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Everything posted by sec159row2

  1. QUOTE(mreye @ May 5, 2005 -> 07:20 AM) That's the way it should be. With the attention on Ozzie, the pressure stays off the team. It's a tactic many NCAA coaches use going into the tournament. Bob Knight is a genius at it. I mentioned before that ozzie was dumb as a fox... and I had Mr.Knight in mind... I don't know if I posted the comparison to Mr. Knight, but it seemed to happen every year in march ( back when IU made the tourney ) Mr. Knight would talk about his "gameface" or whip Calbert Cheney or whatever it took to get the media talking about Mr. Knight and not talk about what the players were doing on the court... win..win..win..win..win..win..win
  2. kruk just wanted to start this now so in august when the sox still have the best record in baseball he'll look like a genious... "I've been saying this since may 2nd"...
  3. here are the posts and past proformances http://www.drf.com/tc/kentuckyderby/2005/05kyderby.pdf
  4. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ May 4, 2005 -> 04:48 PM) Is "speach" the same thing as "speech"? They know it when they see it? What the f*** kind of definition is that? It is just this kind of totally subjective bulls*** that keeps the PC movement happy. "Edwards argued bawdy performances are a distraction for students resulting in pregnancies, dropouts and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases." Wow, who knew it was cheerleading that was the cause of teens getting STDs and getting pregnant. I thought it was the puritanic self-loathing of our bodies and its desires that stopped a truly comprehensive sex ed course from being introduced into schools to educate kids about all the possibilities when engaging in sexual behavior (benefits, risks and ways to protect self if going to do such activities) woa big fella... I just found it amusing that legislatures would have the time to spend on things like this.... puritanic self-loathing of our bodies ..????.... umm... I didn't look that deep into it.... sorry... and .. i don't spell so good neither....
  5. http://cnn.netscape.cnn.com/ns/news/story....=20050223WIE12D violating these poor girls right to free speach
  6. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 4, 2005 -> 11:28 AM) In case you somehow missed the other thread...last night John Kruk on Baseball tonight went off on a rant about how only 12,000 or so White Sox fans showed up in 40 degree windy weather to beat the last place team in our division. Well...I have a rant against Kruk in response. I watched the 40 minute Baseball tonight last night, and by the end of the show, I was literally screaming at the TV because of how badly our team was being screwed over in terms of coverage. I've got a bundle of examples of them doing this, so bear with me. First, one of their "Themes" of the night was poor baserunning. In this vein...they took the liberty to show the 1st-inning Royals double play, where both Everett and Iguchi were thrown out on the basepaths, at least 2 to 3 times - a couple while talking about baserunning, and a repeat when they showed the Sox highlights. Secondly...the White Sox hit 2 home runs in that game. KC hit 3, 2 by Sweeney. The Sox won the game. So what highlights did they choose to show when they showed the game highlights? Not any of the Sox home runs...they showed the first shot by Sweeney, and Everett's double. There was not a mention of ARow's shot, nor was there a mention of Iguchi's first home run in the US. It gets worse. At the end of the show...they run through highlights of some of the bigger home runs of the day. Guess who's shot they showed? Guess who's they didn't? They replayed the Sweeney home run, and ignored ARow and Iguchi again. In their web gems segment...those 2 early plays by Mark Buehrle got no credit. They also weren't shown in any of the highlight reels. I thought that at least 1 of them should have been noticed. And here's the one that really infuriated me. At the end of the show, they gave some air time to the people they thought were their players of the day. Their offensive one? Craig Wilson of the Pirates. What did Wilson do? He went 4 for 4, with 1 home run, 2 rbi's and 1 run scored. In case you don't remember, a guy named Tadahito Iguchi went 4 for 4, with 1 home run (his first in the USA), 2 rbi's, and 2 runs scored. And once again, he was completely glossed over...despite having what I think are better numbers than Wilson. John Kruk wants to lecture the White Sox fans about how they aren't coming out to the ballgame in 40 degree weather against the Royals. But on the same token, it's hard for me to even believe that they had anybody even watching the game. They didn't mention Dye, they didn't mention ARow, they didn't show any of those plays by Buehrle, and most annoyingly, they hardly noticed the great day had by Iguchi. If baseball tonight thinks they can lecture White Sox fans about not coming out to the park in crappy conditions, maybe they could take a second to actually acknowledge the better parts of the game, or at least pretend that they had really watched it. breathe.... short deep breaths...
  7. sec159row2

