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Everything posted by gusguyman

  1. Seriously. JB had just talked about how the Stros had hit a HR in 19 straight games, my immediate reaction was "welp, 20 straight"
  2. Twins fans (all MLB fans?) would say the same about Gio though. EDIT: And they'd be wrong of course
  3. Too amped? Looks like Gio is falling off the mound a bit again
  4. If James McCann had successfully laid down a sacrifice bunt tonight, Tilson never would have even had the chance to hit a salami.
  5. Come on Eloy. Too greedy to ask for a grand slam I guess, but I'd settle for a bases clearing double?
  6. 1st and 3rd, nobody out. One of the teams best hitters to date at the plate, it is only the 6th inning, and we are playing a juggernaut of an offense. There is no defending the call for a bunt there.
  7. Wow, it turns out that shutting out a team while allowing over a base-runner per inning isn't sustainable. 😮
  8. I study at the Steve Stone School for Psychics
  9. Is it just me, or does it seem like Moncada throws into the path of the runner quite a bit? Perhaps it is just inexperience, but I feel like I've seen the runner dodging Abreu a bunch this season.
  10. Sorry, you'll have to wait until I publish my tell-all fan fiction: "Mount Jason Erupts: The forbidden love story of Jason Benetti and Sly Steve Stone"
  11. 🙄 So tired of this take. Name 2 players still on the White Sox who have been worth more bWAR than Yolmer since 2017. Spoiler alert: You can't
  12. I hate to speculate on these things.... but in 2014 Verlander was 31 and had seen his average fastball velocity decline steadily for 5 straight years.... Since then, he saw it climb for 3 years back to about his old peak, and has basically maintained it since then. This isn't a failed test or anything, but seeing a guy buck the ageing trend like this is always suspicious.
  13. "Pay off your mortgage, I don't know what to tell you" - Todd Frazier LOL what a killer clap-back
  14. Were those options though? I know WS fans really wanted them to make Robles available, but I thought rumors at the time had them putting both him and Kieboom off limits. Not sure about Soto though. Also, the WS historically have been much better at developing pitchers. Additionally, our future rotation is already a concern because of injuries. Rebuild might be looking grim if the went for position players instead, but didn't get a Soto-esque jackpot.
  15. I like both Bennetti and Stone, but I agree, they bring out the worst in each other. Bennetti really needs a straight man, but I actually think his lack of pro experience is a benefit. He takes no knowledge for granted, which means he probes Stone for great information a lot of the time (IMO), in large part because Stone has an incredible understanding of the game. The moments of JB interviewing Stone to reveal the incredible strategic depth that goes into each pitch is some of the best broadcasting the WS have had in a decade+.
  16. I purposely left the questions a little bit vague, I wanted people to use their own opinions of value, and what makes a trade better. Personally, I am going with which group of players will generate the most WAR for the WS for question 1. I understand betting on the upside of Eloy/Cease, but Moncada has been worth the same WAR as Gio/lopez already. He and Gio both took huge steps forward so far this season, but you have to be pretty down on Kopech to think he doesn't provide enough WAR to make Moncada/Kopech better than Gio/Rey. However, I did pick Gio/Rey as the best trade for the WS because they are already worth more WAR than Eaton, and that gap is only going to grow.
  17. IDK if he can pitch, but that's an 80-grade name
  18. The umps kept the grounds crew off the field for 10-15 minutes more than normal because the game was so close to being official. Those 10 minutes happened to be torrential downpour, so there was significant puddles before the tarp was ever able to be put on.
  19. Especially considering the hit rate on the trades. Moncada was as close as to a sure thing as can be, as the #1 prospect and already at AAA, but the rest had real risks. Gio and Lopez already had MLB time, but both had lost some prospect shine and came with asterisks (Gio especially). For everyone else, there was a lot of pedigree but no one was even at AA yet. Out of the 8 legit prospects we got in return, 5 are already in the MLB, Cease is all but guaranteed to get there and Basabe/Dunning still have outside shots. Those main 6 all still have at least a small chance to be All-stars at some point in their career, and it looks like at least a couple will end up as foundational players. That is 75% of a rebuild right there, and way better conversion on prospects than I expected.
  20. I want to hear the rationale of the one person who thinks Gio & Reylo will be the best players.
  21. I saw a tweet today from the WS about how today is the first time Cease and Eloy have been teammates since the trade. It sent me down a google hole, and I realized that it had been about 2 years since the big 3 white flag trades. Most of the major pieces have either arrived or are one the cusp of hitting the majors (Sorry Basabe fans). As such, it seems like a great time to revisit them and guess which of the 3 trades ends up getting us the most, and which ends up the best for us. I compiled the stats of all the players below to make it a bit easier. IMO, the Sale trade will produce the most for us (I love Eloy, but I really think he is a DH which limits his impact). However, Sale put up a couple amazing seasons for Boston, so I think the Eaton trade may end up being the most lopsided for us. What do ya'll think? (ALSO: Yes, the Shields trade sucked, not the topic here though. Don't be the asshole who derails this with a Hahn rant, we already have threads for that.)
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