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Everything posted by bmags

  1. That speech was everything he needed.
  2. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 02:09 AM) Written by professional speech writers. well, yeah. here we go.
  3. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 01:56 AM) Dick Durbin on to introduce Barack. Obama on soon. Should be interesting. Anyone catch Richardson? I missed it. You missed my favorite line yet. "While John McCain is spending hundreds of dollars on shoes, we can't afford to pay for his flip flops"
  4. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 02:43 AM) Barney Smith with a great line. it worked so well because he was so intense and nervous-looking, then he unleashes this great line and it was just super effective. Shame the networks didn't cover it.
  5. I liked all the common people's speeches. They were funny.
  6. I don't believe these polls much.. BUt man, if they Repub's actually think seeing Bush and McCain on Monday will help...well, hehe.
  7. John Kerry's speech was excellent and way better than the analysts talking about made up riffs that was covered were.
  8. I relistened to that. I can see it in the drums.
  9. boy I didn't realize that was it's path. Please, please weaken.
  10. that photo is like an everlasting gobstopper for the democrats.
  11. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 11:54 PM) They want big numbers for McCain's speech LOL, have they seen McCain speak? My friends
  12. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 28, 2008 -> 12:34 AM) And with every attack will be followup with clips of his gushing praise and respect for McCain. Which is the real Joe Biden? Would Joe say anything to get elected? Even lie? So is he lying now, or then? He'll talk about the man's policies, not the man.
  13. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 07:30 PM) I would agree that the stuff Ayers group did isn't nearly the same as modern terrorism, but it's still inexcuseable and awful and he still hasn't apologized for it. Alright so here's my last point. And this isn't intended as a "but your guy does it, too", but more of an explanation in why I don't think it matters. G. Gordon Liddy is friends with McCain. He took part in one of the darkest moments in White House history with ruthless abandon. To my knowledge from when I last heard him mention it, he hasn't apologized. Now he's an active participant in the political process as a radio host and commentator since he's calmed down from his craziness of the early-mid 90s. John McCain is friends with G. Gordon Liddy. Should I assume that John McCain then supports political corruption (aside from the Keating 5)? Does his friendship with Liddy raise questions to his judgment? Now, again, I don't think so, but I don't think so with Ayers too. John McCain was in Vietnam when this all happened, and probably gained his friendship with him after he became a million-selling author and political pundit. It certainly draws parallels between the two.
  14. I think there are a lot of people contributing a lot to America that don't regret their rebellious in the face of some of the ridiculous activities of our government in the late 60s and early to mid seventies. They were bad american terrorists, they killed themselves, they didn't kill anyone else, they were self-righteous punks by all accounts. But years later he's a respected professor whose done wonderful things to help impoverished kids in an awful school system.
  15. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 05:50 PM) McCain should have just completely ignored the ad, and let people decide what they think of the ad and what is the truth. And if you are right about the clips in the video, than that is just stupid work by the people who made it. I was assuming the Obama people were upset over what was in the video, where they'd have no point in court to argue it, so my bad. No I was going to post what AHB posted, besides fox who "accidentally" broadcasted it, there is legal questions on that commercial, one is the use of footage and another I believe is something about its donors. I think it's going to the FEC. Stupid ad though. I don't think we can compare 60s terrorism of radical youth groups during the Vietnam war to todays radical Islamic terror. I mean, Obama ran against Bobby Rush in 2000, does that mean he's against the radical groups like the black panthers? Not really, it just doesn't matter. Ayers is now a key person in effective ways of reaching inner city schools. He's helping America. He's said those comments were distorted. That committee was to again, help kids in inner city schools. How terrorist, how rogue, how stupid.
  16. Someone mentioned my biggest thing. Him being so scared of contact during DPs that has resulted in some mistakes is just wimpy to me. THis is the white sox not the... I don't even know
  17. My friend is a hardcore hillary supporter, and I think from his point of view, he needed the closure, and he needed the reassertion of why he supported her in the first place and why he should vote for Obama. So in that regards, to us, two obama supporters and a conservative, the speech might have not been as pro-obama as we'd expect (not me I thought it was fine), but to the people it was aimed at pushing towards Obama, I think it was very effective.