    gas prices

    QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 4, 2005 -> 10:14 AM) On a sidenote....The US NEEDS TO BUILD MORE REFINERIES. The damn environmentalist need to step aside and at least let us build one new refinery if not two or three. The biggest reason for these high prices are the fact that the US is already at capacity when it comes to producing the gas. in a way there is no reason for governments to push more refineries... 'cause gas is taxed so much the gov'ment benefits from higher gas prices...
  8. QUOTE(YASNY @ May 4, 2005 -> 09:25 AM) You've got to do better than that should I leave her home all the time ???
  9. sec159row2

    gas prices

    is it possible to post low gas prices??? whould people drive to save $$ or would they lose the difference in travel.. like kramer and neuman trying to turn in bottles in michigan ... anywho... 137th and cicero.. delta sonic $2.09 with wash... $2.19 without wash... anyone see lower???
  10. 4-4 cle W 1-0 4-15 sea W 6-4 4-16 sea W 2-1 4-17 sea L 4-5 4-19 Min W 3-1 5-1 Det W 8-0 all with my one -yr old, except fri night 4-15.. the wife came april 17 but she also came 4-19 and 5-1...
  11. sec159row2


    QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 4, 2005 -> 08:44 AM) Thank God the South Shore has bathrooms is that what goes on in those bathrooms???
  12. http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=1...efer=news_index
  13. the following are the lyrics to "My Old Kentucky Home" I actually learned a little while I was searching for this... I've always known the lyrics to be "inappropriate" or politically incorrect... it was written in 1853. What I didn't know was Stephen Foster was a staunch abolishinist (sp?). 1853 was a tricky time in Kentucky 'cause they were considered a "border state", but they did have slavery... ??? Also, My Old Kentucky Home still stands, the state bought it and made it a museum of sorts, the land is known as Federal Hill. And the state park is called "My Old Kentucky Home State Park. I learned that the slaves that lived here were very skilled. They built the house (and it still stands!!!) ran a saw mill, farmed the fields, sewed clothes and made their own shoes, among other things. The owners of the plantation and the slaves were very gracious and the slaves lived relatively well ( as well as a slave could live, I guess). One of the later owners fathered a child with one of the house maids. To this day the african-american decendants hold a family reunion at federal hill, their white cousins haven't quite embraced the event yet, but feelings are softening... wow pretty cool stuff... all I wanted was the lyrics and I end up learning something... what a concept... the lyrics... there will be a test friday night.. Oh, the sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home, 'Tis summer, the darkies are gay. The corn top's ripe and the meadows in the bloom, While the birds make music all the day. The young folks roll on the little cabin floor, All merry, all happy and bright: By'n by the Hard Times come a knocking at the door. Then my old Kentucky home, goodnight! Chorus: Weep no more, my lady, Oh, weep no more today! We will sing one song for the old Kentucky home, For the old Kentucky home, far away. They hunt no more for the possum and the coon, On the meadow, the hill and the shore, They sing no more by the glimmer of the moon, On the bench by the old cabin door. The day goes by like a shadow o'er the heart, With sorrow, where all was delight: The time has come when the darkies have to part, Then my old Kentucky home, good night! Chorus: The head must bow and the back will have to bend, Wherever the darkey may go: A few more days, and the trouble all will end, In the field where the sugarcanes grow. A few more days for to tote the weary load, No matter, 'twill never be light, A few more days till we totter on the road, Then my old Kentucky home good night! Chorus:
  14. Posts are drawn wednesday afternoon... I'll have my pick ready by friday morning... as always I also try to pick a horse to show.. derby payouts are usually pretty good ..with the longer shots coming in ... but who knows.. ??? .. that's why they run the race.... stock up on the Early Times and mint sprigs and get ready to sing "My Ole Kentucky Home"..... http://www.kentuckyderby.com/2005/
  15. when will it end??? http://apnews.myway.com/article/20050503/D89RMI981.html
  16. wonder what he said to the waitress???? sounds like she didn't appreciate it and called "vito"
  17. I heard ADD drugs are used... helps 'em stay focused...
  18. QUOTE(Steff @ May 2, 2005 -> 10:23 AM) Darn.. no witty "c***" acronym... :rolly and knowing is half the battle....
  19. QUOTE(Steff @ May 2, 2005 -> 10:05 AM) So now my opinion is pointless..??? this is different from when????
  20. Can't Understand Normal Thinking
  21. on friday mac was telling people to call some advertising guy with AM1000... cause the guys at john chico's menswear have such great traffic from their am1000 ads... would you be pushing a station you're leaving???? personnally I found Mac/jurko/harry because I would be listening to the sox game at night... and the car radio station would still be on am1000 after work the next day... I started listening... and liked it... I not sure what I'll do if the sox move to the score...
  22. sec159row2

    Cousins Wed....

    if she's not good enough for her own family ... she's not good enough for our family... or however that joke goes... something about a hillbilly virgin...
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