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South Park Really Ticks Off Catholics


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What a bunch of fascist whiners.


They can openly condemn a cartoon but yet the same organization hides systematic rape, molestation and abuse for over 40 years from all authorities & puts priests into new parishes so they can harm children all over again. f***ing hypocritical bastards.

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With all the offensive things South Park has done, it IS interesting that this is the first episode being yanked, no?


I think that says something. I haven't seen the episode, which I'm sure I'd laugh a hell of a lot from.


Fascists? probably not.


vastly misguided? most religious people are

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 07:42 PM)


What a bunch of fascist whiners.


They can openly condemn a cartoon but yet the same organization hides systematic rape, molestation and abuse for over 40 years from all authorities & puts priests into new parishes so they can harm children all over again.  f***ing hypocritical bastards.



I cant believe this, another APU post I agree with. What is REALLY going on around here?!

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 08:03 PM)
With all the offensive things South Park has done, it IS interesting that this is the first episode being yanked, no?


I think that says something. I haven't seen the episode, which I'm sure I'd laugh a hell of a lot from.


Fascists? probably not.


vastly misguided? most religious people are

They (the groups successful now) tried to get the other episode with "The Catholic Boat" and the Great Spider yanked but to no avail.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 08:42 PM)


What a bunch of fascist whiners.


They can openly condemn a cartoon but yet the same organization hides systematic rape, molestation and abuse for over 40 years from all authorities & puts priests into new parishes so they can harm children all over again.  f***ing hypocritical bastards.


Well, since all the problems in the world have been fixed and all suffering has ended there is plenty of time to work on condemning a cartoon.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 08:42 PM)
What a bunch of fascist whiners.


They can openly condemn a cartoon but yet the same organization hides systematic rape, molestation and abuse for over 40 years from all authorities & puts priests into new parishes so they can harm children all over again.  f***ing hypocritical bastards.


Gotta luv an unintentionally funny post...

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 3, 2006 -> 06:42 PM)


What a bunch of fascist whiners.


They can openly condemn a cartoon but yet the same organization hides systematic rape, molestation and abuse for over 40 years from all authorities & puts priests into new parishes so they can harm children all over again.  f***ing hypocritical bastards.


You're right. A few pedophiles and corrupt administrators over a 40-year period represent the entire Catholic Church. They're all a bunch of evil, child-molesting fascists who don't do any good for this world.


Despite your hatred for the Church, I agree that it's stupid of them to whine about South Park. They make fun of everybody. And after the scandals, the Catholic League is in no position to complain.

Edited by WCSox
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QUOTE(WCSox @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 09:02 AM)
You're right.  A few pedophiles and corrupt administrators over a 40-year period represent the entire Catholic Church.  They're all a bunch of evil, child-molesting fascists who don't do any good for this world.




It's all green and sarcastic until it's someone in your family that's effected.



As far as I'm concerned.. all the good deeds don't mean s*** when they cover up for ONE pedophile.


And it hasn't been a "few".. unless your definition of a "few" is a "few THOUSAND" accused..






NEW YORK (CNN) -- Children accused more than 4,000 priests of sexual abuse between 1950 and 2002, according to a draft survey for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.


The survey, to be released February 27, found that children made more than 11,000 allegations of sexual abuse by priests. The 4,450 accused priests represent about 4 percent of the 110,000 priests who served during the 52 years covered by the study.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 08:10 AM)
It's all green and sarcastic until it's someone in your family that's effected.

As far as I'm concerned.. all the good deeds don't mean s*** when they cover up for ONE pedophile.


And it hasn't been a "few".. unless your definition of a "few" is a "few THOUSAND" accused..


I'm sorry that someone in your family has been effected and I was livid with the Vatican when the scandal broke. There's absolutely no excuse for what happened. But that doesn't justify bad-mouthing the entire Catholic Church. That's just irresponsible and spiteful.

