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Minor League Camp


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Well Spring has finally arrived and mini camp has begun for 40 or so of us minor leaguers. We got things started yesterday and will continue the mini camp until Mar. 3 or 4, then everyone else will arrive. I'm rooming with Ring this spring training. So far there hasnt been too much excitement to speak of other than we had our physicals and the dreaded blood tests and tetanus shots. I am not a big fan of the needle, and therefore the physical was a little more traumatic for me. There is a very positive vibe in camp this year and I think the Good Guys are gonna do something really special this year. Other than that, that is all I got for now, but dont worry I'll try to update all you Sox fans as things occur.


PS this site is more popular than you might believe. I talked to Honel for awhile on Sat. and one thing he mentioned is that he reads the posts on this site frequently. So maybe somebody can talk him into actually responding to some of them. I tried to but he didnt seem interested. I told him everyone in here is really cool and they would love to hear from him but I dont know if he'll ever make himself known to this forum.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

thanks for the update there jim....ill be down there in arizona in a few weeks.... i cant wait to see everyone in action.. im trying to not get too excited about things since the past couple of seasons have been aweful let downs.....so i figured if i went into it this year without all the excitement then when good things do happen ill enjoy it more.......you tell mr. honel that he can come on and post whatever and no one has to know who he is.... we have a few people on here who are "unknown" and remain that way because of their wishes, when they are ready to "out" themselves they can ... or they dont ever have to either way, its not a problem.....see ya in a couple of weeks !!!!

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Thats cool Jim.


Were all pulling for you here. As far as needles go, I know what you mean, I dread the days I have to go in for my physical when they draw blood.


Glad to hear about the positive vibe. I've been feeling the same thing all off-season, but I seem to feel it every season. ;)


Best of luck and hopefully I'll get to see you pitch when I'm out there.


It would be sweet if Kris started posting here. I think everyone here is rooting for all the Sox minor league guys to develop. Of course I'm rooting for that tall pitcher out of Santa Barbara :headbang

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Well Spring has finally arrived and mini camp has begun for 40 or so of us minor leaguers.  We got things started yesterday and will continue the mini camp until Mar. 3 or 4, then everyone else will arrive.  I'm rooming with Ring this spring training.  So far there hasnt been too much excitement to speak of other than we had our physicals and the dreaded blood tests and tetanus shots.  I am not a big fan of the needle, and therefore the physical was a little more traumatic for me.  There is a very positive vibe in camp this year and I think the Good Guys are gonna do something really special this year.  Other than that, that is all I got for now, but dont worry I'll try to update all you Sox fans as things occur. 


PS this site is more popular than you might believe. I talked to Honel for awhile on Sat. and one thing he mentioned is that he reads the posts on this site frequently.  So maybe somebody can talk him into actually responding to some of them. I tried to but he didnt seem interested.  I told him everyone in here is really cool and they would love to hear from him but I dont know if he'll ever make himself known to this forum.

thanks jim..its cool that you post here and let us know who you are....i look forward to reports whenever you get the chance...good luck with ST...we will have to get an official jim bullard performance thread stuck at the top of our message board this year !!!

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That'd be the s*** to have Kris posting here(not that it isn't the s*** having you post here Jim....we all love you!:D) but we'd have 2 Sox prospects posting on here(with one of them potentially being the #1 in a few years...and one being a great guy with the fans, that being you Jim).


Here's wishing you both to be the Sox 1-2 punch in the future....on a World Series team. I won't say who's 1 and who's 2....because that'd be showing a favorite.


WSI has Phil Rogers post...well....we have Jim Bullard post here...and might have Honel posting too. Eat that WSI!

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Hello everybody! Sorry its been awhile but I havent been online for a couple of days because I've been out golfing and playing XBOX with Ring. The rest of camp reports tomorrow and we begin full workouts on the 6th. Right now we are just doing some fundamentals and throwing off the mound every other day. Actually today we just conditioned and we were done by 1000am. So 8 of us went up to Star Pass Golf Course and lost 3 dozen balls. That is by far the hardest course I have ever played. Never again will I play it! Bo Jackson, Buerhle and Garland were playing behind us and I hope they didnt see some of the shots I took today. Anyway, Tucson is freezing so if you are planning to come out here bring the warm clothes.


