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Jose Paniagua


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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jan 5, 2016 -> 08:14 PM)
So as I was thinking about random guys the Sox have had over the years and I thought about Jose Paniagua. Has their ever been a player in the history of the franchise (or even the game) to have such a negative opinion associated with him based upon such limited time (in his case, 1/3rd of an inning with an organization)? I mean, people on her still reference him as the worst player to wear a uniform (and he was signed to a minimum deal and only pitched 1/3rd an inning...by the way, deserving so...I will remember watching that game and just being astonished in disbelief (I could tell you where I was when I watched it and who I was with too).



For those that might be too young to remember, below is an article talking a bit about his eventual release and what drove it:



When the question was asked who was our worse player ever this is is the guy that came to my mind

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How do you guys still remember those twins teams? I looked to put it out of my memory early and got some therapy. I dreamt of LEEEEEWWWWWWWWW and a broken record of Hawk repeating how Johan's changeup puts offenses into funks.


Waaaay back in 2003 or 2004 when I used to post on the mlb sox forums some guy made a post about how the Sox were something like 3 and 29 against the Twins in the second half since 2001. Don't quote me on the exact numbers but it was something atrocious.

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QUOTE (mmmmmbeeer @ Jan 5, 2016 -> 02:42 PM)
God I remember that game....awful. I'm one of the dummies who do think that that game started a slide and JM lost some of his team's confidence. I believe not long after is when JM started rookie Neal Cotts in his first MLB start, at Yankee Stadium against a stacked Yankee lineup while Mark Buerhle, whose turn in the rotation it was, watched from the bench. We lost, badly.


And then Buehrle lost the next day against I think an awful Tigers team. Just one of the many "great" decisions by Manager Gandhi (aka Jerry Manuel).


Three other notations about 2003 the Twins and the collapse by the Sox.


Remember the night before that game Twins coach Ron Washington collapsed and had a serious illness situation. The Twins liked him a lot and all said that was part of their motivation.


Take this with a grain of salt because it came from noted Sox hater Justin Morneu but he claimed that in the first game of the do-or die-series in Minnesota a Sox base runner told him, "congratulations on winning the division..." The Sox still had a reasonable chance at that point but again remember who said it.


Finally in the series at home the week before Manager Gandhi decided to start Loaiza in the fourth an final game even through he had strep throat and was really sick. Wasn't the best decision unfortunately.


Ultimately what cost the Sox in 2003 was the lack of a fifth starter, guys like Mike Porzia, Danny Wright, Neal Cotts and Josh Stewart went a combined 4-11.


Kenny wouldn't or couldn't shore up that spot and it cost him and the team dearly.



Edited by Lip Man 1
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