  18. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 05:36 PM) Obama treats the Muslim claim like it's acid because it's thrown at him with the intention of being acid. You can throw it back as acid if you embrace it like I've only seen him do once. Assert that you are a Christian, but recognize that it shouldn't matter what his relgion is. We have freedom of religion in this country and recognize the hardworking Muslim population instead of the way he's done it, especially moving people from behind him with headdresses, give me a break.
  19. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 05:31 PM) :notworthy Was i reading too much into the "radical Islamic government" comment? Or is there a subtext there? I think so, considering who actually runs Iran they are a radical Islamic government. I don't think we should be over there talking to Ayatollah, but from what we hear about the relative liberal culture of Iran's people, I don't think talking to their democratically elected leader with no preconditions is a bad thing or stupid thing. Iran is there, it's a threat to or allies, I understand the reasoning behind not recognizing them as legitimate, but I don't think it has worked. Nor do I think talking to them opens us up to weaknesses.
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 05:28 PM) Not an exact parallel, but I've found it quite interesting how little coverage there has been of the Republican Congressman the Dems had speaking on Monday who endorsed Obama. I was really frustrated by coverage of that speech. People basically lambasted it as being boring and the pundits were like "why is this on" (like their talking is oh, so interesting) when Leach had a very academic speech about the qualities and contributions of both parties. It hit the theme of unity and transcendent politics that Obama would want, but because the guy talks like kermit the frog he was made fun of as boring. What a joke.
  21. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 05:14 PM) I'm not the stupid one for a change. SWEET! hehehe 2 MAJOR problems with the ad other than the obvious out of context stuff: 1) As was pointed out to John McCain, Ahmadinejad is NOT the leader of Iran. In fact, he hold very little power. 2) It says "radical Islamic government". Does that mean McCain wants to declare war on Muslims? Why would you bring that up? I am probably over analyzing on #2, but it brings up an interesting topic of discussion. In America, Muslim = bad, even if they are good people. Muslim = you are going to blow me up. So, to play to that fear is disgusting. I think #2 is important to me. In America, our Muslim population has been very hardworking and has gotten themselves relatively ahead. In Europe, they are among the poorest population, and isolated with terrible schooling and completely marginalized. The result is they've opened themselves up, as radicalization takes place so they can feel power in something. We cannot marginalize productive, patriotic Muslims in this country. Obama has to stop treating the Muslim claim like it's acid. Conversely, McCain's repeated talk about how mid-east countries are averse to our "Judeo-Christian" values is seen as setting up a religious war to uneducated peoples. Was this country founded on Judeo-Christian principles, yes. Is that the reason we are facing threats from radical muslim extremists? A small part. But if you push that to the front it is a dangerous precedent. This country has come too far to villify our own Americans, and immediately after 9/11 I think we did a good job of embracing our Muslim population. Do not perceive this as me advocating teaching the Q'uran in public schools or backing down at stuff like that, more that we should be careful about our language. Muslim has become such a dirty word, if people begin attributing the radicals of terrorist groups to hard working Americans we are creating problems at home we don't need and can easily be prevented.
  22. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 05:20 PM) Nope. Because it's not over yet. CNN had a body language expert to show that Hillary wasn't really supporting Obama, lol.
  23. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 27, 2008 -> 01:08 AM) This does a couple of things - it gets the media to say SEE, I TOLD YOU THEY'RE UNITED, and two, it keeps the b****ing off the table. Let's see what happens, but I think the news here is that there is news about this - meaning, they're trying to put on the best front possible and get the media to sing cumbayah for the Dems. can you admit you were wrong on your media prediction?
  24. I was going to say I don't hear the Arcade Fire in them, I suppose maybe in another band that uses a lot of instruments? I guess but, yeah, replacements pogues, clash-sure, (i hear a little GBV too)
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