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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by redandwhite

  1. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Feb 12, 2007 -> 01:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Quite frankly the dumbest post I have ever seen on this website considering you are a patriots fan, and should know the worst team in Super Bowl history for now until eternity will always be that s***ty team with the lame ass patriot on the helmet. One of the reasons I posted it. A Patriots team that I wasn't alive to see.
  2. QUOTE(shipps @ Feb 12, 2007 -> 12:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Anything more than 2% seems like it would be breast milk. I heard you were a fan of lactating females, no?
  3. Haha, relax. Don't forget to change your tampon, Soxtalk. PM to RockRaines that couldn't be sent because of being blocked: I was joking around in the Bears thread. I didn't like all this agreeing we'd had of late.
  4. In my opinion, you're better off picking up a Men's Health whenever you're finding trouble within your routine. Alot of the material is recycled from month to month, which makes sense, because afterall: What new things can you say about weight training, nutrition, etc. on a monthly basis? I used to be subscriber for the reasons Rock listed, and if you have the funds, I don't see a problem with being one. However, you're just as better off finding a good message board to attend. I learned twice as much, got to ask questions about things I didn't understand, etc. and it's free. If you want a good message board, PM me. You'll be much happier at the one I'm at than your typical bodybuilding.com
  5. They were one of the worst Super Bowl teams in the history of the event. No other team has come out and been as embarrassing as this years Bears team since the '85 Patriots. It's been discussed that nearly all teams that made the AFC Playoffs would have been beaten the Bears; outside of Kansas City, I might agree. The Bears are who I thought they were. A team that was successful in the worst division in the league and also the worst conference in the league.
  6. That was a huge win for Boston College. Dudley and Rice are proving that they can compete with anybody. Tyrelle Blair showed flashes of brilliance defensively, and it was obviously a nice story for the hometown kid who had given 50+ tickets to family and friends to hit the game winner.
  7. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Feb 11, 2007 -> 01:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> you better get 4 pounds of jerky Nope. Just your normal sized bag.
  8. The C-Store here at IU sells beef jerky for $9 dollars. Think about that for a second.
  9. Orange juice and all juices for that matter are overrated. They are so high in sugar that I'd really only have some if it were apart of a cheat meal or perhaps used in a mixed drink. Eat apples and oranges, don't drink apple or orange juice.
  10. Perhaps I'm not the anti-christ afterall...
  11. QUOTE(AssHatSoxFan @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 06:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> are you sure about all-natural peanut butter? most PB doesnt have trans fats and there really isnt significant difference in two as a whole that makes all-natural that much better, at least as far as I can tell, but you may know more than me Positive. All natural peanut butter, the kind that is best for you has only "peanuts, salt" listed on the ingredients. Skippy for instance uses a special oil to create the non-seperated texture that it has and also adds sugar (High Fructose Corn Syrup) to improve the taste. I pretty much avoid it like the plague. Ha.. but then again outside of drinking alcohol i'm rather cautious of what I consume.
  12. This could be the finished for Bobby Knight and the Red Raiders. If they don't do something miraculous, they'll join Illinois in the NIT.
  13. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 06:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was just messin with ya dude. Great article though. As was I. I agree with the article, really well written for something done on nbadraft.net - I didn't think that site was as respected as this article makes them seem. My favorite part:
  14. QUOTE(Jimbo @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 06:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Red and White is correct, Illinois is looking at nothing but gray skies for quite awhile. You're a homer! /rollseyes
  15. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> A few tips I've heard from people who have had success. One way to eat smaller portions is to eat really slow. I read somewhere that it takes about 15 minutes for your stomach to send the signal to the brain letting it know that it's full. Most people eat way too much food in those 15 minutes and then the signal gets to their brain and they feel REALY full beacuse they've over eaten. Have you ever been to a restaurant and it took forever for your entree to arrive? In the meantime, you've had a soup, salad, water and bread. Don't you sometimes feel like at that point you don't even need the entree any more? That's because you've allowed enough time for your body to realize it's had enough food. You'd be surprised how little food you can get by on. Ask for a 'to go' container before you're entree arrives. As soon as you get the entree, divide your meal in half. Most people eat as much as they can and IF anything is left, they take it home with them. Good money saver too.
  16. QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 06:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah im sure most recruits are really turned off when a team loses a close one on the road? Please Illinois and Indiana are basically at the exact same place in terms of the Big 10. In the past few years Illinois has dominated the Big 10, one bad year does not make a life time. If I was a recruit I would be going to OSU or Wisconsin anyways. Of course, I'm moreso talking about the parents seeing the coach trying to sell them on U of I b**** and moan like a four year old. Haha. Of course you'd go to wisco.
