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HOFHurt35 last won the day on December 19 2021

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  1. Well run organizations who want to win, cut dead weight and just take the loss on the accounting ledger.
  2. Daniel Palka, I truly don't give a s%*#. One thing for sure, Eloy isn't on this team next year.
  3. Eloy should just be DFAd. No reason to be taking ABs from anyone at this point
  4. Kyle Hendricks might be the most recent successful comp to Thorpe. But there are not too many that can get away with 90-91 FB
  5. OK, then we're officially the Pittsburgh Pirates and there is no point to following this team until Reinsdsorf sells or dies.
  6. SUCCESSFUL rebuilds don't last 5 years. Anything more than 3 years becomes baseball hell, which is ths Pittsburgh Pirates for last 30 years. The Sox have enough minor league talent with this current reset, that if the owner finally get his head out his ass and spends in free agency, the contending window re-opens in 2026/2027.
  7. 6-7 years to reach sustained success is complete asinine, when rookies only need 6 years of service time to reach free agency So what, all the call ups coming like Montgomery, Thorpe, Schultz will also be gone or on their final arbitration year when they reach this so called window? That would mean there is no sustained success at that point. Extending Crochet is a no brainer. 4 years guaranteed at a fair amount (none of the club option bullshit) is something I'm sure Crochet would consider. Start this contenting window in 2026.
  8. Is it still too early to judge the Chris Sale trade? 🤣
  9. As bad as the Sox are, they are still watchable when our starting pitchers are working. As soon as the pen comes in, shut the TV.
  10. DFA this bum. Baseball stats blow when that clown leaves w 0.00 ERA for his outing.
  11. Offcourse Brieba gives up the inherited runner. Guy sucks ass
  12. Outside of that guy being able to throw a ball 100 mph, there is nothing the surprises me anymore on how every aspect of being pitcher fails him.
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