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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by Vulture

  1. He got mvp votes in multiple seasons he led the league with massive amoun of walks but hit .250-.270 with zero power. Just because no one was citing obp didn’t mean they didn’t know walking 140 times had value. The suggestion is actually ludicrous if you think about. No one noticed getting on base resulted in runs? Rrriiight
  2. Except it didnt in actuality. For example: https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/s/stanked01.shtml
  3. That was a perfect example of grandal unable to get in position to block a pitch due to catching on one knee, putting two runners in scoring position
  4. I generally agree but if he’s going to play 70% of the time, at least include the matchups that actually make sense
  5. Yeah. The few times where it seems Leury should be in the lineup are when he’s inevitably on the bench
  6. Leury 4 for 9 against Happ so of course that’s the game he’s benched
  7. Probably TLR prefers the better hitter directly in front of anderson. Same reason Madrigal was batting ninth
  8. Except you still haven’t provided the chemical composition. They’re just circularly referring back to the claim without further support. e.g. “We’re assuming the “five to fifteen” figure is basically correct for purposes of this post (and I have no reason to doubt that it is).” None the less the author goes on to posit simply moving the ninth hitter to cleanup alone would cost 16 runs over course of season
  9. You were demanding a source, but you don’t want to provide actual source for your own claim. Why didn’t you tell yourself to google the shit yourself in the first place then?
  10. Or imagine Anderson/Mercedes at 8-9. That’s going to cost a hell of a lot more than ten runs I don’t see where he proves the claim in your link
  11. Where’s your source? That just seems nonsensical when for example a 4-5 hitter is going to bat with 25-30% more runners on base than a 9-1 hitter, while a 1 hitter is going to get an extra PA over a nine hitter 90% of the time
  12. How so? His OPS is .620. Collins was at .950 at AAA. how is that quite similar to .620
  13. Throwing isn’t the only thing a catcher needs to be mobile for; preventing passed balls and wild pitches and fielding your position, for example. Seems a little more important than trying to trick an ump but maybe I’m old fashioned
  14. According to war he was He got benched two postseasons in a row because he couldn’t be trusted to get the job done behind the plate
  15. I’m not sure how this is even controversial. Catchers shouldn’t be taking a knee with runners on base in particular. Note the distinct lack of taking a knee:
  16. I watch the games? I guess I don’t know what you mean. He takes a knee on practically every pitch
  17. There is the case of the dodgers playing Barnes over grandal in ‘17-18 postseasons
  18. No but good catchers don’t do it
  19. I meant I don’t remember Collins doing that before. Grandal has always taken a knee. Nice rant though
  20. Only problem is grandal has apparently had the influence on him of taking a knee while receiving pitches. All that does is decrease mobility reducing ability to block pitches and increasing spring time. Pure laziness with literally no advantage. I don’t remember him doing that at the beginning of the season
  21. Science relies on repeatable results. If the results are increased susceptibility to injury then what does the science tell you. Just because something is new doesn’t make it good science
  22. Thalidomide and DDT came from research too
  23. I think he meant to type Oktoberfest
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