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QUOTE(WCSox @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 09:16 AM)
I'm sorry that someone in your family has been effected and I was livid with the Vatican when the scandal broke.  There's absolutely no excuse for what happened.  But that doesn't justify bad-mouthing the entire Catholic Church.  That's just irresponsible and spiteful.



You can check that ignorant ASSumption, because no one in my family has been effected.


And since when does someone's opinion need justification?

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 08:19 AM)
You can check that ignorant ASSumption


And you can blow it out your ass, honey, because I don't really care what goes on in your family.


And since when does someone's opinion need justification?


Fair enough. Women are whiners and whores and I won't bother trying to justify that generalization.


IMO, it would be more fair to blame the paltry percentage of the guilty parties than throw the entire organization under the bus. At the very least, it would avoid insulting the vast majority of Catholics all over the world. But, hey, that's just my opinion.

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QUOTE(WCSox @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 09:28 AM)
IMO, it would be more fair to blame the paltry percentage of the guilty parties than throw the entire organization under the bus.  At the very least, it would avoid insulting the vast majority of Catholics all over the world.  But, hey, that's just my opinion.



In the grand scheme of things it would be "fair" to lay the blame where it belongs.. but how realistic is that...?


Insulting and jumping on the bandwagon is a major makeup of this country.


Point proved above.. ;)

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QUOTE(WCSox @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 10:28 AM)
And you can blow it out your ass, honey, because I don't really care what goes on in your family.

Fair enough.  Women are whiners and whores and I won't bother trying to justify that generalization.


IMO, it would be more fair to blame the paltry percentage of the guilty parties than throw the entire organization under the bus.  At the very least, it would avoid insulting the vast majority of Catholics all over the world.  But, hey, that's just my opinion.


Wonderful. Into another fight already I see... It deja vu all over again. Thread closed, congratulations.

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I could really give less than a good damn about offending the majority of Catholics.


It was many of these same priests that threatened excommunication to certain Catholics during the Presidential election. Citizens that were pro-choice or against the war were strong-armed by the thugs in collars -- told that they could not hold those views and still be a Catholic. Many of these same threatened Catholics were not allowed to partake in the Eucharist -- a clear use of religion for a nefarious political objective. Yet they get tax exemptions. These "sanctified" goons were clear supporters of life -- as long as they were fetuses. Real people in the world? Hell, let them get AIDS/unwanted pregnancies/no use of contraceptives, wave the Stars & Stripes, bomb them back to the Stone and embrace the wholesale bloodbath in the name of "liberty"!


And let's not even get into the Catholic Church's amazing efforts to promote and spread the global AIDS pandemic, especially in Africa by banning any form of contraceptive.


According to documents unearthed in 2003 legal actions, journalist Russ Kick found that the earliest document discussing priest rape was distributed in 1962. He states that the document "Instruction on the Manner of Proceeding in Cases of Solicitation" was sent to every high ranking cleric. The document said that anybody who allegedly raped a member of the parish would face a private Church court, secular officials would not be told and the paperwork would end up in the diocese's "secret archives". The document even states that, under punishment of excommunication, all clergy will keep the rape suppression secret "even for the most urgent and most serious cause for the purpose of a greater good." The document was personally approved by Pope John 23.


When Father James Porter pled guilty for molesting 28 children in the 1960s and 1970s, the document record shows that the church fully knew of his crimes -- and shuffled him to new parishes where he could prey on unsuspecting children. In 1973, Porter wrote Pope Paul 6 confessing his penetration of children and demanding to be let out of the priesthood.


The Church yet continued to hide him from legitimate authorities. In a document dated May 29, 1999 -- John Paul II calls for the removal of a priest accused of molesting a child. In the document he discusses how the priest should be moved to an area where his crimes are not known. He goes on to say that the priest could not be removed if allowing him to stay there would "cause no scandal".


