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that is okay with me, even though I don't agree.


I wouldn't want either guys and would take a few guys over both of them.


BUT, I find it hard to believe Clayton caused Thomas' struggles.


As far as Valentin. I have to say in all honesty, his throws never really scared me, even though he made some bad ones. It was his inability to catch a routine grounder, I just can't accept that.

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Originally posted by Molto


BUT, I find it hard to believe Clayton caused Thomas' struggles.


Well, I know that if a friend (or in this case a teammate) of mine was porking my ex-wife that that would bother me and maybe, just maybe, that knawing feeling would follow me to work..... especially if I had to look at the guy that was banging my ex at work for 8+ hours a day. But that's just me. Too bad Frank might not have been able to separate his work from what was going on in his life.


P.S. This is the first I heard of K-layton having a relationship with Frank's ex. If it's true, and this is hard to believe, I respect K-layton even less.

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if it was Thomas' wife, yes, that is a problem; but ex-wife?


they are fellow teammates/employees, not brothers, family, or best friends, why the hell should Thomas care?


Thomas is a pretty sensitive if he does. Why would you care what your fellow teammate and EX-wife do?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

ok let me chime in here for a minute....clayton was an asshole and im glad hes gone.. as far as porking an ex wife ... well yeah he did do that a few times while he was here....hell she sat right at the on deck circle for most home games....now knowing frank... and how sensitive he is at times when it comes to his personal life... think of it this way.. if you had to come out, get on deck, and look at your ex whos making your life a miserable hell financially and also have the knowledge that she is currently f***ing the team jackass, i would tend to think it would bother you just a tad bit to have to face that each day... i know i would be mad as hell... espically since some of my money was going to support it...............most of you are way to young, or have never been married and divorced with money attached to it... so thats why you can sit here and say it wouldnt effect you......

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I understand the whole divorce part and I know about money.


and it could very well suck that she was there every game, but off the field stuff stays off the field.


Thomas had a rought couple years, Clayton had nothing to do with.

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Originally posted by Murcielago

What do yall think about getting:


Sterling Hitchcock, or El duque?


Hell no to Hitchcock....and dependant upon what we give up for El Duque, hell no to him too. Hitchcock was once a decent pitcher, but now he is injury prone and bad....El Duque can be a pretty good pitcher and he is lights out in the playoffs, except for against the Angels when he gave up back-to-back homers.


I'd do Liefer and Sanders for El Duque, as I assume the Yankees don't want to add anymore payroll.

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The rumor I hear is that the Sox will keep Aaron Rowand, he will heal, and then have a solid season, both offensively and defensively. Last season, after he took over in center, he improved tremendously on defense. He made some very tough plays look very easy and routine. His arm is fine. On offense, his stats showed significant upside. He'll hit .280 or so with reasonable power, good baserunning, lots of rbi's, and most of all, he is cheap for at least one year. He will get 500 ab's and then the Sox will know what they have.

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Originally posted by Jim Fainter

The rumor I hear is that the Sox will keep Aaron Rowand, he will heal, and then have a solid season, both offensively and defensively.  Last season, after he took over in center, he improved tremendously on defense.  He made some very tough plays look very easy and routine.  His arm is fine.  On offense, his stats showed significant upside.  He'll hit .280 or so with reasonable power, good baserunning, lots of rbi's, and most of all, he is cheap for at least one year.  He will get 500 ab's and then the Sox will know what they have.


Is that a rumor or your hopes and dreams? :D

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Nice post on Rowand but I cringe when I hear "best of all he's cheap."

That's us stooping to the level of Reinsdork.

It's his team. He could pay money if he wanted to.

Instead he won't and we have a mediocre product, which I guess is better than a horses*** product like Mr. Wal-Mart puts on the field for the Royals.


I do sort of like Rowand, though.

His numbers won't be half bad, will they?

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Yes, my earlier comments about Rowand were partly my hopes and dreams. I like the kid. But from what I hear, the brass wants to know just what kind of a ballplayer they have in AR, and the only way they can find out is to play him a lot. With Borchord in the wings (hopefully) for 2004, they need to know what they can expect from Rowand.

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I'm not sure why people are so down on AR. well, not down, but don't see him as a good player.


he may not be the best defensive center fielder, but he works hard and knows his way around the OF.


offensively, he's great, but he has good speed, good hustle and baserunning skills, and knows how to handle the bat. when he goes up there and is willing to bunt on his own accord, that tells me he's a team guy who can actually back it up with good, all-round fundamental play.


I think he needs a full season where he starts before anyone can judge him. give him this season, about 140 games and 500 AB and then we can see what we got. I think he brings a lot of energy and brains to the team.

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