I read a post on Holt and some of you were ripping him for no reason. He is actually pretty freakin good and I bet he has a really good year this yr. Dont be as ignorant to judge a guy solely on his numbers or his age or what you think his upside is. If you are gonna knock a guy be a man and tell it to his face, not on a post.


Lastly, to make a top 30 list is an accomplishment. There are roughly 150-200 guys in camp. SO if you are in the top 30 you are basically in the top 5th or better of your organization. Thats pretty damn good. I mean hell, I know I probably am not in the top 30 but what you learn really quick is that Baseball America is not always right and they love some and hate others and I am not saying this because I am upset I didnt crack the 30 but because I am trying to paint the bigger pic for you.


Ok Im done rambling. Talk to you all soon.

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Thanks for the update Jim. It looks like you'll be in full form when I get out there.


I'm going to be at Friday's game against the Padres and then Saturday's against the Cubs in Mesa. Are the minor leaguers typically on the field early? I'm going to get there right when the gates open on Friday.


Sounds like your having a ton of fun out there too!!!

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Guest hotsoxchick1

thanks again for an update jim.. and now by freezing just exactly what does that mean... freezing like chicago weather freezing or freezing like people who live in the desert think that 70 degrees is freezing........just so i pack accrodingly.. i would hate to be the only one sweating my hiney off in shorts and a tee shirt in 70 degree weather in tucson.........lol :D

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Freezing as in it hasnt cracked 70 yet and has been between 45 and 60 since I showed up.  It also has been rainy off and on and windy.  So freezy by Ca standards but summer by CHicago standards

Well I'm going by your California standards since thats where I am. Hopefully it heats up, but its supposed to rain out here all week and I'm assuming that carries over to Arizona.

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Jim, it looks like we have more in common other than our love for baseball..... were both pretty mediocre to bad golfers.


I've got a quick question for ya Jim: Whats the vibe out in Arizona right now? Everyone optimistic and pumped for the 2003 AL Central Crown were gonna win?


Another quick little thing I wanted to ask ya: Whats Jon Garland like? He's my favorite player on the sox team. He seems like a pretty quiet guy.....is that a fair assumption?

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Freezing as in it hasnt cracked 70 yet and has been between 45 and 60 since I showed up.  It also has been rainy off and on and windy.  So freezy by Ca standards but summer by CHicago standards

lol thanks.. 40-60 shorts it is..............i cant wait to get out of this snow...... :D

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My gof game isnt as bad as I displayed today. My handicap is an 11 but today it looked like it was a 20.


The vibe here is still very positive and everyone seems relaxed and confident and I think the big guys realize that they can do something special this year.


Garland, from what I ve seen is a really good guy. But why wouldnt he be he's from So Cal. When I played in the game at Cooperstown last year he was really cool to me and didnt big league me at all. He's not a bad guy to have as a fav player

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Garland, from what I ve seen is a really good guy.  But why wouldnt he be he's from So Cal.  When I played in the game at Cooperstown last year he was really cool to me and didnt big league me at all.  He's not a bad guy to have as a fav player

See all good guys are from So Cal dammit! Granada Hills, Burbank, Fullerton, Santa Barbara, it's all good. I felt all bad last year in Anaheim, when everybody and their mom had some connection to Aaron Rowand, I felt left out :D

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To Jim Bullard: I, too, appreciate your comments and look forward to hearing more from you. Please don't take any perceived criticism of Dayen Holt or anyone else out of context. It goes without saying that we are pulling for all of you guys to do well. Anyone who wears the Sox uniform has our best wishes for success.


After you have had a few days to get settled and you have seen everyone in action, I would appreciate it if you would comment on some of our position players who have caught our eye(s). Namely, Anthony Webster and Jeremy Reed, who look like terrrific prospects. Same with Holt, who, of course, is in his first season with the Sox organization, and thus has not been seen by any of us. I look forward to your comments, and good luck.

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