Their policy of hiding any child rapist, even in cases where it would benefit the greater good, shows that they're merely just thugs in collars -- aiding and abetting criminals. I think the efforts of the Catholic church do more to insult people than a little satire on Comedy Central and words on a web site could ever do.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 12:10 PM)
I could really give less than a good damn about offending the majority of Catholics.



Thank you. While you don't care you have. Me being one. I think any appeasement of rape, abuse of children is evil. That shouldn't be a reflection of me as a Catholic or any other practicing Catholic. We're more outraged than any non-Catholic. Trust me. I should not be condemned and insulted because or the despicable few. Thank you.

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QUOTE(mreye @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 03:57 PM)
Thank you. While you don't care you have. Me being one. I think any appeasement of rape, abuse of children is evil. That shouldn't be a reflection of me as a Catholic or any other practicing Catholic. We're more outraged than any non-Catholic. Trust me. I should not be condemned and insulted because or the despicable few. Thank you.




Learn to choose your words and wording carefully unless you're serious about being a dickhead and not caring about who you offend...


I mean, c'mon...Fascism??? An organization that condones systematic rape??? Now do you honestly believe that sort of warped bulls*** or did you choose those words to get a reaction? I don't know what to say if that's what you really believe...

Edited by SleepyWhiteSox
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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 03:00 PM)


Learn to choose your words and wording carefully unless you're serious about being a dickhead and not caring about who you offend...


I mean, c'mon...Fascism???  An organization that condones systematic rape???  Now do you honestly believe that sort of warped bulls*** or did you choose those words to get a reaction?  I don't know what to say if that's what you really believe...

An organization that hides child rapists for decades, even in the cases where it would benefit a common good is an organization whose credentials for being a moral compass should be severely.


From giving Galileo house arrest because he dared to say that the Earth revolved around the Sun to the condemnation of liberation theology (and in as such, Archbishop Oscar Romero et al.) to their promotion of the global AIDS pandemic to the Spanish Inquisition to the consent of the slave trade....


To the blatant support of fascism and the Nazi Regime (read: Pius XII) From The Secret History of Pius XII: After World War II, murmurs of Pacelli's callous indifference to the plight of Europe's Jews began to be heard. A noted commentator on Catholic issues, Cornwell began research for this book believing that "if his full story were told, Pius XII's pontificate would be exonerated." Instead, he emerged from the Vatican archives in a state of "moral shock," concluding that Pacelli displayed anti-Semitic tendencies early on and that his drive to promote papal absolutism inexorably led him to collaboration with fascist leaders. Cornwell convincingly depicts Cardinal Secretary of State Pacelli pursuing Vatican diplomatic goals that crippled Germany's large Catholic political party, which might otherwise have stymied Hitler's worst excesses. The author's condemnation has special force because he portrays the admittedly eccentric Pacelli not as a monster but as a symptom of a historic wrong turn in the Catholic Church. He meticulously builds his case for the painful conclusion that "Pacelli's failure to respond to the enormity of the Holocaust was more than a personal failure, it was a failure of the papal office itself and the prevailing culture of Catholicism."


A few mistakes is understandable but with all of these consistent errors to stop progressive movements and even take steps towards regression show that it is pretty much deliberate to keep the church ideology from evolving to help people.


I believe that's what the kids call getting 'pwn3d'. An organization with such a history should have no place being the beacon that proclaims itself the moral compass and moral leader of the world.

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And let's not even get into the Catholic Church's amazing efforts to promote and spread the global AIDS pandemic, especially in Africa by banning any form of contraceptive.


yeah, what a policy. Catholics must hate black people.


Good lord there's not a green enough color.



How about people stop f***ing so much.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 06:05 PM)
I believe that's what the kids call getting 'pwn3d'.  An organization with such a history should have no place being the beacon that proclaims itself the moral compass and moral leader of the world.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 4, 2006 -> 05:18 PM)
What a great well reasoned, detailed response refuting my points.  You sure showed me.



that's because Camus > LCR...






and camus is a moron.... ask Flasoxxjim

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