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Everything posted by SoxBlanco

  1. I agree with you completely because that's the case 99% of the time, but in this most recent situation, raBBit was talking as if the deal was done. These were his posts from Thursday night... "It will be interesting to see how Sox plan to release it. I imagine it will leak before they can make good on any plans on it." "I think it's safe that Rosenthal or Heyman wont break it tonight but who knows if some random reports and then some national guy confirms its the wild west." "Maybe Sox twitter scheduled for 11AM? Half serious. If I had to guess, I'd guess tomorrow morning."
  2. šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± šŸ¤„šŸ¤„šŸ¤„
  3. So what can you share? We landing Manny? šŸ˜‰
  4. Well letā€™s give one of them an opportunity to explain... @raBBit, do you think you were fed misinformation about something happening at SoxFest, or do you think something was expected to happen and it just never materialized? EDIT: I should clarify that Iā€™m not sure if you ever said something would get announced at SoxFest, but on Thursday night, you did imply that something was done and your guess was that it would get announced Friday morning.
  5. Could WSD, raBBit, Chiliā€™s source, etc. have been ā€œusedā€ by the Sox to drum up more interest in SoxFest? Or do we think there was actually something brewing that just fell apart or hasnā€™t fully materialized yet?
  6. Without having to go into any detail or reasoning to support your stance, what percent chance do you think the Sox have of signing Manny at this point in time? I said 80% earlier in this thread.
  7. He didnā€™t realize the posts from early in this thread are over a month old.
  8. I still donā€™t think the Padres have joined in now.
  9. Let me get this straight... So people are worried because it sounds like Hahn is doing damage control? Werenā€™t people just saying he was sounding overly optimistic this weekend? I highly doubt something happened last night to make him all of a sudden feel like they werenā€™t getting Manny. The much more rational and logical explanation is that people are overreacting and reading too much into what Hahn is saying. The Padres are not going to swoop in with an offer of $300 million after not being a part of this at the beginning. Two of Mannyā€™s closest friends are here and thereā€™s a damn good chance Manny wants to be here, too. Lozano is simply doing his job because the Sox are being smart by waiting it out and not bidding against themselves. What else did you expect from Lozano? Of course it seems like other teams are entering the mix now. In my mind, we have an 80% chance of landing Manny. Calm down.
  10. Assuming this is fake like most believe, I think the most likely culprit is somebody from this message board.
  11. If the Joc trade gets announced in the next couple days and Laz Rivera is one of the guys we trade, then this guy will start to have some credibility. Heā€™s the only one that has mentioned Laz, right?
  12. Does this mean they will both start the year at AAA?
  13. Yep. And right after that, a story leaks about how the Padres are offering a deal with an opt out after three years.
  14. And the opt outs have to be right. Iā€™m guessing Mannyā€™s side is asking for an opt out after 3 years, and we arenā€™t giving him that. Thatā€™s where the creative clauses come into play.
  15. So San Diego wants a face-to-face meeting before raising their interest level, but now they have made a tempting offer? Good effort, Lozano. Too bad nobody buys it.
  16. And raBBit? Seems pretty clear that something was in the works. It either fell through, or it will get announced in the next couple of days. My guess is that the Joc trade is announced by the end of the day on Wednesday.
  17. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start
  18. I have never once thought we should just move on.
  19. Yep. And thatā€™s why this has been described as very frustrating for Hahn. An thatā€™s also why we shouldnā€™t just offer more to get this done, like some are suggesting.
  20. So if Manny is asking for 8 years and $450 million, youā€™re giving it to him? If your answer is no, then there must be a cap to what you are willing to give right now. And then youā€™d be in a negotiation and you wouldnā€™t want to offer that cap right now. And thatā€™s exactly where Hahn is at.
  21. Isnā€™t that how every negotiation ever goes?
  22. To the people saying we shouldnā€™t screw around and let other teams enter the race, what exactly do you want the Sox to do? Letā€™s say our offer is 8 for $250 right now. If we said, ā€œAlright, letā€™s make it 8 for $275,ā€ do you think he would all of a sudden sign? No way. They would just say thatā€™s not enough and weā€™d be in the same spot now, except with a higher offer, which is exactly what Lozano wants. You have to ask their side what it would take to sign. Iā€™m sure that number is astronomically high, but then you negotiate, which is Iā€™m sure what has been happening. I also think the opt outs are causing a problem right now. Iā€™m guessing Lozano wants one after 3 years and we are refusing to give that.
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