  17. QUOTE(illinilaw08 @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 3) They didn't show Weber go through the line, so I can't say whether he shook hands or not, but I will say this, I don't blame him if he didn't. While not being the classiest act, Sampson's failure to update Weber on the Gordon situation has serious reprecussions on Bruce Weber and his job security since he was unable to find an adequate replacement for Gordon that late in the recruiting process. Weber's recruiting failures are well documented and Sampson did something with the potential to undermine his job security. If someone did something like that to anyone on this board in their office, I doubt they would embrace that person. I was at the game, I watched his every move. Section K, row 36, Seat 8. He didn't shake the players hands.
  18. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 06:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Which is the rule, no? Again, wasn't very close to 5 seconds. It doesn't matter. It shouldn't have even been close. Period.
  19. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 06:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm sorry, but you obviously were paying attention to the game. It was no where near ten seconds, or five seconds for that matter. And it actually bothers you though? Obsessed much? It was over five seconds. The only debate Illinois fans can make is that DJ wasn't closely guarding him for five consecutive seconds. It doesn't bother me at all. He's only embarrassing himself. If I was a recruit and traveled with the team as many youngsters do, I'd be completely turned off by Weber's performance today and against IU in general in the last six months.
  20. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 05:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For the record, Weber did shake the players and coaches hands... For the record, I was at the game and I watched him. He did that quick childish hand shake with his eyes looking at the floor with Sampson and then ran off the floor. He didn't make contact with one IU player.
  21. When somebody approaches me saying that they need to lose weight, I always start by saying that resistance training is your friend. A lot of people avoid it like the plague, simply because they won't "lose" weight like they would if they simply did cardio. The fact is muscle burns more calories than fat. If you're doing cardiovascular exercise on top of weight training, you're going to end up not only being in the best health you can be, but you're also going to end up looking better than you would if you didn't perform resistance training. As far as your diet goes... As SoxFan1 said, you should up your water intake ten fold. Perhaps it's easy for me to say because I've been interested in weight training/becoming the best athlete I can be for a long time, but I drink anywhere from 1 to 3 gallons of water per day. I recommend you drink at least a gallon, three might be a little excessive for your needs. I don't agree with not eating after 7 PM though. On a normal 9-5 job, if you're going to eat dinner at 6, you would be putting your body in starvation mode for over 12 hours. That's not what you're going to want to do, whether you have the goals I have or the goals you have. I'm not saying you should eat something big, but a glass of skim milk with some celery and 100% natural peanut butter would be a good option. Balta also gave some good advice. Let me see here. 1. V8 is so high in sodium it's really one of the most overrated health foods on the market. In a similar manner, so are Nutrigrain bars. While they may offer some whole grains, it's mostly enriched wheat, which means its no better than the food colored wheat breads at your nearest Subway. Also, Nutrigrain's main source of sugar isn't the natural sugar that is offered when consuming fruit, it's all High Fructose Corn Syrup. Pretty much the one thing you want to avoid. Both of you are better off eating more fruits and vegetables, not only because they are more healthy, but because you can more of them, get more filled up, while giving your body essential vitamins that you wouldn't recieve by going with the store bought processed crap. 2. Naturally, somebody who is interested in losing weight should eat less food: "You are what you eat" "Calories in versus calories out" However, you don't need to eat an apple at noon and then feel like you're going to die of starvation for the rest of the day. Eat less, yes. Eat right, yes. But don't kill yourself. For example, if I were trying to lose weight, I'd begin my day with a bowl Kashi Go Lean Crunch with skim milk. Then have a non-store bought chicken breast sandwhich on 100% wheat bread (make sure the bread is truly 100%. Some key things to avoid are the words "High Fructose Corn Syrup" and "Enriched" in the ingredient list. Avoid these whole wheats just as you would normal white bread) with a salad w/ non-fat dressing. Then a couple hours later I'd have that apple that Balta talked about so that I could hold my self over until dinner. For dinner I'd have some combination of lean steak/lean ground beef/lean pork/chicken breast with alot of vegetables and a carb source of either 100% whole grain bread (as discussed earlier), a sweet potato, or brown rice. Then at 9 or so, an hour or two before going to bed I'd have that celery/pb meal I mentioned at the beginning. Of course you're going to crave other things, so why not endulge a little bit and have a cheat meal every saturday or sunday, you pick a day. Some other tips. When you said Peanut Butter, I'm assuming that you meant your skippy or jif or what not. Those are two of the worst things you can consume. It's high in the bad sugars I talked about, it's high in trans/saturated fats. It might take some getting used to but 100% natural peanut butter is as good as it gets as time goes on. Add that to some sugar free jelly and you've got a real nice snack as well. Another thing.. if you can't quite get the grip of skim milk. Do what you are supposed to do with babies. Drink half 2% and half skim and gradually adapt your taste buds to where skim milk tastes like the normal milk you've drank all of your life. I'm sure I forgot some things so I'll be sure to chime in here later.
  22. QUOTE(whitesoxfan99 @ Feb 10, 2007 -> 05:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Were they great play calls, probably not So then we agree. I guess you're tied with me for being the biggest homer on Soxtalk. Good talk, I'll see you out there.
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