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I have the CBA...


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I didn't do that...

No, of course you didn't. I'm sure you got it from Sidney Ponson or Mark Buehrle or someone else so you could come on this web site and name drop and feel like a real insider.


Is this a place to talk White Sox Baseball or a restroom to have a pissing contest about who knows more people in the business or has more "insider information"? I really try to come on here and just read through posts, various rumors and whatnot, but it seems certain posters have a habit of constantly bringing up, "I know this guy" or "I got this from so-and-so", etc. Let me say something, "We're happy for you". It's probably just me feeling irritated about a frustrating off-season. I'm done with my rant.


I'm going to return some video tapes.

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please be careful on the ice returning the videos.


The rest of what you say, in my personal opinion, is unnecessary and unwarranted. Some folks do know some people. Its not that hard really. Steff is a person that I can vouch for personally having a lot of connections and when she has something to share, she does, which is good, because the info is good. Has she ever been wrong? No? Ok.



Steff got hold of the collective bargaining argeement. She doesn't say where, just that she didn't pay $20 for it. She is a fantastic researcher - I know because I am and she is excellent. If she got it from a player, she didn't say, those were your words. And I would rather doubt that she did she I am sure most players don't have a CBA sitting around that available. But if she did - so what?


You are the one dropping names, not Steff. Patrick Bateman is a name dropping name to begin with anyway.


In all the hostility in this world, why add to it other than that namiong yourself after a Bret Easton Ellis character may require it? Not every thought deserves to be posted. Steff is a good person, Steff is my friend, and I do not like seeing my friends bashed - especially unfairly.

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No, of course you didn't.  I'm sure you got it from Sidney Ponson or Mark Buehrle or someone else so you could come on this web site and name drop and feel like a real insider.


Is this a place to talk White Sox Baseball or a restroom to have a pissing contest about who knows more people in the business or has more "insider information"?  I really try to come on here and just read through posts, various rumors and whatnot, but it seems certain posters have a habit of constantly bringing up, "I know this guy" or "I got this from so-and-so", etc.  Let me say something, "We're happy for you".  It's probably just me feeling irritated about a frustrating off-season.  I'm done with my rant.


I'm going to return some video tapes.

Here's my little rant.


Why do you follow Steff around acting like a jealous two year old who didn't get a lollypop? She doesn't brag about much of anything. As a matter of a fact it is usually someone else who ASKS HER for information. Why do so many people seem to have a problem that someone might know someone or something that they don't? If it bothers you that much you might not want to be on a message board where info gets swapped. Get over it.

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Despite my love-hate relationship with Steff, I'm gonna have to say that attacking her like that was wrong. I'd suggest you think before attacking someone next time, especially a member of this site that contributes good things quite frequently.


Now, is it okay to insert a PA joke here?

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Despite my love-hate relationship with Steff, I'm gonna have to say that attacking her like that was wrong.  I'd suggest you think before attacking someone next time, especially a member of this site that contributes good things quite frequently.


Now, is it okay to insert a PA joke here?

PA jokes are always, always appropriate!

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I'm new here but would love to see the CBA. Any chance you also have a copy of the Sox agreement with the Illinois Sports Stadium Authority? I'm at




I don't.. but I'll see if I can get my hands on one. Wouldn't that be public record..? Let me ask around.

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That should be public record but as to it being available online, I wonder.


It should be available under the Freedom of Information Act however if it is not online.

I'm sure it's not.. but I can probably get somone to get me a copy from public records at the Daley Center maybe? I'll ask around.

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I'm sure it's not.. but I can probably get somone to get me a copy from public records at the Daley Center maybe? I'll ask around.

damn good source, that is, Steff :headbang :headbang :headbang


and if an official request is needed for their file, all we do up here is write "I request a copy of [whatever] under the Freedom of Information Act" but if you have friends who will just copy, nothing wrong with that either - it is public record


I'd like to see the extension park when USCF got its name to see where the contract to keep the Sox in chicago was added.


Good luck!

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Thanks for the input fellas. cwsox, you seem to make the most sense. I may have been a bit harsh. southsider2k4 thanks for your 2 cents, but you can have it back and aboz56 my message was thought out. The thing I think you guys are missing is that I'm positive that she is not the only one who knows people in the game or in the business, yet she is the only one who constantly boasts about it. Personally, I don't understand the little "cult following" she has on this board. We make fun of cubs fans for being sheep, but this board is very similar in regards to her. The way she began this post, "I have the CBA....Who wants it?", like she's dangling a carrot in front of a rabbit. Rather than tactfully saying, "if you'd like a copy of the CBA, leave your email address and I'll send it to you". I'll be the first to admit that she does quite often have very interesting information to share, but IMHO, she quite often comes across with an "I told you so" or "look what I got" or "look who I know" or "I'm right, you're wrong" type tone to her posts.

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