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The OFFICIAL "Think positive in 2004" Thread

The Bones

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Im optimistic because the chances of losing a game when you are down 4 runs in the 9th inning I would venture to guess is some where in the less than 1% range.


Koch looked good, 97 on opening day, I suspect had he gotten another batter he would of hit 99.


Politte, looked good, should of been taken out at the start of the 9th.


The offense looked good, I have no doubt had it gone extra innings they could of scored a run.


1 bad day, I prefer that it happened on our first day of the season rather than our second to last (hint remember Bartman).



LOL..Very good point!!!

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I'm in on this thread. I thought long and hard after Monday's loss too. It was pretty devastating to lose the opening game, especially the way they lost it, but there were so many positives other than one inning. I'm still optimistic that the back of the rotation and bullpen will be fine. No reason to start doubting yet, not with 161 games left!



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Thinking positive, we had dug a pretty big hole last year by June & yet somehow had ourselves in 1st place with a 2 game lead by Sept.


The turnover was built on the strength of mostly E-LO & Buerhle & a some timely hitting.

The hole was dug mostly from Buerhle, Colon, poor bull pen, poor fielding, & Koney.


What we now know is that the number one weakness on this team appears to be the closer position. However; we do have an experienced closer in Koch & experienced setup guy in Marte.


The goal here as I see it is to find reliable arms in the bull pen during the time we play the NY All-Stars. Politte did fine until the 9th. Koch did ok. Marte did horrible.

We still have yet to see Jackson, Adkins, Cotts, Tats, & Wunsch.


Let's wait until they all fail repeatedly before throwing in the towel.


:stick -> OZ, for starting Politte in the 9th.

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Did you happen to those guys in the Sox uniforms that came in from the bullpen?  :lol:


Joking.  I hope you're right.  :cheers

I did notice that. And they proved me right today.


Good outing from the bullpen, other then the one inherited runner that scored and the fact that Koch damn near put me in the ER because of cardiac arrest. Then again, he always does that, so I should come to expect that.


I'm telling you, 90-95 wins, and a division crown. And like last year and the year before and the year before(every year since 2000 basically), we will play better in the second half, because I think trades will occur that will help the team.

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