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Sox vs. Expos - Game Thread


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Depends on who pitches.  Last year we were sorta stupid and used our aces up the first day...they only lasted 5 innings, but they were throwing probably 80.


Other than that, some of the guys throw 40 MPH just to get it over.


Like me, persay...




That's a picture from Kane County Stadium last year.


I believe I walked 7 straight at one point in the game before they yanked me. :(


I think it was nervousness...I ususally pitch well. :(

I could most likely hit then...

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Because if you throw lower than 80 I could hit you...

You have no idea how many times I've heard this...as hitting 90mph in batting cages is easy with no-movement pitches.


Then, the braggers play in real games and K every time up! :rolleyes:

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ok so mark's had a couple bad starts... thats enough to write off a season???  you're over reacting big time buddy.

I hope that this wasn't directed towards me, because at no point did I say anything about giving up on the season, so please don't put words in my mouth in a pathetic attempt to prove a point rookie. Unlike a lot of Sox fans, I view the Sox realisticly and have the ability to look past the rosy colored glasses that you and other Sox fans veiw the Sox with. I understand that this team is far from perfect and that certain areas need to be improved if the Sox are going to win the division, and more importantly make a run in the playoffs. I just gave the facts on this issue. The facts are that Buehrle's has a negative trend over the last couple of years and if that trend continues, with his pretty drastic salary increases over the next couple of years, could become a burden for this team. Unless JR decides to continue to raise the payroll, the Sox can't afford to spend 9M(his salary in a couple of years) on Buehre's current production. Of course the Sox aren't going to trade him this year, but if the Sox can get a couple of good major league ready prospects for him and use the money they save to go after a FA pitcher like Pavano(for example), than I think the Sox would be in a better situation. Just something to think about.


On the other note, the Sox starting pitching the past week and a half has been undeniable terrible and this has to raise a red flag to Sox fans who have the capability of veiwing this team realisticly. Most people would say that the Sox starters have overachieved(before the Philly series) and that this is a sign that they are coming back to reality. Add in the 5th starter problems, and the Sox really need to address this area if they want to improve their chances of winning the division and making a run in the playoffs(since starting pitching is the key). So as you can see this isn't me giving up on the Sox, this is me being realistic and pointing out the weaknesses that some overly optimistic Sox fans(like yourself) choose to ignore, in an attempt to improve the team and their chances of making the playoffs. Thats a free lesson for you rookie. Have a nice day.

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You have no idea how many times I've heard this...as hitting 90mph in batting cages is easy with no-movement pitches.


Then, the braggers play in real games and K every time up! :rolleyes:

I'm not bragging I am just saying I could hit 80's.

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