to-victory/ (Bo Jackson's division clinching home run / audio of final out) September 29 http://www.chicagonow.com/soxnet/2015/10/t...o-wire-to-wire/ (Final out as Sox clinch divisional title) September 30 http://www.chicagonow.com/soxnet/2015/10/t...-blackout-game/ (Final out at original Comiskey Park / Thome's blackout game home run / audio of final out) October 1 http://www.chicagonow.com/soxnet/2015/10/t...ld-series-lead/ (Big Klu's 2nd home run in game #1 World Series / Bob Elson's last words as Sox announcer) Enjoy! Mark
  21. I am guessing you are going to see the same guys starting in the outfield next year with Thompson and / or Schuck as the reserve guy. That's the way the Sox roll. Mark
  22. As Rod Serling once said, "submitted for your edification..." Feel free to discuss. By the Numbers… * Sox finished 76-86 this year, a three game improvement over last season. * Sox were 40-41 at home, 36-45 on road…32-44 against the division. (Which killed them yet again) * Sox have now had three straight losing seasons and six out of the last nine. Historically the last stretch where the franchise had so many losing years was 1968-1980. (Two winning seasons, one .500 season,10 losing years) * Sox haven’t had consecutive winning seasons since 2003-2006. * Sox spent one day over .500 (18-17 on May 18th) * Sox haven’t made the playoffs in seven years. Last time was 2008. * Sox were shut out 12 times. * Sox scored three runs or less in a game 83 times out of 162 played. (51%) * Sox have lost 24 games when holding an opponent to three runs or less. * Sox were 13-5 in extra- inning games * Sox came from behind to win 11 games when trailing in the 7th inning or later. Breakdown: 3 times in the 7th 3 times in the 8th 5 times in the 9th * Sox lost 10 games where they had the lead in the 7th inning or later. Breakdown: 3 times in the 7th 4 times in the 8th 3 times in the 9th * Who was directly responsible for losing the lead in those games? Breakdown: 7th inning: Petricka, Sale, Jones 8th inning: Putnam, Samardzija, Robertson, Duke 9th inning: Robertson, Robertson, Robertson * Robin Ventura’s four year record as manager: 297-351 .458 win percentage. Looking through the records, it appears Ventura now has the worst winning percentage for any White Sox manager to last four full seasons in franchise history. The Sox apparently do get the #10 pick in the June draft which is protected. That is all. Mark
  23. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Oct 4, 2015 -> 04:11 PM) Right, because we should've scored runs with that tanking, AA lineup we put on the field today. The Tigers weren't exactly throwing Hall of Famers were they? The Sox couldn't even get a run...typical no? Mark
  24. Perfect way for the Sox to end another crap season...go out with a whimper on offense. Mark
  25. Don't care much for the author who has been a White Sox troll since his days back with the Tribune but it's hard to argue with his comments about the state of the Sox right now: http://chicago.suntimes.com/sports/7/71/10...ing-irrelevance Mark
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