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Rogers Offered Contract!


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Guest hotsoxchick1
about time we're going to have a good rotation :P

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Now we just have to wait and see what happens. I got to admit, I'll definately miss Rauch cause I've really been looking forward to seeing him pitch.

am i missing something here or what... wheres rauch going?????? i only read money i didnt see any names on what wu posted, or did i miss a link about this trade or something ... geez us whats going on now?????? and whos going where..............

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about time we're going to have a good rotation :P

Welcome Aboard.


Now we just have to wait and see what happens. I got to admit, I'll definately miss Rauch cause I've really been looking forward to seeing him pitch.

am i missing something here or what... wheres rauch going?????? i only read money i didnt see any names on what wu posted, or did i miss a link about this trade or something ... geez us whats going on now?????? and whos going where..............

Well hsc, we might sign Kenny Rogers so that would give us a rotation of Buehrle, Colon, Rogers, Garland and Wright, which would mean Rauch would go to Charlotte or the pen. This would be great! Wed have one of the best rotations in baseball!

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Guest hotsoxchick1

ok roman so we are not trading for rogers just offering him a job money wise right????? thats ok by me i just dont want to lose anyone in the process..... and i have to agree with ldf there.. why not send someone else down and leave rauch up here either starter or in the pen or somewhere????? why does it automatically mean hes sent back down????

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ok roman so we are not trading for rogers just offering him a job money wise right????? thats ok by me i just dont want to lose anyone in the process..... and i have to agree with ldf there.. why not send someone else down and leave rauch up here either starter or in the pen or somewhere????? why does it automatically mean hes sent back down????

Yes, hes an FA, wed sign him for money, but unfortunately his agent is Bora$$. I still think well get him. And it would be nice to see Rauch in the pen but wed have to get him time on the mound so he can pick up experience...

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Because Rauch would be better suited in the minors another year. He needs more experience, and the Sox think that 170+ IP in the minors is better than 60 in the majors. I can't argue, if we sign Rogers, Rauch should go to AAA.

phil rogers has said in a discussion with kw that rauch can use another season in the minors. but if he does extremely well, he might start in the pen.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

ouch boras is the agent? that kinda sucks.. we all know how jr loves to deal with boras..........oh well it was a nice thought while we had it......back to the drawing board...........

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well if you can get more than one batter out of rauch i say cut wunch out of the picture.... he will most likely be on the dl half the season anyhow.....isnt he always, lately??????

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this is all I can find from Chicago Sports - I ask again, do we have confirmation that he signed or just rumor?



Sox may take gamble

GM Williams wants bargain in lefty Rogers




By Phil Rogers

Tribune baseball reporter


February 5, 2003


With closing time fast approaching for free agents, the White Sox continue to look for bargains. They are exploring a serious late push to sign left-hander Kenny Rogers, whom they believe would improve their playoff chances significantly.


Rogers, a 13-game winner who compiled a 3.84 earned-run average over 210 innings last season, would fill the only vacancy in a starting rotation including Bartolo Colon, Mark Buehrle, Jon Garland and Dan Wright.








His signing would give manager Jerry Manuel the formula that was the foundation for Anaheim's championship season—five starting pitchers coming off seasons in which they worked 190-plus innings over at least 30 starts. The Sox are already the only team in the majors with four such commodities.


Under normal circumstances, there would be no way the White Sox could afford to add Rogers after trading for Colon. But the bottom has dropped out of the free-agent market to such a degree that the players union is exploring a grievance for collusion.


With more than 50 free agents unsigned, few teams appear to have the resources for significant acquisitions. That landscape encourages Sox general manager Ken Williams to take a run at Rogers, whom he hopes would be intrigued by a chance to pitch for a contender.


Williams has not made an offer to Rogers' agent, Scott Boras, but confirmed he is investigating the possibility.


"I'm not sure if there could be a fit but it is awfully intriguing," Williams said Tuesday. "We're still looking to get better. Hopefully he would take a look at us and decide this isn't a bad place to be. We'd have to be creative, like we were when we added Kenny Lofton [before spring training in 2002]."


Few players in recent years have misread the market as badly as the 38-year-old Rogers. He is not known to have received any solid offers since rejecting a two-year, $10.2 million deal to return to Texas.


It is unlikely the Sox would offer Rogers more than $2 million. Lofton's deal was for $1.025 million, including $525,000 deferred without interest. He earned $350,000 in bonuses. His unusual deal included a series of attendance clauses that would have earned him an additional $1.4 million if the Sox had drawn 2.5 million in attendance.


According to sources, Boston and Pittsburgh are among the other teams that maintain an interest in Rogers. St. Louis and Arizona were mentioned as possible suitors earlier in the winter.


Because Minnesota was 23-29 against left-handed starters, the Sox see value in having two lefties in the starting rotation. Rookie Josh Stewart, who hasn't pitched above Double A, is the only left-hander currently in the mix for the vacancy.


Esteban Loaiza, who was 9-10 with a 5.71 ERA for Toronto, became the frontrunner for the spot when he signed a minor-league deal two weeks ago. Rookie Jon Rauch might be the long-term solution but seems likely to open the season working every fifth day for Triple-A Charlotte.


Rogers, once a power pitcher, has been especially effective against American League Central teams since learning how to pitch with a mid-80s fastball. He is 10-6 with a 3.47 ERA in 18 starts against Minnesota, Cleveland, Detroit and Kansas City since 2000.


That includes a 3-1 mark and 2.38 ERA in five starts against the Twins. He worked seven innings in all three starts against Minnesota last season.


Chuck Finley, another left-hander without a contract, is not considered an option by the White Sox.


Rick Helling, a 20-game winner in 1998, and Robert Person are among the pitchers still looking for deals. David Justice, Rickey Henderson and Travis Lee are among the potential run-producers who remain available.

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The Sox's dont have room for Rauch in the pen(both JM and KW are very clear on only having 11 pitchers), unless you cut one of these guys: Glover, White, Wunch or Gordon.

i think rauch could knock glover out of the picture...most old timers turn to earl weaver and tommy lasorda as the best models for how to break in a pitcher..they always seemed to start a guy off in the bullpen his rookie year and have him earn his way into the rotation....but im with most who think rauch would be best served with another year pitching every 5th day at charlotte...just because i think he needs another year to fully return back from injury..and pitching on a set schedule would be better then the random use a reliever gets...

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The Sox's dont have room for Rauch in the pen(both JM and KW are very clear on only having 11 pitchers), unless you cut one of these guys: Glover, White, Wunch or Gordon.

i think rauch could knock glover out of the picture...most old timers turn to earl weaver and tommy lasorda as the best models for how to break in a pitcher..they always seemed to start a guy off in the bullpen his rookie year and have him earn his way into the rotation....but im with most who think rauch would be best served with another year pitching every 5th day at charlotte...just because i think he needs another year to fully return back from injury..and pitching on a set schedule would be better then the random use a reliever gets...

I have always liked starting a guy out in the bullpen. As far as him knocking out Glover, you could be right, but I like Glover a ton. I think he's going to have a stellar year out of the pen.


I think he'll eventually take over when someone goes down, maybe Flash or White and then he'll step in for good in the bullpen, eventually get spot starts and next season he'll be ready for the starting rotation for good.

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I'm pretty comfortable with either Rauch or Rogers, but I like having more arms, like about 14 pitchers who could pitch in the majors. You will use at least that many either way no doubt. As a side question though who do you all think is better right now Wright or Rogers? I'm not talking rotation wise or righty lefty whatnot, just who do you think is better?

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