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Boras clients


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I know there is a reason,but i can't remember what it is, so i'll ask? Why do the Sox/Reinsdorf refuse to deal with Boras clients in free agency. I know KW thought Boras used him in the Arod negotiations back when he signed with Texas but that can't be the only reason. I also seem to remember them having difficulty with Boras draft clients but that shouldn't be the be all,end all to not negotiate with his ML level free agents. I was just wondering if there is a specific incident or is it just an accumulation of past dealings where they won't talk to him anymore. I think it's a bad policy on the Sox part even though i can't stand Boras as well. You are taking yourslef out of the hunt for alot of the top players if you refuse to negotiate with him.

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QUOTE(Lemon_44 @ Nov 24, 2007 -> 06:37 PM)
I know there is a reason,but i can't remember what it is, so i'll ask? Why do the Sox/Reinsdorf refuse to deal with Boras clients in free agency. I know KW thought Boras used him in the Arod negotiations back when he signed with Texas but that can't be the only reason. I also seem to remember them having difficulty with Boras draft clients but that shouldn't be the be all,end all to not negotiate with his ML level free agents. I was just wondering if there is a specific incident or is it just an accumulation of past dealings where they won't talk to him anymore. I think it's a bad policy on the Sox part even though i can't stand Boras as well. You are taking yourslef out of the hunt for alot of the top players if you refuse to negotiate with him.


I know Bobby Seay was one of the "loophole" players that were drafted and Boras got declared free agents. Also, Boras just as KW puts it "highly overvalues his clients" compared to the Sox view.


Boras basically has lied to the teams about offers his clients get from other teams and has them bid against themselves ie. Rodriquez in Texas. The GMs cannot discuss whether or not someone did offer the contract because that would be collusion. His bluff was finally called with the latest Rodriguez contract. This is why many teams dislike dealing with him. I believe that KW went so far as to have someone in the organization negotiate the latest Crede deal to avoid arbitration.

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Bobby Seay, Jeff Weaver, and Bobby Hill are an example of three picks that the White Sox had who held out and ended up getting redrafted (in Seay's case there was a loohpole and Boras went around the loophole which enabled Seay to become a FA and he ended up getting a ton of money from the Tampa Bay Devil Rays). Those three picks stewed the White Sox as well as the way Scott Boras slighted the White Sox in the Alex Rodriguez negotiations (when he was a FA with the Mariners).


So between the Sox feeling they weren't treated fairly as well as the way Boras manipulated the system to screw the Sox and other baseball clubs (and get his client Seay more money) there just really is bad taste. It also has something to do with the Sox not considering themselves a big market club who will not outbid players very often (and Boras doesn't buy into taking anything but the best money offer) so in general the Sox and Boras aren't good fits very often.


The Magglio Ordonez situation was also another one that probably added to the Sox dislike of Boras since Boras really prevented the Sox from being able to get the type of medical check out they would have liked.

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He told the Red Sox that someone had offered Damon a longer, greater contract than they had and the Red Sox said, "Sorry, he can go if he wants that length" and he signed with NYY for less years than the Red Sox had been told. Boston loves Boras and his clients but in that case they did the right thing.

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Boras, just by looking into an GM's eyes will hypnotize them and have them do crazy, stupid, things. Best not to ever look, no matter how tantalizing. :ph34r: Even Chuck Norris is afraid of him


Boras has the same view of the relationship between a team and the players as the teams. The relationship is just temporary until something better comes along. There are no loyalties in baseball.


Boras has an incredible winning streak going of getting his guys top dollar for their talents. In that path he has ruined some relationships and the Sox is one of them.

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Boras... good or evil... It all depends on your perspective.


If I was a top player, I would probably want Boras as my agent.


If I was an owner or GM, I would hate to deal with him.


But he always gets the best deal for his clients. Think about it. Even in the A-Rod situation... do you think the Yankees would have offered A-Rod a 10-year extension this year if they hadn't had their hand forced?


I wouldn't be surprised if Boras helped stage the entire thing, including A-Rod reaching out to the team, to help swing the fans and media into A-Rods corner. Who cares if the 'big bad agent' takes a beating? I'm sure he doesn't. Meanwhile, his player locks up a sweet deal, looks like a hero to the fans, and Boras laughs all the way to the bank after collecting his rather substantial fee. (5% of $270M is alot of money.) Conspiracy theory? Only to people who are naive about the way business really works.

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